Personal trainer offers a woman free coaching, in exchange for sex. /r/offmychest wants him in jail.

8  2018-03-08 by IAintThatGuy


This, but unironically.


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/r/off my chest discovers capitalism and prostitution in one day. That’s a big step for them.

They're supposed to be sex worker inclusive and sex positive though. So apparently sex work is only ok when it's a female in an alley offering blowjobs for cash. Offering professional training sessions for sex is not acceptable.

You’d think they’d be pro-professional work for professional work. Isn’t that what socialism is ultimately all about? The peons trading services rather than filthy monies?

Not everyone is pro-sex work, even in third wave hell holes like /r/offmychest

I'm going to make a post there for every time a street prostitute offered me sex in exchange for money.

A fit personal trainer wants to fuck her and her self esteem is hurt?

Now she gets to fuck him, get training in exchange, and victim points whenever she tells the story the way she did.