The (((admins))) are trying to censor /r/uncensorednews.

44  2018-03-08 by IAintThatGuy


"trust & safety" why the fuck do these ridiculously retarded groups always give themselves names like this? the fuck do they think theyre proving?

doubleplus ungood level of bullshit

as is the name of the subreddit being "uncensorednews"

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

They always named themselves the opposite of what they are. They always accuse you what they do.

Wow yeah uncensorednews is just straight up a racist haven god damn.

If niggers don't want to he discriminated against they shouldn't have been born black.

It's quite simple.

Reason it was created is pretty pathetic when the pulse shooting happened there was like 1 news mod on and they sperged out trying to stop idiot reddit brigades doxing people by deleting everything and tards decided it must be DEEP SHARIA STATE

Reason it was created was because /r/european got quarantined and they suddenly stopped caring about having a place just to discuss among themselves, closed /r/european and made /r/uncensorednews to broadcast to be able to broadcast their opinions to the world again.


The mayocide will not be stopped. Collaborate and we will give you extra rations!

We regret to inform that the marxists over at Reddit HQ have been removing content without informing the mod team. Having gone through the content removed it is almost all pro-white content.

By "pro-white" I think we all know what he means. Why are internet nazis so good at this shit?

My mom kept throwing around terms like "pro-white" and "ethno-nationalist" one day and I had to sit her down and show her they're literally all terms Nazis came up with to bamboozle gullible white people on the internet.

wow, your mom sounds like a degenerate

explains a lot

Your mum is dumb lol

I doubt you mom is half as racist as you

Is your mom on Tinder?

I remember when that sub was trying to bill itself as an impartial, free speech alternative to r/news

I guess they gave up on that plan and are now crazies without pretense?

yeah, I think they popped up during one of numerous events when the r/news mods were being retarded, like during the orlando gay club shooting or something. But they've been very openly 1488 for quite a long time now.

It was a news mod sperging out resulting in a sperg cascade as things got out of control, i think it was to prevent retards from doxxing like they did with the boston marathon.

The creator is on record saying it was just meant to be a reboot of /r/European. They just cashed in on /r/news drama at the time

Nice serious post OP, is this about ethics in mayo nationalism?.

Honestly it's just about me not making the list. What more do I have to do?

Spez is a kike


List of things that Jews did:

  • This.

Don't the admins send you a modmail every time they remove something? That's why we had this.

/u/RamblinRambo3 Try checking the modmail regularly, mayo, instead of REEing about the (((admins))).

how stupid do you have to be to accuse Reddit mods of both being Marxists and trying to attract advertisers in the same breath

Pro white
Italian delivery boi mows down Africans



How can you claim to be uncensorednews when you banned me for my pro mayocide speech?

I personally would not give two shits about your mayo comment. But as admins have told us, all such comments are to be seen as threatening or inciting violence. Even if it's a meme etc. So forced to enforce it. And apparently now it's against reddit site wide rules to say "Good" as a reply to the wrong comment.

You know you are a literal child when your username is /u/DieLibcucksDie.

It’s not uncommon to find fuckin Daily Stormer links on that subreddit. Pretty ridic

Aaaaaaaand /r/uncensorednews is now banned

Shit. Where will I get my news from now?