The autist from /r/againsthatesubreddits start a list of "hate profiles", and none of us are featured on it!

119  2018-03-08 by IAintThatGuy


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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snappy should definitely be on that list

GOOD point

Now I'm jealous.

That's a great name.

Oh lord

I have regularly advocated for trannycide, furrycide, commycide, mayocide, Islamocaust, and femicide!

This is an outrage!

And my axe!

Femicide is death to the feminists. So give me that axe.

me too thanks

You used four words for mayocide.

i was banned for Against hate subreddits for making a joke

I was banned as well!

Sounds far fetched

I got banned for pointing out that anime is clear evidence we didn’t nuke the Japanese enough during WW2.

I've always thought the opposite. Only a nation, that's had its national psyche so twisted by having nukes dropped on them, could possibly create something so abhorrent. It's really the best argument there is for nuclear disarmament.

Not a bad point.

So either you nuke all of a country or none of it.

No half measures.


Not like you were banned for doing it somewhere else, you either don’t care, in which caee we’re all fine, or you were trying to be a dick douche on the internet, in which case everyone but you is fine.

I actually checked. Apparently, I got linked there for saying we didn’t nuke the nips enough, and got banned for commenting:

The only group of people I hate are mayos, and they’re not really human, so it doesn’t count.

I really feel like the ban is unfair, because I was just stating facts. Stupid motherfuckers haven’t heard of Yakub.

You can’t say that stuff. Despite what the autreich will ah e you believe, we’re not anti white. Just don’t be a stupid dick about shit all the time, and going there to post about hating mayos is def not posting in good faith.

I’m sorry you have your heads up your asses, and don’t know or wish to acknowledge the truth about the white race. Denying reality is ugly and foolish, no matter who’s doing it.

Aww you’re actually sad about a ban, and that makes me sad, knowing you have such fragile emotional security.

Nah, I’m proud to be banned from the den of antisemitism that is AHS.

Lol here comes the "ok sweetie"s

Christ, look at this autistic nigger ffs

omg im so offended at your adult like mastery of words and shit

Thanks fam 👌🏿👨🏿💯💯


Every time

no thanks sweaty

You are why we need mayocide


Why the hell aren't you anti-white, white people are not even human they are a less evolved and frankly we would be doing them a favor putting them out of their miserable existence.

dafuq I mean I dislike a lot of white ethnicities but to kill the whole entire race is pretty extreme considering we kinda did make almost everything (along with East Asians and Indians)

The reason to genocide the white race is simple. Like all people, the white race originated in Afrika. As humanity's first great cities grew, it became increasingly difficult to deal with habitual thieves, rapists, pedophiles and homosexuals in the population. These offenders were genetically predisposed to their deviant behaviors and exile was the only way to safeguard the populations of the cities. Gradually these inherently depraved individuals were driven ever northward, away from civilization.

Eventually they were driven across the Mediterranean into Europe. Here they settled, their naturally black skin atrophying to a sickly pale color to adapt to the lack of nourishing sunlight. These savages did not build great civilizations, they did not develop science and art as their fathers in Afrika had. Instead, their genetic predilection to violence and the harshness of the European climate brought them to a state of perpetual warfare. As a result, they became great warriors and built powerful new ways to wage war. By contrast the dark skinned peoples of the world became great artists, scientists and philosophers- always maintaining their deep spiritual connection to the Earth. Peoples of color worshiped life, the Europeans worshiped death.

We know what happened next, the Europeans spread out like a plague, raping, destroying, consuming, pillaging everywhere they went. The non whites' cultural superiority was no match for the perfected, savage onslaught of the whites. And so this is where we are today. The tribe of rapists, pedophiles and criminals that all whites are descended from have infested the planet. While it may sound harsh, the only viable option for the preservation of the species is the aggressive termination of this malignant tumor wherever it takes root. And this is why the global extermination of whites isn't just right- it is a moral imperative.

This, but unironically.

Christ, look at this autistic nigger ffs


not anti white

why even live


Don't do that.

What joke did you make?


We've got to up our game past crypto-hate

Yeah at first the "crypto" part sounded cool, but now it's kinda insulting because it makes us lesser than actually hateful.

/u/The-Idiots114 How come I'm not on the list? I impale Turks and weebs for a living.

Nah it's ok turkroaches are more like vermin. Can't keep themselves from genociding whatever they can.

Is it bad that i know like half of these people

This is good. Now that we know the names of all these hate-filled alt-right russian neo-fascist gamergate supporting MRAs. The pressure is on them now no doubt :)

All my work... For nothing! How many slurs do I have to say before my hatred is acknowledged? Nigger! Spic! Trannies are not real women! Notice me senpaiiiiiis!

You can't be racist against abbos because they're not human! Am I doing it right?

Same tbh

No swastika flair? Are you even trying?

/u/The-idiots114: throw /u/feeepo into the pile.


What the hell. I demand a recount.

/u/The-idiots114 What the hell? I demand a recount.

u/The-idiots114 i donate to planned parenthood every year because no other organization in america kills more niggers

if my real and tangible contributions to the slaughter of negroes doesnt qualify me for that list, i dont know what would

went there in to say some shit and demand to be put on the list.

most comments there: .... put me on the list!!!

sigh I am so unoriginal. cant wait for final mayocide :(

I made the list!


Congrats. How did you do it?

I stand firmly against cartoon porn.

Also I remind Reddit constantly that it's not 'progressive' to let your wife sleep around. Nor is it reparations if they sleep with a black man.

And here I am posting about wishing more trannies got killed and ended up in liveleak, and posting pro Dylan Roof content all over the place, getting featured on /r/AgainstHateSubreddits a few times... And no spot on the list.

So I guess it definitely proves a cuck is behind it, since your anti-cuck stance is apparently way more hateful than my open calls to multiple genocideS.

You're trying too hard. You'll never make the list witn that attitude.

Ban the kink shamer reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Random question, as a white man singing along to the weeknd/kendrick lamar song from the black panther soundtrack, can I take part in the tribal chanting part of the song or is that cultural appropriation?

It's a crime against humanity.

He posted a picture of his living room today on r/Neckbeardnests. And I’m not joking.

/u/The-Idiots114 maybe you better start out by making a list of chores.

/u/The-idiots114 get off the internet and spend a few days cleaning your room. That's disgusting.

That's not a nest, that's the battle station that he uses to fight the good fight against fascists

Depression, sad.

/u/The-idiots114 add me to the list.

It's making a list, It's checking it twice

Unacceptable violence in your comment.

Xhem's making a list. Xhem's checking it twice.

/u/The-Idiots114 see we're not so hateful after all.