OP's bubble bursts when others refuse to agree that 50% of black people act like savages

12  2018-03-09 by taxitaxixo




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most white people here choose to work instead of sit on their asses bitching like a bunch of losers

u/PainMagnetGaming don't get me wrong, I hate all races and I'm not trying to play favorites. But statistics prove that while wypipo on NEETbux only make up 13.45754% of the American population, they account for 99% of redditors.

"BBBLLLLAAAACCCCKKKKSSSS!! Why can't they function like normal members of society!! Bunch of lazy race card playing dipshits!!!"


"I'm sick of all these anti-white posts. Literal white genocides are happening and people just complain still about whites nonstop. Racism is garbage."

You can't make this shit up.

Other 50% are too dumb for being a savage.

That doesn't make any sense you fucking autist.

It literally does. Try be 60 IQ retard and a savage. Impossible.

Lol wut