"Jedis might exist; WW2, other wars and killing operations might have been to hunt them down"

52  2018-03-08 by IAintThatGuy




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What was that one study that showed how a group of 70 or so people meditating together cut terrorism incidents in half for that year?

Imagine being that retarded.

I don't have to.

/r/conspiracy is what happens when these people get off their meds. /r/C_S_T is what happens when they take the wrong ones instead.

Ok, then explain /r/CBTS_Stream to me.


got 'em

Autism for the aged.

/r/C_S_T that somehow turned into a cult.

Why we need mayocide

I was going to say "can't commit mass murder if you're too busy meditating" then I remember suicide vests. Speaking of which it seems like it's been a while since someone wore one of those. I know people here like to buck trends so who wants to volunteer?

The true meme connoisseur goes meta

Wear a suicide vest on a bus in a civilian cargo aircraft, it's the only voguish way to go

I always knew this was just an instruction for Jihad

If you're in burgerland, not killing a bunch of people while offing yourself is probably what bucks the trend.

Prayers do work. Checkmate atheists! 🕆

I'm 99% certain that the drug war is the systematic elimination of them and their powers. It got jump started with Nixon in order to tangentially target protesters to the Vietnam war.

This is untreated autism, folks

I think it goes a step further.

what the fuck does treated autism look like?

He said treated.

He didn't say correctly.

Does self-medicating with alcohol count?

I hope so



"NotAClintonEmployee" "subreddit does not exist"

I bet you post to r/haiti

subreddit does not exist

It used to. No idea why they removed it.

Ask Hillary

Probably because this sub showed some of her victims.

mere autism can’t do this to a man, has to be bipolar too at minimum

bipolar II, sure

I like to call it active autism; it seems like they are practicing.

What was that one study that showed how a group of 70 or so people meditating together cut terrorism incidents in half for that year?


A quick question for you buddy. There are something like 12,000 terrorist incidents a year. Now I know you don't have anything close to 70 friends, but if you really believed this, wouldn't it be the most unethical thing on Earth not to organize a local meditation group to save the lives of thousands of people?

I mean you're saying getting the population equivalent of the produce and deli section of your local Wal-Mart could save thousands of lives and you've not made even the tiniest of attempts to make that happen?

I mean you're saying getting the population equivalent of the produce and deli section of your local Wal-Mart could save thousands of lives and you've not made even the tiniest of attempts to make that happen?

Exactly. If you believe in that bullshit, and you're not putting your money where your mouth is, you're an asshole (on top of being crazy and stupid).

I read "jedis" as jews.

So you read correctly

Maybe it's a code word?

“Alerted to our plans, are the Sith! Shut everything down, we must!” (((Yoda))), probably.

On the off chance I have descendants I hope one of them lives long enough to utter the phrase "unmetastasize the jews, space wars now"


☑ Mind control powers

☑ Secret societies

☑ In bed with aliens

☑ Indistinguishable from the goyim visually

☑ Can shoot lightning out of their hands



If the Jew Jedi Illuminati see it, you're gonna get graped.

If this were to be true, I would feel like the world is a less dark place than I do now.

Ahh yes the American posting on the internet feeling the world is sooooo dark right now. I assume it has something to do with drumpf.

He's an active poster on "conspiracy shower thoughts." It's basically the sub for people that felt conspiracy posts were too well-sourced and thought out, or felt they had a vanishingly small remainder of dignity that needed addressing.

I guaran-fucking-tee you the darkness he's crying about is the Deep State, Soros, spirit cooking, Zionist Jews, the injustice of HER EMAILS, a 40 year run of brazen murders by the Clintons, persecution of Alex Jones, and machine elves from the Bilderberg group beaming engramatic malware into his head or some dumb shit. They believe whole-heartedly that a worldwide cabal of Satanic pizza pedophiles is preventing Drumpft, a warrior sent by God himself, from delivering us unto the end times in Revelations.

Americans whining about Drumpfte are played out, but they mostly live in reality. The dumb fucking yokels on C_S_T are grateful participants in a "fucktards only" romper room built on nested, bottomless wrongness and magical thinking.

I'd argue to opposite. At least from what I see on TD. A few go into weird paranoid shit when talking about Q or circlerking over some tweet from Hannity. But other than that, those people literally won, and they will keep acting like they are winning until the results change on November.

That sub is a great collection of retards that think they're smart, much like this one.

sounds sort like this sub. people always just read the first part of a comment and not the ending before deciding on what to post

No it doesn't, people here always read the first part of a comment and don't end before posting themselves.

No it doesn't, people here always read the first part of a comment and don't end before posting themselves.

Btw, the greatgrandfather of my friend, who was deep into the esoteric and used to wear an ankh, once that was at his parents house asked him if there were roses in the garden. My friend told him yes, and his greatgrandfather asked him what color where they. My friend told him they were orange. Then his greatgrandfather told him that it was not possible and asked him to check again, and he did, and came back with the same color of roses. The greatgrandfather told him that meant that he was very special. To this day I'm puzzled by this story of my friend and have wondered ever since (we were young boys) what was the meaning of orange roses and why was he special.

Imagine thinking your special because a flower grows in your yard and your stupid great grandfather cant comprehend the color

It's like a PSA : don't mix drugs and retardation.