In 2 years Oakland will be even less black than it is currently, mayos have invaded the city as their safe space in San Francisco turned into a literal toilet and gentrified the crap out of it. Most blacks in the Bay Area are either moving north to Richmond or south to Hayward and Union City.
Why doesn't the US government invest in this? Just scrap black education funds, make another 8 movies like this, and they have a full school career curriculum.
it has some sort of specific meaning in critical race theory but because of the stupid academic jargon trickle-down effect thats become prevalent in the past few years retards think its just what youre supposed to call the negros now if youre #woke
Because they’re all leftists who wouldn’t know capitalism if you shoved it down their pants. Also because pseudocommie academics are both irrevelvant and insufferable and no one would suffer ill effects from their execution.
I liked it a lot for what it was. Solid 7.5/10 scifi/horror film. Not as contrived at the trailers made it look, but definitely tried to be too deep at times. Should be up on streaming sites in a day or two since it dropped directly to netflix in AUS and EU.
It's an action/sci-fi flick starring Natalie Portman. So only a fucking idiot would pay good money to see it in a theater, given her previous track record.
its good. i have a lot of problems with it but its about 10x as interesting as most movies that are given that sort of budget, and it only thinks its audience is kinda slow, rather than the norm of assuming theyre all drooling morons.
i'd recommend it and i'm not a movie snob. its ending was ultimately unsatisfying but it's worth it overall. gave me a nice vibe like when you finish a good book.
How much can one capeshit movie be overthought? It's a Marvel movie. They're competently made, good effects and then the plot doesn't really vary from a simple formula: there's a good guy who refuses the call (see hero's journey) then bad (very bad) guy shows up and hero beats him and everything is fine until new bad guy shows up after final credits.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-03-08
Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 boyoyoyoyong 2018-03-08
In a few years basketball Americans will be claiming wakanda actually exists
1 MarlaMaplesIsMyWaifu 2018-03-08
Oakland will basically be Wakanda within 2 years.
1 InsaneHuckleberry 2018-03-08
Those boys sown on Watts need to get in gear!
1 -absolutego- 2018-03-08
In 2 years Oakland will be even less black than it is currently, mayos have invaded the city as their safe space in San Francisco turned into a literal toilet and gentrified the crap out of it. Most blacks in the Bay Area are either moving north to Richmond or south to Hayward and Union City.
1 wwyzzerdd 2018-03-08
Oaktown used to be this.
But now its like this.
1 grungebot5000 2018-03-08
those are both unironically amazing though
1 keepittropical 2018-03-08
Alot of them are dipping out to the stockton area too.
1 AHealthySenseofDread 2018-03-08
209 motherfucker wut
1 grungebot5000 2018-03-08
wait doesn't the movie start out in Oakland
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-03-08
1 Blinwar 2018-03-08
Why doesn't the US government invest in this? Just scrap black education funds, make another 8 movies like this, and they have a full school career curriculum.
1 XSCR 2018-03-08
american "education"
1 Redactor0 2018-03-08
They'll never convince me to give up my prejudice against capeshit.
Whoa. They're even teaching about physics.
1 Ultrashitpost 2018-03-08
What the fuck is "black bodies" supposed to mean?
1 zergling_Lester 2018-03-08
Either something related to the Unruh act or Unruh effect, I'm not sure.
1 SethRichOrDieTryin 2018-03-08
read some ta-nehisi coates, you unwoke mongoloid
1 Burnnoticelover 2018-03-08
I read “between the world and me” and still had no idea what the body thing was all about.
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-03-08
A perfect absorber of radiation at all wavelengths obvs
1 CarnistHappyCamp 2018-03-08
stay in your lane, STEMlord
1 westofthetracks 2018-03-08
it has some sort of specific meaning in critical race theory but because of the stupid academic jargon trickle-down effect thats become prevalent in the past few years retards think its just what youre supposed to call the negros now if youre #woke
1 Thhueros 2018-03-08
Misappropriated Foucault
1 Ultrashitpost 2018-03-08
Sure, but what does it mean? Why use black "bodies" instead of people?
1 Thhueros 2018-03-08
Intellectual legitimacy
1 Ultrashitpost 2018-03-08
But i don't see how it gives them any legitimacy. It just sounds like a psychopath trying to depersonalize the people he's talking about.
1 Thhueros 2018-03-08
Nobody said it was a good attempt
1 Ultrashitpost 2018-03-08
Where's /r/badphilosophy when you need it? Where's /r/badsocialscience?
1 Thhueros 2018-03-08
Experiencing respitory paralysis due to hemlock ingestion, hopefully.
1 Ultrashitpost 2018-03-08
How do you ingest a hemlock? Those things are really big
1 Thhueros 2018-03-08
Its pretty potent, I don't think it takes much.
1 Ultrashitpost 2018-03-08
True. Why don't you like either sub, by the way? They seem to be all communists, or at least sympathizers.
1 Thhueros 2018-03-08
Because they’re all leftists who wouldn’t know capitalism if you shoved it down their pants. Also because pseudocommie academics are both irrevelvant and insufferable and no one would suffer ill effects from their execution.
1 Ultrashitpost 2018-03-08
That's true, that's true
1 autistitron 2018-03-08
Calling people "bodies" is popular in post-modernism aka the people who push crystal healing and shit.
There's a lot of crossover with them and the SJ teaching community, so the "bodies" thing gets pushed in uni/college SJ courses.
They say it because it sounds profound in a speech, like how SJW's always say "folks" because it sounds more civil-rights-era-y
1 graveyardafterdark 2018-03-08
I cringe when folks say folks
1 Ultrashitpost 2018-03-08
but why?
1 bobbybonnadouchey 2018-03-08
I'm just laughing at the woke bloggers and tweeters who's black panther essays will become irrelevant in 6 months.
Does anyone remember any of the hot takes during the Wonderwoman Zeitgeist last year?
No. Because it's just a fucking movie.
1 pepperouchau 2018-03-08
I still see people complaining about the Alamo Draft House women-only screenings if that counts
1 tcfb 2018-03-08
And of course they're all ignoring Annihilation so it's going straight to netflix. A movie based off an actual book featuring 5 female scientists.
1 Heydammit 2018-03-08
Is that one anyone good? It looked a little too contrived but I was interested in seeing it.
1 tcfb 2018-03-08
I liked it a lot for what it was. Solid 7.5/10 scifi/horror film. Not as contrived at the trailers made it look, but definitely tried to be too deep at times. Should be up on streaming sites in a day or two since it dropped directly to netflix in AUS and EU.
1 Kodiak_Marmoset 2018-03-08
It's an action/sci-fi flick starring Natalie Portman. So only a fucking idiot would pay good money to see it in a theater, given her previous track record.
1 abraham_pimpin 2018-03-08
Highly recommend it. Skip the trailers if you can, it's better going in blind.
1 westofthetracks 2018-03-08
its good. i have a lot of problems with it but its about 10x as interesting as most movies that are given that sort of budget, and it only thinks its audience is kinda slow, rather than the norm of assuming theyre all drooling morons.
1 accounttttttttt 2018-03-08
i'd recommend it and i'm not a movie snob. its ending was ultimately unsatisfying but it's worth it overall. gave me a nice vibe like when you finish a good book.
1 The_Reason_Trump_Won 2018-03-08
wait what thats not going to theaters?
1 Heydammit 2018-03-08
It is in theaters right now.
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-03-08
1 grungebot5000 2018-03-08
still the best DC movie since TDK
nowhere near as good as TDK, but the best one since
1 sexy_preteens 2018-03-08
The writer of this article what a megababe.
1 WorldStarCroCop 2018-03-08
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-03-08
Jesus fucking christ.
Proof that ideology is aesthetics.
1 snappleteadrink 2018-03-08
What that means
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-03-08
It means hideous trannies are leftists because they need to try to turn all values backwards.
1 GuillotinesNOW 2018-03-08
I'm all for treating traps like humans and stuff, but if they can't even be bothered to make an effort, they deserve the ridicule they get.
Like nigga just letting your hair grow long doesn't make you a lady.
1 SethRichOrDieTryin 2018-03-08
what if you dye it pink tho
1 Nerobought 2018-03-08
A majority of ugly people are ugly because of their own doing. Shitty hairstyles, fat, unhygienic, etc etc.
1 ltedt 2018-03-08
Honestly. This dude looks like Jim Sterling
1 grep_var_log 2018-03-08
I'm getting Chris Chan vibes.
1 ahbslldud 2018-03-08
I'm preeeetty sure that's a man.
1 electricmonk9 2018-03-08
1 YummyCummies 2018-03-08
1 cheeZetoastee 2018-03-08
How much can one capeshit movie be overthought? It's a Marvel movie. They're competently made, good effects and then the plot doesn't really vary from a simple formula: there's a good guy who refuses the call (see hero's journey) then bad (very bad) guy shows up and hero beats him and everything is fine until new bad guy shows up after final credits.
1 d-amazo 2018-03-08
you would think black panther was literally the first movie to ever have any black people in it or something
1 grep_var_log 2018-03-08
Where were these people when Blade was fucking shit up?
1 Confirm_Contact 2018-03-08
Ice skating up hill
1 grungebot5000 2018-03-08
probably watching actual moveis
or in the case of the students here, in ovaries somewhere
1 autistitron 2018-03-08
The did the same routine for Ghostbusters 2016 and Wonder Woman.
We'll just go through the same routine when the left attaches themselves to another cheap movie
1 grungebot5000 2018-03-08
what no
they said people who said it looked like shit when it wasn't even out yet were closed-minded misogynists
nothing about the movie being groundbreaking
1 grungebot5000 2018-03-08
it's the first actual superhero movie about a black guy
they had a tv show though
1 _throawayplop_ 2018-03-08
The first documentary you mean
1 DudeCat 2018-03-08
Holy shit is that school terrible.
1 Chicup 2018-03-08
I can guess the demographics.
1 autistitron 2018-03-08
There's a section for that, it's about as diverse as a black panther movie.
1 pepperouchau 2018-03-08
This better include The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm.
1 grungebot5000 2018-03-08
the what the what and the whom?
1 Sojir 2018-03-08
The Chinese takeover cannot come too soon
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-03-08
You know, on the one hand, I can see how a movie like that might be good for engaging the minds of some 12yos about (fake) history.
On the other hand, lol if you are an adult who gives a shit about cape movies.