WcDonald's has crossed the line

28  2018-03-08 by MarlaMaplesIsMyWaifu


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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ohh i get it, it’s supposed to be a big para tiddies

I swear to god dude western women are the most cancerous demographic on the entire planet.

How does this have anything to do with your problem with women?

Literally everything. the worst part about women is the fact they've got everyone pandering to them.

They've got everyone believing the false narrative of oppression. My problem isn't even so much with women as a whole but with the way society puts them on a pedestal.

You think cynical "rah rah" "you go girl" corporate feminism in response to International Women's Day is putting anyone on a pedestal? If you think that, you have about 8 months til International Men's Day. Maybe in response to pressure Axe body spray can make International Men's Day commercials or google will make a fucking doodle and you can quit crying.

If you aren't a beta you can usually trick them into giving you sex and doing things for you because they're really retarded and have low self-esteem

I wish I was a niceguy like you :/

Literally this is the thoughts of every conservative today.

This is a dog whistle for white supremecy

kinda, but it's specifically dog whistling for Asian Aryanism because the logo is yellow.

Red = commie

This is deeply offensive 2 me