White God’s conquest of Asia

10  2018-03-08 by AsianGirlsLoveTrump


All Asian males were castrated

That is one way to deal with /r/aznidentity

Also, as much as I love Asian chicks, holy fuck your white fetish weirds me out.

/r/aznidentity: "Why are Asian women such whores for whites?! Why don't they want Asian guy?! Why do white men try steal our women?!"

/r/aznidentity, 5 minutes later: "Why don't white women want us? I only counted 1 AMWF couple vs 6 WMAF! We should fund porn so Asian can fuck white woman!"

My favourite Reddit comedy sub, tbhqh.

/r/aznidentity: "The Asian women that date white men are all super ugly and dumb it's not like they we worth being with anywau."

Also /r/aznidentity: "I am literally just so shocked and saddened by those Asian women dating those white guys."

Why don't white women want us? I only counted 1 AMWF couple vs 6 WMAF!

Do they really do this? That's a sad thing to base your happiness on.

They also take photos and post them on reddit

Wow. Even posting pictures of random kids. What a fucking weirdo

OP is just a fat greasy weeb pretending to be an asian girl. Don't get me wrong, this is good for trolling /r/aznidentity anyway.

Are we sure? The nudes seem to indicate at least half an amusing profile.

Those Asian women who are married to white men but are champions of the far left social justice ideology. You love white men, yet you are upholding an ideology that is anathema to the well being of white men, and by constantly attacking white men, smearing the good name of white men, you are hurting the ones you are supposed to love, and even worse, you are hurting yourself as well. You are dwindling the dating pool for other Asian women who love white men just as much as you do, and, quite honestly, if white men become fewer and fewer, it will become impossible for Asian women to find good white men to marry, and we–and also you–would probably be forced to marry niggers and even chinks with little dicks. So please, if you are non-white, I urge you, break away from the mental bondage of the far left Marxist ideology, and embrace White Nationalism. Support White Men, love White Men, cherish White Men, worship White Men, and above else, because now’s the time: Fight for White Men! More non-white people, especially Asian women, need to let the world know, we support our white husbands!

Dear mom,

I’m so very fucking sorry that Asian men weren’t good enough for you. Again, I’d like to congratulate you on the fact that you gave me a white face that I could pass through this fucked up racist world, and I’d like to thank you for being so fucking incredibly forwardly thinking that you decided to fuck only white men; now, unfortunately, because of genetics, neither I nor my brother could ever have your coveted blonde hair or blue eyes, but that’s alright, because it’s good to know that deep down, you resent us because we look whiter than you, and because deep down, you still resent us for reminding you that no matter how much white sperm you took, you could never be white. Neither could I.

Oh, how sorry I am, you whore, you fucking degenerate whore, that you told the world that you hated Asian men, but yet you gave birth to two of us. I’m so fucking sorry that Asian men offended you SO much that you had to give into white supremacy and let the world know that you thought that the white master was king, and that his bastard offspring, both worse and better at the same time, was nothing more but the result of a conquest.

Don’t feed me that fucking Asian men are patriarchal BULLSHIT. IT’S JUST FUCKING BULLSHIT AND YOU KNOW IT. White patriarchy is and will always be the be all and end all of patriarchy and you gave into it because it got your ratchet fucking pussy wet. That’s all it was, you WHORE. You brought me into this world as a slave, a son of a slave master and a plantation female Uncle Tom; that’s what you were. You, and all the other ugly brown whores in my family, tell yourselves over and over that you think Asian men are patriarchal, but all it is is that you like thing white cocks are better, and because you have a pussy and are able to use it to get whatever the fuck you want (thanks female privilege) you could get yourself a nice white man - and lo and behold you did - and this one was a beta Christian idiot who thought that you were God’s answer to white women not wanting him. Oh, you played your cards right, didn’t you mommy, didn’t you. Asian men go through their whole life humiliated and racially abused, yet we’re the patriarchs? You’re just a goddamned whore. Asian men are the nicest most reserved people on the planet, you fucking whore. YOU WENT WITH THE BULLIES, THE RACISTS, THE SAME PEOPLE THAT HATE YOUR FATHERS, YOUR BROTHERS, ALL ASIAN MEN. BURN IN HELL.

Look at you. You’re dead now. You’re buried in the ground and have been for 15 years. My little white head tore you open and you got some bad blood from that, didn’t ya? So sorry about that - you could have lived, couldn’t you? But once your hormones wore down and you realize the mistake you had made, marrying a broke white guy who loved Jesus more than you - then you decided to end your life, didn’t you? Isn’t that what you did? You abandoned your two children - your two little half chinks. Now look at us. I can barely work I’m suicidal and depressed; my brother is bedridden and insane, he’ll never work another day in his fucking life. Look at us. LOOK AT US. YOU DID THIS TO US.


And it’s not Asian men who are saying this. Asian men are too fucking naive to see what’s really going on. But I see what’s going on. You fucking sluts eye fuck me on the train every day; to you I’m just another tall white guy. But if you knew that I had won the genetic lottery and didn’t come out looking Asian, oh boy, how quickly you would change your mind. I’m saying this. One of your precious “white / mixed race” children is saying this. I’m the patriarch, you fucking sluts. I AM. LOOK AT ME. YOU MADE ME INTO THIS. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU, MOTHER. YOU THINK I HAVE KEPT THIS INSIDE ME FOR SO LONG? YOU THINK YOUR ACTIONS WOULDN’T HAVE REPURCUSSIONS? I’M ON THE BRINK OF SUICIDE EVERY FUCKING DAY FOR FIFTEEN GODDAMN YEARS, YOUR ELDEST SON IS BEDRIDDEN AND MENTALLY ILL AND OH, SHIT, WHAT A GREAT IDEA TO JUST SAY FUCK YOU TO ASIAN MEN, YET YOUR OWN SONS ARE ASIAN MEN? YOUR OWN FUCKING SONS? Read this, Asian women, READ THIS. I FUCKING DARE YOU. I FUCKING DARE YOU TO READ IT.

And before you go off calling me Elliot Rodgers, at least you recognize that Elliot Rodgers was a little half-chink like me; the product of YOU. I am no harm to anyone, just myself. You all deserve this fucking hell on earth. Every single one of you cunts should be forced to live on earth for a million years. And I wish, I wish from the bottom of my fucking heart, that every one of your kids has exactly the same problems as me. Fuck you mom, fuck you and your dyed hair and colored contacts.

Fuck every last ounce of you. It took me a long time to say it but I said it. FUCK. YOU. Oh yeah, I said it. Go and cry about misogyny, you whores. I’m your chosen one - America’s little mixed race darlings, us magical mixed race unicorns that are nothing more than the products of aggressive sexual selection - that’s me. And I say fuck you. Fuck you to hell. Burn in every last bit of hell.

Someone please post this on hapas or aznidentity lmao

OP is just some pimply fat nordcuck pretending to be a submissive asian gf for his gross fetishes. Stay classy, mayos.