Popular reddit approved™ celebrity goes surfing with daughter. Literally no dad reflexes happen in this video, but fortunately GallowBoob is a mod and can remove all comments calling him out on it.

246  2018-03-10 by DowntownWrongdoer


Never 4get the time this guy sent threats to some mod team because there was a post mocking him

/u/GallowBoob once drilled holes in my firewood and filled them with firecrackers so the next time I went to have a fire a series of small explosions went off and I had no idea what was going on :(

One time /u/GallowBoob housesat for me and he posted everything I own on the free section on cragislist.

/u/GallowBoob once plugged his own wireless router into my wall and stole my internet for a month

One time /u/GallowBoob trampled on my precious petunias and didn't apologise.

/u/GallowBoob still believes in Santa Claus, and he wants to put him in porno films.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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The original drama was all right, but /u/axeriel's aggressive white-knighting pushes this post over the top. Nice lolcow wrangling, OP!

It's not white knighting if it's literally a gallowboob alt afaik

Sure seems like it's an alt

But then, how the fuck is he so bad at meta? He obviously lives and breathes this site

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

lmao what kind of small-souled beta male makes a personal sub... for his alt? Narcissus himself would be telling you it’s time to stop.

Gallowboob does. It's painfully obvious an alt of his.

It's fucking beautiful. He's like a maestro of unfiltered autism.

OwO what's this?

So /u/gallowboob, have you stopped sending dick pics to minors yet? I don't want reddit to have to suspend you for it again.

The admins should hire gallowboob for a day and let the entire website just lose its shit.

If I ping u/gallowboob will he ban from from al the subs he moderates? I feel like he’s that big of a pussy.

I heard surfing is harder than it looks.

u/GallowBoob is an inept waste of a person.  He is an abomination of humanity. He constantly uploads the same shitty image to 20 different subreddits and is a pissy little bitch about it. Uploading garbage to Reddit is his literal job. There is a solution to the cancer that is this user- blocking the cunt. You will never have to see a shitty GallowBoob post and will never accidentally contribute to his massive karma count ever again.

It did not. That post apparently explains what really went down and the tl;dr is an adult was the one baiting him and the photo was not a dick pic, or else we would have seen it by now, but just another photo he had posted on reddit before. Granted it was nsfw, but nowhere near a dick pic.

Reddit loves to create its own narrative regardless of what actually went down. Especially on subs like these.

rabble rabble rabble

That is not what happened.. In case you actually give a fuck.

It did not. That post apparently explains what really went down and the tl;dr is an adult was the one baiting him and the photo was not a dick pic, or else we would have seen it by now, but just another photo he had posted on reddit before. Granted it was nsfw, but nowhere near a dick pic.

Reddit loves to create its own narrative regardless of what actually went down.

Telling users to kill themselves online

If you look closely mods approve similar content in the past. The fact this was GB is what gave this a voice, otherwise no one would care because... there is nothing to care about.

Reddit can be retarded.

Do you know why he is?!

Did you have a stroke?

404 🛑💻🖥 BUSSY NOT FOUND 🍑🚫😭

remember /u/andrewsmith1986? More cancerous version of that guy.

Everyone here wishes they could. But they can't so instead they a t t a c c

If the OP were anybody else , comments wouldn't have been removed.

It later came out that the guy was in his thirties.

He is responding, as /u/axeriel

It’s shopped.

Link to dick pic?