Whitehouse releases insane virtual snuff film glorifying violence, lacking any context, and making me want to commit mass murder.

220  2018-03-09 by shitpost953


no gta? wow. also is sniper elite any good? never played any of them

I don’t know, I’ve never played any of them either.

They're pretty fun games. Nothing amazing but definitely worth a buy if on sale.

I'd second that. They're fun and have some unique features that are interesting, but I'm not paying $60 for the new one.

3 and 4 are great if you like stealth, taking your time on recon, and fucking with AIs.




Remember, No Russian

Too bad Trump isn't smart because unlike video games there is a legit argument that the glorification of school shooters by the news ("Herostratic fame" is the classical reference apparently) encourages the phenomenon. Considering "gamers" are aligned with Trump while the news is his enemy...

But it is serving as a distraction. I bet he could literally announce he was going to hold a Distraction and that would actually work.

It's hard to tell what he's distracting from anymore.

He's admitted to violating federal law on national television.

It's hard to keep track of which scandal he's trying to distract from.

yes and thats why he is best president ever.

the invincible.

cant wait for Trump vs Hillary 2.


"[redacted] fame"

You're not supposed to say his name! You're part of the problem!

("Herostratic fame" is the classical reference apparently)

The people have had it with you elites.

Too bad Trump isn't smart because unlike video games there is a legit argument that the glorification of school shooters by the news ("Herostratic fame" is the classical reference apparently) encourages the phenomenon.

Is there any actual data to support this? The whole argument seems to be based on two things, first off some rant by a fat limey drunkard on youtube and secondly a desire to avoid discussing the mayo problem.

Contagion in Mass Killings and School Shootings

Yeah, Im familiar with this paper since it comes up in these discussions all the time. Could you please cite which part of it supports this claim:

there is a legit argument that the glorification of school shooters by the news ("Herostratic fame" is the classical reference apparently) encourages the phenomenon.

I trust a bunch of dead people in Ephesus 2000 years ago to figure this shit out a hell of a lot more than I trust baby boomers, gen X-ers, and millenials.

He is just proposing random shit until the heat let's off. Guns in teachers, teasing gun control measures, now video games, nothing is going to happen from any of it. Some of these distractions though might finally hurt him among his base.

also have a half chub

Daddy wtf is this? Delet

I'm disappointed. This is noob shit. At least add some linkin park, effects, and match cuts. This is a very lazy montage and if it was anyone other than the President posting it would get like 5 views.

No Russian was overhyped then, and is overhyped now.

what2heck is No Russian

One of the Call of Duty games had a campaign level called “No Russian” in which you shot up an airport full of unarmed civilians. The hand-wringing groups wrung their hands as expected, but generally the drama was quite minor.

Any potential mass shooters can just play that and get the spree shooting thing out of their system. A useful therapeutic tool if you ask me.

Umm good write up, but you forgot to mention that all the dirty civilians were Russian! Therefore murdering them was the right and just thing to do.

Propably posted on /r/the_donald too

If I'm not mistaken this made big time news because right before the game was released there was an actual mass shooting at an airport. I could be completely wrong but I seem to remember there being something around the time that game was released.

I mean, it was quite big drama back in the day. It was all over the news. Keep in mind this was back when CoD was by far the biggest game in the world.

The funniest part was the game gave you the option to skip it in case it would be too triggering

In Call of Duty Modern Warfare you play an undercover American who has embedded himself with a Russian terrorist organization. The terrorists decide to attack a civilian airport and they are trying to frame it like an an American Supported attack so they tell everyone "Remember, No Russian" (so as not to give themselves away).

As the player you are suppose to maintain your cover by doing what they ask. During the level you can either shoot the civilians, or shoot around them (giving the appearance that you are shooting them when in reality its the other terrorists doing it).

At the end of the level it turns out the Russian Terrorists knew you were an American the whole time and they shoot you in the head and drive away. Since Russian authorities find an American body at the airport they assume the US is directly responsible and then shit just goes from there until Russia invades New York City and Washington DC in CoD 3.

dumbass the entire of MW 2 is about the invasion of washington dc, the counter attack is in MW3 which takes place mainly in europe.

as a guy named Ramirez from the NOVA area it took me awhile to realize it wasn't the makers of COD being amazing developers that had missions for every different user based on location and also had fully voiced for every different last name.

Wait, the last CoD game I played was a 360 launch game, so I never really paid attention to this nonsense. Are you saying the actual plot to MW2 was Russians faking a terrorist attack as supported by Americans while secretly being really supported by Americans? So the Russians were right all along?

wtf now I want to play MW1 thru 3 now

When I saw no Russian in the montage I rolled my eyes and groaned.

Omg that was my same reaction! have an upboat good sir

le narwhale bacons at midnight!

that last part was hard as shit when you could barely see the swat team.

thats the worst part about MW2 the enemies were always located in the worst fucking places. its supposed to be this fast paced shooter and in places like the favelas they keep spawning fucking everywhere.

You can just skip the whole level.

I know this because it was the only way I was able to finish the game on veteran.

its not that bad, i just used the granade launcher a lot and hid behind stuff and lucked it out by running to the end point. the way the level is designed they don't walk into an area around the end point so you can just sprint there and hopefully not die in the hail of bullets. it then immediately goes into the end scene

I remember you had to keep moving forward as you were shooting in order to pass that level.

At least add some linkin park Drowning Pool - Bodies

Deport all gamers

Muslims give us kabob, what do you give us gamers?

fart dust in your cushions


fucking lol this shit again, jack thompson must be sitting home going "I FUCKING TOLD YOU ALL"

Oh man, so this is how the bottom falls out of the Trump administration.

They went after gamers.....gamers

Daddy is coming after your guns and your vidya.

This is taking voting against your own interests to levels that I never thought were physically achievable.

There must be only one explanation.

God himself is shitposting.

Personally I think vidya games led to the creation of the "milady" gamer crowd.

So let's ban the vidya, give everyone a rifle, and have the Trump Training Brigade! We can even do this nifty goose walk thing that Hans introduced us to.

Rifles are a form of tactical assault rifle. It's right there in the name. Can't give people rifles if they're banned.

Bayonetta is attached to a rifle. What kind of message is that sending to our children?

TFW we can be the next Hessian military export state


Daddy is coming after your guns and your vidya.

Im actually surprised how quiet Reddit has been about both of these. The various political subs have gotten a little upset and cranky, but the video games cause violence trope has caused site wide violence in the past.

but the video games cause violence trope has caused site wide violence in the past.

I hope it happens again, this is truly the best President we've ever had for Drama, I can't wait for 2030 when Barron spices together another one of these montages for the games he's playing only for research

Hoping for mass violence, even in shitposting form, is kind of fycked up fam

I hope it happens again is refering to "video games cause violence trop has caused site wide violence in the past" you psycho

can you imagine how terrible the Hilary timeline is for drama. there is probably a ban on memes by this point. Colbert probably killed himself after the late show gets canceled because his ratings only rose because trump won.

You leave Killary and Colbear out of this

As if Colbert wouldnt make jokes about Hillary. He'd just do Colbert Report again and get a healthy audience of people who get the joke and people who think he is serious.

And to think that our choice might have been !Jeb! Bush vs Hillary Clinton, and that the USA is a democracy

Wait hold up, I hear past presidents giving speeches for an hour behind closed doors then get a $1,000,000 "donation" for their speech... :thinking:

But they already decided that Ivanka gets to be president first, then Jared. I'm not even joking.

Let's see how KiA reacts this time. Is it posted there yet?

Lmao, it's not. Of course it is not. What a surprise, turns out that sub wasn't about video gamee after all.

The delusion in that thread is hilarious. Daddy don't touch vidya!

But random women talking shit about vidyas on twitter IS AN ATTACK ON OUR GOD GIVEN VIDYAS

Well those sluts better stop it! Those men are super important and bring a lot to the world

World 2-3 maybe

Most of them are deflecting to Sarkeesian. Is she still in any way relevant?

Less relevant than hillary, but those types are chronic victims so they need something to whine about

It's what people do when someone on 'their side' does something wrong. Just find any reason to bitch about the other side so they don't have to confront it.

Keep yourself safe you male feminist.

Don't be upset, we're all friends here.

post bussy.

This thread sure aged well

If Trump is for something, than the media is against it. This will finally kill that meme.

the problem is reddit banned everyone that cared enough about vidya or guns back when Anita wanted to ban both 3 years ago.

its amazing how quickly reddit's mainstream views changed. this time 2 years ago the entire front page would have been covered in posts praising Obama if he decided to get into a trade war, because Bernie was campaigning on tariffs and against globalism all that other bullshit. Also a bit odd that no one seems to remember that

No one cared about Bernie's actual positions. They just liked him because he wasn't Hilary and he promised them free shit.

That's me.

Also dude weed lmao

(i dont do that shit but schedule 1 still boggles my mind lmfao)

You should smoke some weed tonight you fuckin square

Also a bit odd that no one seems to remember that

Probably because it happened in your fever dreams.

the problem is reddit banned everyone that cared enough about vidya or guns back when Anita wanted to ban both 3 years ago.

its amazing how quickly reddit's mainstream views changed. this time 2 years ago the entire front page would have been covered in posts praising Obama if he decided to get into a trade war, because Bernie was campaigning on tariffs and against globalism all that other bullshit. Also a bit odd that no one seems to remember that

Is this a real post because if so lol

Because jack shit is actually going to be done about video games. The current government is so parslyzed by scandal, turnover and infighting that hardly anything is actually getting done (which is perfect in my opinion). They can't pass important legislation, so there is not a snowball's chance in hell they will waste time trying to debate or vote on trivial bullshit like video game violence. Not gonna happen.

Because jack shit is actually going to be done about video games.

I dunno man, I suspect a whole lot of teenage boys are going to be upset as their hysterical mother criticizes their video games once this thing finishes playing out. That usually leads to more angry posting on Reddit.

If the school shooting thing picks up some more steam they may do something to appease the masses, but I don't think it will.

Had to check the date, because this could have been posted any time in the last fifty years.

site wide violence

So what you're saying here is: reddit causes violence.

Not just any violence, but stupid violence!

Well, the video has ZERO context. I watched it, and to me it just looked like a chipshow of some awesome game moments. As near as I can tell, the White House is saying I should totally try these games out.

but the video games cause violence trope has caused site wide violence in the past.

The people who flip out over stuff like this are largely on subs like KIA and support trump. They won't flip out unless trump takes direct action (and will probably try to rationalize that too if he does)

Because video game blogs/anita/SJW crowd have been saying the same thing as Trump for 5 years, and don't know how to handle Trump agreeing with them.

Because video game blogs/anita/SJW crowd have been saying the same thing as Trump for 5 years

Really? Theyve been saying video games cause school shootings? Where?

Mommy hates video games as much as Daddy does, gamers couldn't help but vote against their own interest in that regard.

Even hilldawg wouldn't dream of going full 1998 Tipper Gore on their shit.

the one good thing about trump is he flip flops like a fucking maniac. in six months he will probably be demanding mandatory FPS classes and firearms training for all kids in elementary school

Mandatory training in zerg rush tactics for dealing with best Korea.

This is our punishment for creating the internet...

trumps gonna say all sorts of shit the media will agree with and laugh as they bend their brains in knots trying to decide if they can agree with him or not


Or maybe Daddy is just a retard.

Who knows?

and who cares

what’s he gonna do? he knows Americans fucking LOVE violent entertainment, he doesn’t stand anything to gain here other than making the media look like idiots for the umpteenth time

They messed with gamers... GAMERS

Quick someone post this to KIA

Their response: but the sjws!!!


Wow he's being Anita which is why I dislike this but she has more influence than him anyway

Vidya was a mistake

Imagine thinking Anita is still relevant.

And has more influence than the fucking president of the United States.

They have the most obvious crush on her.


Yeah, Trump is starting to use the same tactics Sarkeesian has used so I'm 100% against him on this issue. Trying to see how this all pans out, but if he starts screwing up badly enough, I won't vote for him or support him again.

They really just cant let go, can they?

>Single Issue Voter

> That Issue is Video Games

Really making people like me who only vote for the person with better Music taste intelligent.

Hillary voted for Neutral Milk Hotel "In The Aeroplane Over The Sea" as best album of the past 20 years in Pitchfork.

Trump voted for Winger. Just the band. And it was asked by a rando wearing a MAGA hat.

Really makes you think...

all it makes me think is that Trump is the best choice for drama, like we already knew

Freedom of speech is at the top of my list. I can't have faggots telling me what art i can and can't see.

One of them legit says that random feminist blogger Anita Sarkeesian has more influence over the game industry than President Donald Trump. These people are scared of women to a degree I didn't know was possibles.

The worst part is that they are right.

Only because Trump is less competent than some screeching blogger.

It’s actually amazing how much they’re damage controlling for trump rn

... Makes you wonder.

Actually no it doesn't.

its almost like they are a right wing subreddit or something.

I really do love remembering 3 years ago all the people on there making comments about how suddenly Breitbart is the best news website, and 100% trustworthy and how awful liberals are for not understanding that women and minorities don't belong

that was so funny. all the talk about Based Milo, and then he did an entirely predictable thing and threw them under the bus when he was done with them. their shock that he wasn't a true believer was great viewing.

do they still get really triggered when someone points out their bias?

You know briebhart and ethics go handy in hand like lemon juice and paper cuts

the top 10 or so comments are all condemning or mocking it, I stopped reading there so where’s the trump supporters?

They're defending it lol

Cant. Banned. :(

Loool #metoo

I knew that one of these days Sniper Elite was going to grief for being so fucking awesome.

Trump must have think "Ready Player One" is footage from the future...

Trump thinks he can take on gamers?

Heh... he's not special, he's not original, he's not the first.

cracks knuckles This is just another boss fight.

teleports behind Donald Trump

nothing personnel, kid

I was bouncing around tabs and thought this was an unironic post on a serious sub holy shit lol

What’s the game where the soldiers are shooting all of those people in the terminal? I must buy it.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Thank you.

With this Trump is risking to lose his oldest and most fierce supporters the GAMERS. Trump may not be aware, but he is plays with fire. Our Power and wrath is unpreceded. We are willing to drop everything in pursuit of our goals. Obstacles which are insurmountable for others are cleared by us with us, enemies who seem unbeatable are mere NPCs for us. Do not try us Blonald Jay Grumpf...

My pent up virginity beam will Peirce the heavens!

Genius! Suppressing stuff has always made it go away! Look at how well thats worked with sex and drugs!

Remember when music started to have bad words in it and they cleaned it all up? Now we all listen to classical.

if they make vidya illegal only criminals will have vidya

The informal association of comrades affiliated with the fashion brand Gucci. The informal association of comrades affiliated with the fashion brand Gucci. The informal association of comrades affiliated with the fashion brand Gucci.The informal association of comrades affiliated with the fashion brand Gucci. The informal association of comrades affiliated with the fashion brand Gucci. The informal association of comrades affiliated with the fashion brand Gucci.

I will use a stack of ill-gotten currency totalling ten thousand U.S. Dollars to purchase a new necklace.

My female companion who I do not respect very much but with whom I share a romantic and sexual relationship enjoys snorting cocaine, ooh!

I had casual relations with a woman who I do not consider to be my significant other, but my mind is addled from codeine abuse and her name escapes me.

I am neither willing nor able to purchase a wedding ring with the intent of offering it to a woman. I would prefer to go out and purchase pricey denim jeans manufactured by the famous fashion designer Balmain.

The informal association of comrades affiliated with the fashion brand Gucci. The informal association of comrades affiliated with the fashion brand Gucci. The informal association of comrades affiliated with the fashion brand Gucci.The informal association of comrades affiliated with the fashion brand Gucci. The informal association of comrades affiliated with the fashion brand Gucci. The informal association of comrades affiliated with the fashion brand Gucci.

Black people music is in no way comparable to the damage video games do to kids, we literally have a generation of fat angry snowflakes because their parents decided to let video games raise them.

TIL black people music is the only kind with bad words.

you have to admit, if you're not a psychopath this montage is not exactly easy to watch, even if you've played these games and done this shit yourself.

Did anyone here play MW2 "No Russian" and NOT think "damn man that was fucked up"?

i gave up after four to seven seconds but i dodn’t see anything shocking

I, too, feel immense empathy for 1s and 0s being torn asunder.

Information theory tbh

Seriouspost alert: Claude Shannon would have fucking loved the games we play today.

Gimme more sentences

I'm trying but... I'm tapping my key but... damn... line coding is so difficult...

My grandmother was a 1, watch your mouth

This is nothing.

You should see the sexism.

A lot of these games are bad anyway and i don't play them.

half of them are from games where it's a running joke that none of their players ever bother with the single player campaign.

I mean, in the same way that watching Saw makes me uncomfortable or reading the murders in American Psycho makes me uncomfortable.

Sometimes media want to invoke a certain feeling, whether that be in the service of entertainment or art. And tbh I definitely don't feel any reservations with watching Nazis be brutally murdered... its kinda embarrassing anyone would try to prove otherwise

B...b...but in Sniper Elite you should only go for liver shots! It's inhumane to kill actual literal (virtual) WW2 German Hitler-oath-swearing krauts by shooting them through the head!


that montage was pretty easy to watch

the first lady they killed with an axe was kinda hard until i realized she wasn’t a kid

No Russian, No Russian. You're the Russian.

To be honest, "No Russian" was supposed to be fucked up, it's only later you realise you can pass the level without killing a single civilian, which could be cause for some genuine self-reflec-

Uh, no wait let me try that again:

muh videyo gaymes

Fuck off manchild.

Lol the literally put unfiguratively "no Russian" in it. 🔥🔥🔥😂😂

Daddy trolls the libs again. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

It must be one of those high powered video games....

Lol @ Dead by Daylight being on there. Kids are going to grow 8 feet tall and leave bear traps around school now.

I watched this video and now I want to go chop up a negress in my boiler room.

And call of duty. A video game emulating a violent action movie has violence in it. WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED O_o


Cherrypicking level: Sarkeesian

Only real cherrypicking I see is using No Russian, which you're warned about like 8 times before playing and fully allowed to skip.

Everything else is just violent games being violent and Trump apparently thinking that matters.

If he bans video games it will all have been worth it

I love that the one thing Hillary and Daddy agree on is violent games. It's such a beautiful display of bipartisanship. :')

gamurs dindu nuffin

I now believe every gamer with "faze" in their username is a future school shooter.

/u/eva_unit_hung How can you spin this?

This is Donald Trump's personal highlights reel, showing the coolest parts of all his favourite games.

I like how the Whitehouse is asserting that killing Nazis invading America is a bad thing.


I don't see any indication that this is something Trump opposes. I think he's just posting cool shit from his favorite video games

I dont know why people are so intent on punching Nazi's when there are so many gamers not being punched right now.

It started with shooting centipedes, jousting with birds, throwing newspapers ate rednecks from a bicycle, eating pills and ghosts, and I said nothing...

Gay frogs crossing the streets, some muslim price prancing about and literal glorification of piracy.

They missed a few good ones, like beating someone to death with their own severed arm in GoW 3 or building a concentration camp in Fallout 4.

You need off nexus mods for the last one.

I've played all those violent vidyas and I haven't even rampaged that much.

LOL at the Fallout 4 video where the point blank shotgun doesn't kill the sitting guy.

Also, what are spoilers?

Akshually it's a Pipe Revolver

I only watched that and it gave me urges to buy an AR-15.

USA is losing face at an alarming rate. It's just so embarrassing to have these goofy things posted on official channels

Can't lose what was already lost, breh

"Hey, what's up guys, realdonaldtrump here with another Minecraft let's play..."

Not being subscribed to Barron's Roblox channel


Trump targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

trump is dumb

First they came for the gamers...

Hmmz, it is not posted on the_Donald. I wonder why 🤔🤔🤔

to be fair all those games are garbage, so no one will miss them.

/u/captainpripiasm how conflicted are you about This? One one hand it's daddy, but then again vidya?!

lmao half of these are from MW2

I mean if we get rid of Vidya maybe people will leave their basements for once and get fucking.

not like they'd read books


THIS is what people voted Trump for