Gussy lover spirals when twink video game character is implied to want the D

18  2018-03-09 by xTaterHaterx


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Hey, /u/burntends97, just from the way you type I can tell you have some sort Erectile Dysfunction.

Duly noted, and ignored

Are you doing an impression of every women that's ever met you?

I use the same answer I used when asked if I’ve ever been as far into the interior as coruscant


Fags are annoying, yes.

Video games are for school shooters and slant eyes

And there's a significant intersection between those two.

From my point of view the Jedi are evil.

then you are gayboiiii

post bussy

Lol why is everyone suggesting he's afraid of gay people?

I'm not afraid of dogs, but I wouldn't let mine up on the bed. Am I dog-phobic?

its more like someone mentions they have a pet and someone says it might be a dog and you just go crazy and yell at them to stop assuming its a dog most people own cats wtf and its all based on your irrational fear of dogs

Eh, it's more like someone saying they have a pet and you asking if they have a dog or a cat. They actually have a horse or some kind of exotic bird and they can't believe that you would assume they are like 90% of the population.

Imagine using the "but I'm not strain of them1!!1!" Argument in 2k17