Obvious troll visits r/drama and pretends to be stereotypical braindead SJW type, ruffles RADICAL CENTRIST feathers with hackneyed performance and predictable plot twists.

41  2018-03-11 by j1l1l1


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Nice try, but no one seems to be taking your bait, champ.

I'm not as good as you, I'm not ashamed to admit it. Good trolling takes an amount of effort, time and intelligence that I sadly don't have.

Cool. Awesome. Maybe log off and go outside. You could use the fresh air, I'm sure.

You got the touchdown, we don't need the endzone dance.

Three pumps, that's a flag

Post a pic of your main userpage with TrollX karma included and time stamped. You can block the name itself if you are too chicken shit to be posting on drama freely.

You are a walking stereotype pretty much with your replies.

Why are you so homophobic and racist though. Bussy is AAE so by being critical of the use of said word you are minimizing the experience of whole subsection of discriminated people. Check yo privilege.

It's the equivalent of a "I'm a nigger AMA" /pol/-thread.

I’m retarded and took the bait. I realized it as soon as the stereotypes fit too well.

I believed it until they started defending amy schumer

Man, you fucking faggots need to stop downvoting the lolcows.