We have to shut the zoo down because an orangutan SMOKED A CIGARETTE!!

110  2018-03-09 by _ijustliketoread_


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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What? There are three possibilities:

  1. Fake news
  2. Orangutans have innate understanding of how to smoke cigarettes
  3. Someone taught the orangutan how to smoke

But which one is most likely?

Fake new taught Orangutans how to genetically modified themselves in order to innately know how to smoke cigarettes.

But which one is most likely?

  1. Your mom gay lol

(no "no u")

me too thanks

My mom has bigger dick than your mom FAGGOT!!!

I'm not saying the orang has never smoked before, but they have a propensity for mimicry.. they have probably watched people smoke cigs for decades

1:30 is one of my favorite memes of all time.

"Wow, this stupid fucking monkey is so smart."

>can't drive a nail

>can't use a saw

>keeps having fucking kids, despite zero job-ready skills

>probably lives on our welfare

To be fair, apes have shit fine motor control.

Wait, are you talking about black people?

2, this was proven in the 19th century

Orangutans have innate understanding of how to smoke cigarettes

Haven't you ever seen pictures of smoking babies? Hell, even crabs can smoke. All life has an innate understanding of how to smoke cigarettes. We're just the few lucky enough to possess the hands to do so.

Option 4: it's in Indonesia where kids come out of the womb ripping stoogs, so he's probably watched people do it for years.

All monkeys should be taught to smoke cigars and the like because it's really funny.

Also shave their whole bodies and put lipstick on them lmao

Also color their hair, give them signs and let them march with feminists.

Can’t do that if they’ve already shaved tbh

we don't need more mayos

If I had access to a Monkey, I'd definitely teach it to smoke.

great apes smoking cigarettes is nothing new.

one million people signing a petition to shut down a zoo because of something totally outside the zoo's control, now that's just $current_year for you. eugenics when?

Rip harambe

His fault for not being Halalbe

wtf the guy who threw the cigarette wasn't even related to the zoo

He's just rippin a dart, nbd.

rippin a dart

day of the rake when?

Soon, fuck those Canucks.

Shut it down? We need to blow it up!

Literally none of you know anything. This zoo is infamous for horrible animal welfare standards, that's why it's attracting so much attention. There has been calls to close it down for many years now.

Zoos should be banned tbh. We have shown time and time again we're too retarded to have them.

Women should be put in zoos

anyone that smokes or used to smoke knows homeboy was doin the orangutan a favor. don't even know the last time he got a smoke, but on that day, he felt free.

probably by the standards of whatever country it’s actually in