This is how TERFS actually think of themselves unironically.

109  2018-03-11 by EntireWish


My sisters ♥♥♥

Please be joking.

Can't believe its not Butter detected

Information Overload, reporting for duty



I'm the honorable mention



But I thought they think terf is a slur

Make up your mind terfs

Tbh I think we should reclaim 'terf'

Still doesn't make you any less of a misogynist, lesbian hating, homophobic piece if shit for using it in a derogatory way fuckface.

says the trans-phobic fuckface

Mini Van: Literally she's a mom, that's scary enough

I'm the childfree Mini Van hahaha

Character type A: literally one defining feature.

Person B: hey, I'm character type a, except without the one defining feature 🤔

/u/normie_girl explain dis.

you just hate women?

Do you really think I hate women? I just found it funny that the person claimed to fill most similar to a certain character, while also saying she didn't share it's main defining characteristic.

Lol nah I'm jks

Just killing self?

sorry mr. alt right, I live another day!

We're not alt right here; we're either alt left, altalt right, or just 'politically shitty.'

no that guy's name is "altright"

expecting a modicum of reading comprehension from someone here

thinking I even know how to read

That's just not gonna work, is it? I accept your defeat.

Yeah, so?

only cucks don't hate women.

lmao @ you seriousposters

Fite me a irl

I fucked you so hard, admit it

Mercy Daddy Mommy, my bussy so sore.😥

You admitted it!

I don't get it but I think it's funny


Brazzers is a pornographic production company based in Montreal, Canada. With an online network consisting of thirty-one hardcore pornography websites, the company's slogan is “The World's Best HD Porn Site!”.

Oh my!

In real life they are all fatter versions of the first 1.

Drama is Void Gazer territory

why would someone use drawing ability for such evil purposes

Or for such dumb purposes

Somebody missed their chelation therapy.

Because they are one of the three male """allies""" and therefore need to constantly suck TERF dick for the crime of existing.

TERF dick


Scarier than hot sauce

ugh mayos tbh

actually being into these dumbass "personality memes" is one of the best ways to know someone is a failure at life


I'm the troll being vored by the Void Gazer and sensually sliding down her warm, wet throat down to bathe in her protective and snug belly. <3

It's Sunday, no boners pls.

All the basic level girls on my Facebook feed froth these too "haha, I'm totally that one! #relatable"




So probably they are all a hot sauce and void gazer mix. -Full of impotent rage -Think they are sarcastic but just caustic -Gross and off putting but defiantly not deliberate -Hot sauce body type -Can be seen REEEEEEEEing in the distance -Feed the troll like crazy and shit all over normies they mistake for trolls

What’s the diff between sarcastic and caustic?

Nothing. In this case they are both synonyms of 'socially inept autist'.

"Mmm trolls nice mid-day snack"

[Proceeds to feed the trolls with impotent rage]

/u/mosswolf any regrets?

None <3

Thanks for visiting. I liked your drawings and found your categorization of your movement amusing. I honestly hope someday you'll chill the fuck out and find out that men can be a positive part of your life without them signing on to your whole ideology.

They just want women to be happy dude.

Hey, I'm glad you enjoyed it. A lot of people have been trying to shit on it, but I explained in the original post (not that I expect anyone to have noticed) that the art is intentionally garbage and it's just a silly humor piece. It was never meant to be taken seriously.

That said, you don't know me. I have men in my life who I respect and enjoy their company, some who have very different ideologies than me, and I know men like that exist all over the world. Unfortunately, those men don't negate the other men who do fucked up shit on the daily. Which is a lot. And in a space dedicated solely to women, we don't feel the need to #notallmen every one of our complaints. Probably for the best you don't try to go into our subreddit if you can't handle those conversations.

You unironically go, girl

Guys, I am the non-TERF TERF hahaha.

Suicidal retard reporting for duty

Fuck, why didn't you report to r/Drama sooner Private Faget?

Why are they drawn with necks?

Divorced husband to marry a tree.

Honestly, at least the TERFs have some shred of self-awareness, which is more than can be said about almost any other bucket of naval-gazing autists on this benighted site (/r/drama very much included).

naval-gazing autists

Hey, some people like looking at ships - don't be a hater.

Too-shay, +1 for team autism.

For all their faults at least they seem to be far more capable of self reflection and independent thought than any other feminists.

Notices ur shitty meme what is this OwO

r/gendercritical in a nutshell

i don't really understand the difference between teal and indigo, i feel like both are just "so pedantic that i would leave"

Asian woman is depicted as the color yellow

Are TERFs allowed to be racist if they claim they’re intersectional first?

248 points (92% upvoted)

Shut it down

Give them to Pixar, make it an angry version of Inside Out, and I'll watch it. Whil Wheaton can play the Dude.