18F bisexual anime lover rages at the suggestion that blueberries won't cure her lead poisoning

15  2018-03-10 by LikeTotesObvi


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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I dont see how u can deny the benefits of blueberries and other lifeberrys that nature gave us for detoxification also frankely ur comment adds nothing to this topic so im just gonna assume (I know, ew) that ur another braindead redditer going a long with the health hate train

it seems like redditers just enjoy bein unhealthy, w/e not my prob, u can lead a horse to water but u can't make them drink could never be mor appropriate then here

source and tl:;dr : i look greate and feel greate and u all obviously are a bunch of lemminks

edit : spelling, also just finished puting on my night time cleansing facial mask that my girlfriend got from the body shop (im lesbian but dont get any ideas boyos ;) ) anyways i look fantastic i feel so bad for u guys :( but thats okay, cheer up ull figure it out someday :)

I love antimlm. Story time, I used to live in the south and worked at a restaurant. One time a heavy set professional looking black dude comes in and me and him shoot the breeze through out the order, talk about work and stuff when I bring him his food. At the end he tells me he's putting together a company and wants to know if I'd be interested in interviewing with him, talked me up, said I seemed really smart and professional. At the time I was really poor and this sounded good so I agreed to meet him at a fast food place at a later date over a few texts after he left. I arrive to the meeting place, go in and I sit down at the table and the guy pulls out a binder and opens it on the table, says the binder is worth millions of dollars and I can have it for 350 dollars to start. Never have I been more immediately disgusted and ashamed, I had fallen for a pyramid scheme intro meeting, had no idea it was coming.

Did you just get up and leave?

If I'm being honest I forget my exact reaction. I simply remember feeling gutted at the thought of being tricked into it and incredibly ashamed I could be so dumb, and honestly really disappointed it wasn't a real opportunity.

I didn't react angrily though, think I just told him i had zero dollars upfront and we just finished lunch, maybe I rushed it to get out asap honestly not sure.

Everyone is a Russian bot but you.

i concur