Happy International Women's Day

22  2018-03-08 by HodorTheDoorHolder

Kiss your mother for me.


Women are so cool, I wish I could be one!

there's nothing stopping u

Push the testicles inside your body.

Pull the penis back and tape it.

Put on a wig and lipstick.

Be here at 9 😘😘😘

This day generates so much drama. We need more days for more groups for maximum butthurt.

In the future, women should be replaced with fleshlights attached to test tubes with fertile eggs in them. A big building full of small private rooms, each with a fleshlight in the wall. Men who have high enough IQs can enter and get a room with one for a night to reproduce his valuable genes. Once the man has fucked the fleshlight, he can leave and go about his normal life again. The population is 100% male, and they are on a drug that prevents them from having a libido. Sex and femoids simply do not exist; nobody knows about them and nobody thinks about them.

What a glorious utopia!