Privileged Bruno Mars is a Culture Vulture and steals from black people

18  2018-03-09 by saint2e


In the last 10 years, 1 black person (Herbie Hancock) won album of the year at the Grammy's.

In the last 20 years, 4 black people (Herbie Hancock, Ray Charles, Outkast (seriously), and Lauryn Hill)

For 30 years, 7 (add Quincy Jones, Natalie Cole, and Whitney Houston).

40 years, 9 (add Michael Jackson and Lionel Ritchie)

50 years, 12 (Stevie Wonder 3 times).

So basically once every 4 years, on average (the last 10 years being a bit of a drought), a black artist wins the album of the year grammy.

That's 0% white wtf