I knew my bussypost would be ignored when you saw I wasn't lying and don't have a micropeen. /u/eva_unit_hung right once again!

21  2018-03-08 by eva_unit_hung

u know how u can find it, this post is more for me to lol at how predictable most of you are

edit: i'm banned for 3 days, reason given was


/u/kippot maybe i'll send you the video

and i told you in discord I manscape da junk, but yeah I've always had a pretty smooth chest, and it's partially concave

the whole screenshot has the same blur on it, just lighting and the swaying muh dick was doing just makes it look moreso

and yeah I forgot to flex, I know all too well that I'm putting on more bellyweight faster than ever after being one of those guys who has abs all the time growing up just from being thin and laffin' lots

like i've said I moved recently and my back and shoulders and shit are still kinda sore from lifting and shimmying furniture so I've been loafting on my push-ups/sit-ups

yes, I know I should be lifting heavy weights too, I'm just kinda laaaazy and I need to get a new gym membership here still

okay see you fucks in 3 days


for my boys /u/kippot and /u/HodorTheDoorHolder



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sorry snappy /r/drama says I'm a quadroon

You don't know what bussy is

I was pretty dissapointed tbh.

I was hoping u either had some sort of monster dong or micropeen, but you're kinda just average. Maybe slightly above/below, IDK, u didn't have a ruler next to ur dick and unfortunately my qualifications don't include a degree in bussy.

notice the complete lack of body hair and pudgy frame, suffers from severely low-t

also dick is blurry af, im not completely convinced

Of course eva is a fucking soy boi.

Where is it? I didn’t see it. No, this isn’t a small dick joke.

Jesus Christ please tell an adult/handler about your online activities

This is hard to watch you tangled pile of pool noodles

He slowly becoming Chris-Chan

incel manlet cant even manage to link the pic in his post

oh and rotating it was too hard

dick looks blurry, somethings off

Eva you know this is the first step on being """"ironically"""" gay right? By this time next year you will be thinking "are traps really gay?"

Eva sent me this on PM:

Message Tittle Nah i was doing unironically gay thingals to be funny for years already.


traps are still gay as fuck though

i'm very secure in muh heterosexuality

Im calling it now, twink catboy crossdreasing GF(male) in two years time.

Two weeks time he'll "ironically" be posting his bunghole to gay subs cus "kek" guys I'm so secure!