Why do mods sticky retarded shit?

104  2018-03-09 by throwawayforme9000

It's not even drama most of the time, just random annoying bullshit.


The same reason group x does action y. They are retarded.

I’d say coup the sub and start over, but u/AnnArchist is pretty good at the ol’ shudditdown.

Trump 2020

The stickies will continue until morale improves.

Sticky em all!

Rock/Rock 2020

Rock/Rock 2020

Chris and Kid? Kid and The? The and Chris? The and Chris?

No nigga, vulcanic and sedimentary.

Ah, going for that reverse-psychology sticky eh?

Look at what's sticked right now

Great job. Maybe I should start sticking random shit in the subs I mod... hmm.

random annoying bullshit.

We do it because it's funny to annoy you.

Rude if tru.

Epic trolling, Hodor

fak u

troled epic style


no it isnt

I was hoping it would end after /u/ed_shit_turd was demodded.

My sense of disappointment was immense upon finding out that username is not real.... yet

it has too many underscores anyway

We did not come this far, just to come this far, the swarm is headed towards us but we will hang in there.

Bitcoin can't be stopped, we put our money and faith in a mathematical framework that is free of politics and human error, it will be everywhere and the world will have to readjust. A mix of various quotes.

Mine: Bitcoin value is not in the price, if you are just here for that then you will eventually shit your pants and miss the point.

just the drama mods and powerusers circlejerking each other. Report, downvote and ignore those posts.


Because they're retarded just like you

What, you don't like the kid making out with the younger kid?

What a fucking fag

U dare to insult the mods!!!!


Got um mu toG

And why don't they sticky my retarded shit?