/r/LivestreamFail mod comes out as actually retarded

152  2018-03-08 by ThumYorky


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This but unironically

Came here to say this

I too want scary things to be censored.

Good Lord. Instead of condescending over generalization, how about an actual counterpoint? Why are people so mean and rude.

You're on r/drama, my friend.

/>being on drama

/>not recognizing what my username alludes to

Newfags get out RRRRREEEEE!

Le counterpoint me!

wouldnt think he was such a dickhead if he didnt double back and lock the thread

Pretty much. He’s not wrong basically - iirc /r/livestreamfail is pretty influential now largely because it’s lightly-modded, unlike its predecessor sub /r/livestreamfails.

The sub has been retarded forever. They were out the closet years ago.

When will cops be executed for busting in innocent people's homes and shooting them death and raping their dogs?

this but unironically

he's right lmao, swatting is entertaining (when it doesn't happen to me.) Why would content that is entertaining be banned from a sub that's for entertainment primarily?

It can lead to serious harm and death.

moralizing in MY drama? I've heard keeping yourself safe can also lead to death.

moralizing in MY drama?

Who the fuck are you?

inb4 it turns out it's the alt of whoever is the head mod of this shithole and you get banned.

Dude comedicsans and snally are the two top mods here more or less.

/u/Nasafyn sounds about as retarded as /u/AnnArchist

Thanks for comparing me to the most /r/drama drama mod.

Now, now there's no need to grandstand, cosmickeys. None of us have forgotten who you are.

I thought we were supposed to do the brigading.

Or maybe /r/drama users really like their twitch streamers? who would 've thunk!

Aren't most streamers white


You are saying it like it's a bad thing.

Is it a fail when something is deliberately sabotaged?

If it isn't a fail the community would downvote the offending posts into oblivion, right? And if they're not downvoted but instead garner thousands of votes, then the community has already spoken.

it's a bad argument since lots of content gets upvoted in communities that should be moderated out.

if a community that says "no memes" but someone posts a current funny appropriate meme, it will get upvoted because people are entertained.

it would be the responsibility of moderation to apply RULES.

granted i think rules and mods are fucking lame, but at the end of the day that is the basis for having subs with specific content, and moderators to keep that shit upheld.

it's a bad argument since lots of content gets upvoted in communities that should be moderated out.

Since I don't frequent twitch or livestreamfail I was guessing swatting content would get a decent amount of upvotes. But your comment confirmed it, which leads me to:

it would be the responsibility of moderation to enforce RULES and the spirit of the sub.

Which they clearly did. As a matter of fact, both the moderators and the community express interest in these streams. The community by upvoting it, and the moderators by allowing them in the first place.

As always,it seems to me a loud minority is complaining w/ some prodding from /r/all. Which i'm sure is good for drama, but it's still retarded.

i'm not confirming anything except human nature. most reddit users don't sit around like fucking herbs, cross referencing every piece of content, and rules of the sub, before upvoting and downvoting.

Which they clearly did.

the question to you, and to them, is that it's not really a "fail" when someone is deliberately sabotaging a stream, by breaking the law, and putting people at risk. it's glorifying it.

they're questioning the mod, who is a giant pussy ass bitch.

i'm not confirming anything except human nature. most reddit users don't sit around like fucking herbs, cross referencing every piece of content, and rules of the sub, before upvoting and downvoting.

That's why I guessed swatting content would be popular, but that doesn't mean your confirmation doesn't lend credence to my point.

the question to you, and to them, is that it's not really a "fail" when someone is deliberately sabotaging a stream

now we're down to arguing semantics, i'm sure some of the content is also hammed up and faked. should that be banned as well? all of it or only streamers that do it regularly? but i digress, swatting is definitely a failure on the part of 1. the original caller 2. the police for responding by far too aggressively.

they're questioning the mod, who is a giant pussy ass bitch.

i'll reiterate your earlier comment

it would be the responsibility of moderation to enforce RULES and the spirit of the sub.

In his case, the smart thing is to shut down all discussion and reddit will have forgotten all about it in 2 days.

Deliberately obtuse.

I do try.

I get being the devil's advocate but know when to pick your battles. This is just a plain stupid one.

If it isn't a fail the community would downvote

"If it was shit the dog wouldn't really eat it"

That's how naive you sound placing your faith in the ball of mental retardation and genetic accidents that is the community of /r/livestreamfails

livestreamfails hasnt been just about "fails" for literally years at this point, its basically half srd half r/funny for twitch neets. the rules and modding style are designed to encourage this, so swatting clips are absolutely kosher with the rules as they stand.

It takes a lot of concentrated stupidity to even justify the existence of a live stream.

All of twitch livestreamers should delete themselves

I was watching one because I wanted to see what a game looked before I purchased it and it was like "with 4.99 you can unlock these emoticons" and then was like 4 minutes of a hawaiian guy saying "Thanks _______" because they gave him something that had a name other than money. Then a bunch of people spammed a bunch of emoticons and I think he left to take his dog for a walk. So I learned a lot, just not about what I was expecting.

Wait is this actually a comment chain about how twitch is stupid and should be closed down or am I missing the sarcasm?

sarcasm is for fairies and yes to both questions

He posts on a sub dedicated to reading Reddit arguments

don't slut shame me

Lol tries to be chad and tells all the virgins that this isn't a safe space then immediately locks the thread when he gets bullied

He isn't livestreaming his reddit crusade. Due to that the responses do not count as a livestream fail, and are instead 1st degree cyberbullying.

/u/ImNatt care to address.ypur snowflake status? Or do you only do that in your safe space?

You just described every single mod on Reddit.

What the hell is swatting?

Calling in a tip to the police that there's a bomb or a kidnapper or something that would require a SWAT team at the address of some person you don't like. Most commonly used on streamers because then you have an audience for your hilarious prank.

Problem is you have a group of heavily armed guys on high alert running into an unsuspecting person's house, so if they react poorly they could end up getting hurt or killed, which happened recently.

so if they react poorly they could end up getting hurt or killed, which happened recently.

That's only cause it happened in some backwater town where a bunch of hick SWAT thought it was go time. Police have been aware of swatting long before it hit the mainstream consciousness.

Swatting doesn't kill people. Guns kill people.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

No, it's definitely just rappers that kill people.

People don't kill people. Black people kill people.

I kill people, with guns

Guns don't kill people, bullets kill people.

Bullets don't kill people, physics and velocity kills people.

Velocity doesn't kill people, deceleration kills people.

Physics and velocity don't kill people, reproduction kills people.

Reproduction don’t make people, guns make people

It's when people find out where a streamer lives and calls the police to make it seem as if an incident is occuring, like domestic abuse, or a hostage situation. Then the police go in guns a blazing, and toss the streamer to the floor and cuff them. People have already been shot and killed because of this

teh real issue here is ice being a fucking pussy lmaooooooooooooo

Ice is too blitheringly stupid to be a pussy. This is a man who acts like the pinnacle of autism in public with zero self-doubt as a source of income.

Sure, it got him connected to a porn star, but it also got him put on a no-fly watchlist.

The idea that a subreddit is encouraging people to SWAT is ridiculous. Does r/watchpeopledie encourage people to kill? Does r/streetfights encourage people to fight?

Giving people what they want does in fact encourage it. People SWAT streamers so that everyone talks about what they did. News stations stopped covering people who streak on the field at sports games and the incidents of it happening sharply declined.

People who commit murder and assault people aren't usually doing it for attention, they have completely different motives, so your analogy doesn't work.

Wasn’t the first swatting death done because of an argument and not for attention?

Yes and no? The individual was picked due to an argument but the swatter really milked all the fame he could from that incident. So clearly exposure was a contributing factor in the swatters mind. It was not his first swat either.

You think so? Pretty sure he got arrested and was panicking on twitter lol

Not even close man, he even went on drama alert talking about it. I even think it was the drama alert guy who clued in the police to his whereabouts. That shithead had done swats before and bragged about it online. He also called the bomb threat while the net neutrality voting was live. That's what I've heard at least. You could double check to make sure.

If there were clips of people being murdered on /r/watchpeopledie and the murderers really liked the attention their murders generated then YES. But that's not the case. Also with /r/StreetFights most if not all fights, I've seen, happen for some other reason and not for those involved to get the spotlight. It's evident atm that most swatters don't see any repercussions so their safety makes them very likely to do it again. The danger of someone causing direct deaths or fight out in the street stops people from doing it for views. It's also orders of magnitude easier to catch someone who fights or kills IRL.

You're not wrong but tbh, /r/Livestreamfails is also overrun by more 12-year olds than even us, who are well deocumented in their ability to copycat stupid shit because they're retards.

Although in many of these cases, I fully support morons getting morons killed.

with such brilliant logic like "banning swatting won't stop it" i'm damn sure /u/ImNATT is a /u/spez throwaway.

Someone explain who this ice guy is to me

Long story sorta short: He used to stream a game called Runescape and had an "anything goes" kinda mentality when it came to his chat. This ended up leading his community to get pretty crazy. They got him fired when they found out where he worked and review bombed the yelp page and constantly called asking for Ice or pulling pranks. Around this point his streams were less games and more talking and then the IRL section appeared and he focused his attention on that. His chat always found some clue to where he was during an IRL stream and would call local businesses to mess with him. He was swatted a few times and then finally swatted on a plane, after which he was banned from twitch. He moved to Youtube streaming and his streams have become more and more insane since.


I hear people have even broken into his house too. I kind of want to feel sorry for the guy, but he seems to bring it on himself.

He’s generally good natured but as dumb as a rock. He’s made it this far, though, so I think (and hope) he’ll be alright.

I keep hoping he dies.

If he had to die, it would have been better on twitch, with insane public attention. Titties, weapons, drugs, homeless people, SWAT and everything else present so he could become a martyr and draw attention to how shitty twitch is. But that opportunity has passed so I’d prefer to see him live out his days peacefully.

A tard magnet who also happens to be retarded himself.

Ah, I see what happened. Took a firm stance and immediately backed down when they realized it was an opinion in the minority. Least s/he was graceful enough to offer up the poll idea before bending the knee.

/u/TTVRaptor how are you this dumb

I try really hard.

Who are you kidding? You dont have to try.

let's just ban streams altogether