What type of /r/Drama user are you?

29  2018-03-11 by Etra

Option#1: https://i.redd.it/jr81h0cgok801.jpg

Option#2: https://i.imgur.com/PSWLrLD.gifv

Option#3: https://i.imgur.com/lZUin61.gifv

Option#4: https://gfycat.com/ColorlessFoolhardyAmericanindianhorse (This fucking URL haha)

As your reward for being able to read this far, here is a GIF of two kittens being forced to fight to the death: https://i.imgur.com/h57cVy2.gifv. This is obviously NSFW.


I'm the kitten in the back

user reports:
1: i was going to say this please remove it so i can post it

Like OP, I'm the uncreative and unfunny one.

/u/Etra, SUCK IT DOWN ⬇️🍆⬇️🍆⬇️

You must be Option#1.

Not an amerifat, also I find the swastika a nice symbol, but I like salt.

A combination of 2 and 3. I just like pressing buttons

why it look so sad :(


Here's a picture of a happy one :)



Deffo #3

I'm the kind of /r/drama user who can't answer personality test questions.

4 😕

I want to say that I am 3, but honestly I am probably 4.

Y not all of the above

Lol 4 Because I use to do that every year

Left kitten is the best kitten, you can see the right one REEEEEEEING

1 through 3, 4 ironically.

needs more buttons tbh

I'm exactly #1 but I'm not American

#3 except without the hesitation

Def 3
