Chinese woman offers free sex jokingly, then 3000 men show up at her hotel.

159  2018-03-08 by MarlaMaplesIsMyWaifu


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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oh my god

>Free sex

>Arrested on prostitution charges

China has a 1.17 young male:young female ratio and a tradition of revolution. They're so fucked. They need sex bots STAT

barely any women and they're arresting the ones giving out for free smh time for another cultural revolution

Last time i heard the chinks were stealing black womyn.

Pussy > racism

A tale as old as time

I heard this about Russian women as well.

Officials told a parliamentary committee in late November that they are seeing more and more Chinese-Ugandan couples, often in sham unions. Couples are normally interviewed before spousal status is granted and Chinese men involved in sham marriages are deported.

“But we have many who are marrying and even producing… Even our Ugandan women are accepting to [reproduce] with these men,”an official from Uganda’s directorate of citizenship and immigration control told the committee.


Someone post that picture of the black guy in Nigeria who had an obviously half Chinese baby and posted an image of him with it talking about how great his boss from China is, sending him money to buy gifts for the kid all the time.

Last time i heard the chinks were stealing black womyn.

Nutella gussy best gussy

IIRC, the rating is skewed by people not reporting younger Chinese Women, so it's not quite that bad, although it's still far from ideal.

this is true, but a 28 million gap isn't just (not ideal)

Um, nobody is entitled to women's bodies, shitlord.

Except for my bull

You never fail me, bby.

Your cuckness?

You guys r into weird shit

it's 2018 cucks are the new normal.

It's a myth. Thats already been debunked when two million woman come out of thin air to register for university that wasn't in the census before. Let alone the millions that wasn't going into higher education

the existence of only 2 million new women who came and were actually reported to the government does not stop the truth that most young chinese people are single children and male. 2 million <28 million gap. The only people i know from china that have siblings are ethnic minorities

You don't know that many then

Ask me how I know you're lying.

I know you don't know enough. I'm married to one and you don't wanna know what I forked out in red pockets this year. You think you read some shit online or you fucked around know a few chinese and now you're old China. You're not

Well I certainly won't claim to understand your ramblings, but the probably of having 8 children of the same sex is ~0.39%. Maybe the Chinese are trying to turn their frogs gay too though.

Leave the frogs alone!!!

Well, not that weird when you consider that the only people who are willing to get pregnant after the 8th one are ones who haven't gotten a boy yet. I know plenty of these types, they are obsessed with continuing the line and since daughters can't continue the line they keep having children. Sometimes practical consideration comes into play. If you live in a village in a third world country, you don't have any savings, no pension. In your old age, it's your sons who are supposed to take care of you, feed you and so on. If you don't have sons, you're fucked once you get old.

How about you just explain it to us instead of hedging.

1.17 young male:young female ratio and a tradition of revolution

I'd be really nervous if I lived in a country bordering China.

country bordering china

that's an awfully funny way of spelling "provinces", comrade

Suka blyat

Sino-Soviet border conflict round 2 pls

Cuckolding is the future

Yeah, how the fuck is it prostitution if it's free?!

That’s crazy that they have 1 male to every 17 girl. Must be paradise 4 guy in love over there.

Tbh they probably need a long and very bloody civil war would probably help with the m/f ratio would also help with the overcrowding.

they probably need a long and very bloody civil war

They had many in their history but the population would always recover eventually.

I've read somewhere that India has it even worse

You want more yellow mayos?

The fact this didn't end up in a gangbang like my chinese cartoons really makes me sad.

With that many people it would have to be a train bang

a train-laying chaingang gangbang

Train kept-a bangin' all night long.

Links to said cartoons, stat.


They should have all fucked each other and ignored her.



Ahh, I hate -- they're just Buzzfeed trying to pass off as news. They often just steal content from reddit -- which isn't a big deal -- but they don't add anything to it. So it's the equivalent of fucking reposting.

yeah. they stole from the dailymail which is pretty retarded.

Imagine the facial she's going to have

Who would have expected something like that?