Vegan loves animals so much that she imprisons a wild predator, feeds it stupid diet

152  2018-03-11 by MantisTobogganMD_PHD


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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I don't know why vegans insist owning carnivorous animals.

If an animal's natural diet compromises your "morality" then don't own one.

Not just diet. A wild carnivorous animal -- not even a feral dog, an honest to god wild animal whose ancestors were never bred by humans -- is not a fucking pet. I don't know how so many people can be vain enough to think they can do right by an animal whose instincts weren't repeatedly molded to make them get along with humans.

People who are Vegan are already vain enough to dare reject evolutionary biology and nature itself.

You think you got that brain by being denied predation??!?!


Aren't all animals omnivorous? I dislike the holier-than-thou attitude of vegans as much as anyone, but I see no harm in feeding a tiger a steady diet of grass and soy, provided it's nutritional requirements are being met.

i can't tell if actually retarded or just pretending

no, all animals are very much definitely NOT omnivorous, there are such things as 'obligate carnivores' who have digestive systems literally unable to handle non-meat matter

there are such things as 'obligate carnivores' who have digestive systems literally unable to handle non-meat matter

Wasn't that proven to be just a myth though? I recall reading a study to that effect somewhere on reddit.

No, it is definitely not. Take for example weasels and the like - their digestive system is so small that they can actually die from consuming plant matter, they can't digest it so it gets stuck in their intestines, blocks it all off, and they die. or they can actually get cancer and insulinoma if they don't get enough proper protein.

cats and big cats will SOMETIMES go after plants, but that's because it induces vomiting. it's like a natural hairball remedy - you know those scratchy tongues? big cats in the wild use those to lick the fur off their prey, rips it right off the body, so with all that hair and fur stuck inside they'll gobble some grass to puke it all back up. same with housecats.

cats and big cats will SOMETIMES go after plants

That's what I'm saying! There are no TRUE carnivores. Interesting stuff about the weasels though. I'll have to read up on that.

oh shit i took the bait, you got me, 8/10

I may not be knowledgeable as to what a carnivore and what does not, but I know something that something that makes you vomit does not count as part of your diet

My dad would disagree

I'm sensing a story here

alcoholism :(

Tell your dad that he's a failure if he still wastes valuable alcohol like some 17yo.

He died last Tuesday.


Actually I lied. He's still alive. Why did I lie about something like that? Because it's preferable to the truth.

He ran off with my 16 year old cousin Jacob.

Even your dad doesn't want your bussy. Why live at this point?

He took my virginity when I was 12.

No he didn't. Don't let anyone tell you that someone took your virginity. It's a thing that YOU own, and than nobody can take away from you without your consent.

I consented


I'm one of them. Last christmas my mum told me to eat the greens on my plate and I refused calling her a spacker, then she had a spack attack and started hammering them down my mouth with the ladle. The second the first sprout touched the tip of my tongue I sicked all over my aunt and a cat.

No they aren't. Carnivorous animals may consume plant matter from their lrey's intestines that help them with digestion, but that doesn't mean they're omnivores.

That's why science has dovided animals into carnivores omnivores and herbivores.

Carnivorous animals may consume plant matter

That literally proves that it's an omnivore. I'm assuming herbivores don't eat animals to "help with digestion"? That's why there are no true carnivores.

consume =/= eat


Um.. what?

from google:

con·sume kənˈso͞om/ verb verb: consume; 3rd person present: consumes; past tense: consumed; past participle: consumed; gerund or present participle: consuming

eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink).
"people consume a good deal of sugar in drinks"
synonyms:   eat, devour, ingest, swallow, gobble up, wolf down, guzzle, feast on, snack on; More
drink, gulp down, imbibe;
informaltuck into, put away, polish off, dispose of, pig out on, down, swill, scarf (down/up)
"vast amounts of food and drink were consumed"
    buy (goods or services).
    use up (a resource).
    "these machines consume 5 percent of the natural gas in the U.S"
    synonyms:   use (up), utilize, expend; More

Drink low dosages of bleach, then report back to us

Is that a jojo reference?


Lol. They eat the plant matter incidentally so there are no true carnivores? Have you ever owned a snake or a ferret? Try feeding a snake some soybean pellets. It will never eat them. They only respond to the scent of toads and rodents. Forcing them to eat plant matter can kill them, did you know that?

Ferrets are literally getting digestive and health issues from plant-based pellets, even if they have the correct amount of "protein." It matters where the protein comes from for them. That's why ferret owners are being recommended meat based and even whole-prey foods.

Feeding an obligate carnivore a diet high in carbohydrates is bad for their health, they can't digest it properly. Ask any veterinarian and they will tell you this.

I'm assuming herbivores don't eat animals to "help with digestion?" That's why there are no true carnivores

LOL. Ok... did you know that just how tigers incidentally eat plant matter, herbivores incidentally eat animal flesh?

Grazing herbivores consume rodents and insects while grazing, and it gives them an extra dose of protein. I guess there aren't any "true herbivores" either.

The thing is, that even though they can tolerate small amounts of things that aren't typically in their diet, a diet consisting mainly of meat for a herbivore would fuck them up, just like it would for an obligate carnivore.

Just because a tiger can eat some mushed up grass remains from a deer's stomach doesn't mean you can just go ahead and force it to eat soybeans and have a healthy tiger. You'll get a very weak, sick tiger.

But putting all that aside, isn't the purpose of veganism to leave animals alone and in their natural state? Would'nt taking a wild animal from its natural habitat and forcing it to eat a different diet be anti-vegan?

Lol if you did some minimal research on google you would know this, but I guess at this point you've revealed yourself as either a troll or a vegan shill lmao.


The worst mistake biochemists ever made was getting in the habit of treating incredibly complicated macromolecules made up of 20-ish amino acids like a single entity.

This exactly.


Yeah ok fucker, go ahead and spritz some grassy nutrients on a slab of keat and feed it to your horse, I'm sure it'll thank you asshat.

That guy's insane lol. He can't handle the fact that wild animals eat other animals

My college advisor once told me that she thought being too obsessed with logical consistency was a form of madness. She was talking about FA Hayek (she was an economist herself) but it applies just as well to a ton of academic philosophers.

Vegans seem obsessed with ethical consistency too.

They think you're a monster if you wouldn't eat your dog but you'd eat a cow. They can't grasp the idea of some animals having more worth to an individual than others.

I'm a moral nihilist and my personal ethics are that I wouldn't hurt an animal unless for food.

Vegan: "Do u think eating children is cool too"

Obviously not dipshit.

Lol. They eat the plant matter incidentally so there are no true carnivores? Have you ever owned a snake or a ferret? Try feeding a snake some soybean pellets. It will never eat them. They only respond to the scent of toads and rodents. Forcing them to eat plant matter can kill them, did you know that? Ferrets are literally getting digestive and health issues from plant-based pellets, even if they have the correct amount of "protein." It matters where the protein comes from for them. That's why ferret owners are being recommended meat based and even whole-prey foods

I'll have to disagree with you there. Just because a particular plant is poisonous to them doesn't mean all plants are. We just have to figure out which plants are okay for "carnivores" to consume.

Feeding an obligate carnivore a diet high in carbohydrates is bad for their health, they can't digest it properly. Ask any veterinarian and they will tell you this.

um. okay? I don't see how that's relevant...?

LOL. Ok... did you know that just how tigers incidentally eat plant matter, herbivores incidentally eat animal flesh? Grazing herbivores consume rodents and insects while grazing, and it gives them an extra dose of protein. I guess there aren't any "true herbivores" either.

Yes. That's a good point. Maybe there are no true herbivores out there. Just a spectrum of omnivores. That's an interesting idea!

The thing is, that even though they can tolerate small amounts of things that aren't typically in their diet, a diet consisting mainly of meat for a herbivore would fuck them up, just like it would for an obligate carnivore. Just because a tiger can eat some mushed up grass remains from a deer's stomach doesn't mean you can just go ahead and force it to eat soybeans and have a healthy tiger. You'll get a very weak, sick tiger.

Again, maybe we just haven't found the correct combination of vegetables and fruits for them.

But putting all that aside, isn't the purpose of veganism to leave animals alone and in their natural state? Would'nt taking a wild animal from its natural habitat and forcing it to eat a different diet be anti-vegan?

I wouldn't know. I'm not a vegan.

Lol if you did some minimal research on google you would know this, but I guess at this point you've revealed yourself as either a troll or a vegan shill lmao.

I not a troll either. You're just not open to the possibility that I might be right.

um. okay? i don't see how that's >relevant....?

It's relevant because that's why vets don't want obligate carnivores to eat plant based foods. Because plants are high in carbs.

Maybe one day we'll make some ppant based pellets that will be healthy for carnivores, but those don't exist right now.

So if someone's a veggie-boi, they better not buy a snake and try to feed it carrots, because that's abuse (exactly what they stand against)

Carnivore means the animal needs meat to survive.

Being able to occasionally also eat veggies doesn't mean an animal doesn't need meat to survive.

That's just semantics.

If it eats meat and plants it's an omnivore.

That's just semantics.


If your going to quote him, at least try to keep the context interact. That way you don't come off as a obtuse douche noodle.

I see no harm in feeding a tiger a steady diet of grass and soy

Do you have the slightest idea how expensive and wasteful that would be? I don't. That's why I'm asking.

I don't. Sorry :(

Because they're idiots under the influence of an ideology. The same reason libertarians try to claim taxation is theft, the same reason aids-denialists, even on their deathbed, dying from aids, will not admit aids is real.

Seriously, people underestimate how far people like this will got salvage their questionable worldviews. A good example:

Maggiore's promotion of AIDS denialism had long been controversial, particularly since her 3-year-old daughter, Eliza Jane Scovill, died of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, which is an AIDS-defining illness. Consistent with her belief that HIV was harmless, Maggiore had not taken medication to reduce the risk of transmission of HIV to her daughter during pregnancy, and she did not have Eliza Jane tested for HIV during her daughter's lifetime.[3][4] Maggiore herself died on December 27, 2008 after suffering from AIDS-related conditions.

On December 27, 2008, Maggiore died at the age of 52. She was under a doctor's care and was being treated for what was originally reported as pneumonia. The Los Angeles County coroner's office stated that Maggiore had been treated for pneumonia in the six months prior to her death as well.[23] A doctor familiar with the family noted that anti-HIV drugs could have prevented her death, but Maggiore's fellow AIDS denialists argued that her pneumonia was not AIDS-related and suggested instead that she died as a result of a toxic alternative medicine "holistic cleanse", stress, or the cold and flu.[10][23] Maggiore's death certificate states that the cause of death was disseminated herpes virus infection and bilateral pneumonia, with oral candidiasis as a contributing cause, all of which can be related to HIV infection. The death certificate also states there was no autopsy performed.[24]

Christine Maggiore

Christine Joy Maggiore (July 25, 1956 – December 27, 2008) was an HIV-positive activist and promoter of AIDS denialism (the belief that HIV is not the cause of AIDS). She was the founder of Alive & Well AIDS Alternatives, an organization which disputes the link between HIV and AIDS and urges HIV-positive pregnant women to avoid anti-HIV medication. Maggiore authored and self-published the book What If Everything You Thought You Knew about AIDS Was Wrong?

Maggiore's promotion of AIDS denialism had long been controversial, particularly since her 3-year-old daughter, Eliza Jane Scovill, died of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, which is an AIDS-defining illness.

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Til veganism=aids

I suspect you missed the point by a mile.

I was being facetious mr tight trousers

I can’t wait until we figure out how to talk to lettuce so we can finally rid the planet of those vegan fucks.

Your fucking salad is still alive Dharma, since vegans always have cunty names. How’s that for fucking cruelty?

Elizabeth is a cunty name, but I like it.

I never thought I'd see the day you'd force the meme.

> Sae, a vegan campaigner from Barcelona

That’s retarded even from you.

The_Reason_Catalonia_Isnt_Independent is too long for a username tho

White women... She should get fed to the damn animal.

mayocide when

There is a difference between a vegan and an idiot.

Are you sure?


Hmmm... Really unsure on this one. Fennecs are omnivores, maybe they can be healthy on a vegan diet. I have no idea. I'd have to see data. But if it turns out they do have certain dietary needs that can't be provided for in a Vegan diet, then no, it's wrong to keep them on one.

maybe they can be healthy on a vegan diet.

Nobody can be healthy on a vegan diet.

Are you sure about that? There are plenty of animals that subsist on it, I just don't know if there are any omnivorous ones that can do it. I'm just curious, not pushing Veganism.

You literally die if you don't take supplements for your new age fad diet aka veganism.

It's a cult of lazy idiots that think they can change the world by what they shove into their fat faces and a bonus excuse to eat more junk food.

Hey. Calm down. Read things before you respond. I am talking about omnivorous species of animals other than humans. Someone wondering whether a fennec could go vegan does not set up any of these response.

I dislike hardcore vegans to, guys. No need to be so on edge.

I am calm, any animal that's an omnivore is one out of necessity as it needs whatever it needs and nothing less.

Yes, animals who adapted to live on plants exclusively. A lot of them also graze all day long, have to live in packs for protection, and tend to be small and lithe.

Humans are meant to be omnivorous. There are nutrients in all foods that are needed to maintain good health.

Thus subs' right wing bias is showing.

I'm not vegan and believe it to be difficult to pull off from a health standpoint, but no way I'd spew out an absolute like this.

Nice down votes for the innocent parent comment, BTW.


I know one healthy vegan. But that's one out of a ton. That being said, I still think it's disgusting to make health choices for your pet. There's a big difference between "I'm changing his diet to avoid allergies" and "I'm changing his diet because I find it unethical". Most vegans are either idiots who don't know anything and are not healthy themselves or are reading misinformation that kinda works but for the wrong reasons. At least a human can figure out what it's craving; they can't feel what nutrients their pet needs, so you need to carefully calculate their nutrition requirements.

Even the healthy vegans I know abandon their diets during times of sickness, pregnancy, preparing for rigorous exercise, etc.

That being said if you're vegan because of moral reasons and not because you genuinely feel better on that diet then you're actually retarded.

defending dumb opinions by pretending to be joking

Moral reasons are the only real justifiable reason to be vegan. I personally wish I knew all of the animals I consume were killed humanely. I mean, I'm not going to pay a premium, but it'd be nice... What, you think caring if animals are tortured is retarded?

Moral reasons are the only real justifiable reason to be vegan.

So someone whose health is hurt by certain kinds of meat, for whatever reason, is unjustifiable? Most people are healthier eating red meat but there are subsets with health conditions who benefit from a reduced intake. Veganism may be an extreme solution for them, but it's still a solution.

Being vegan because "muh animals have feelings" is retarded. While I don't like the conditions animals are kept in, and would much rather they opened up the space a bit, got some more sunlight in, and let them wander a bit, they're still animals and I'd be content if they just backed off maximum density even a bit. I don't need to know the chicken laying my egg is treated like a princess, just that she's not pecking herself to death. And even then, I don't actually care that much. These creatures are the only things not going extinct because of our preference for their meat.

I'm more offended by how you've mischaracterized what I was saying. I said a more extreme version of what I actually believe, and was not joking at all. It's called hyperbole.

You presented an easy case to say no, that's not justifiable. Like you said they could just give up red meat. Hell, they could even just go vegetarian. Vegan in that case is pointless.

It doesn't matter if they exist for us to eat. If anything that gives us some moral responsibility to not cram them together so tightly that their limbs break, or hoist them up by 1 leg and slit their throats. There's not some binary between treating a chicken like a princess and dipping it in boiling oil while still alive.

White women go to gulag

Fucks sake, another day another idiotic vegan...

Jesus Christ that fennec is dangerously malnourished. This lady sounds like a real piece of work.

And the angel of the lord came unto me, snatching me up from my place of slumber. And took me on high, and higher still until we moved to the spaces betwixt the air itself. And he brought me into a vast farmlands of our own Midwest. And as we descended, cries of impending doom rose from the soil. One thousand, nay a million voices full of fear. And terror possessed me then

And I begged, "Angel of the Lord, what are these tortured screams?"

And the angel said unto me, "These are the cries of the carrots, the cries of the carrots! You see, Reverend Maynard, tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust."

And I sprang from my slumber drenched in sweat like the tears of one million terrified brothers and roared, "Hear me now, I have seen the light! They have a consciousness, they have a life, they have a soul! Damn you! Let the rabbits wear glasses! Save our brothers!"

Can I get an amen? Can I get a hallelujah? Thank you Jesus

true story: the Russians secretly domesticated foxes fairly recently

they didn't make them vegan tho

I bet it's looking forward to eating her as much as I am looking forward to it eating her.