Alabama will literally live in your shit if you pay them

84  2018-03-11 by HodorTheDoorHolder


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Well at least I don’t live in other people’s shit. na nana nana nana

Big Yorkers keep on turdin'

it's smells in my home I can smell only shit

poop is here around the southland

We buy New York's shit

And I think it's a sin

Turd stinks in Alabama

Where the lakes are so brown

Shit stinks in Alabama

Lord, those tacitos are ewwwww

Pathetic New Yorker mentality. "Hmm I have tonnes of feces from the collective buttholes of my citizenry what do I do? Get rid of it on my own? Nah, here ya go Alabama I'll pay you to hold onto my shit is that cool?"

u jelly that u dont get to literally shit on Alabama

Best NY Mentality. Alabama gets paid and gets to sniff rich, educated shit.

Ftfy: Alabama Carpetbagger gets paid

Someone with better MSPaint skills should make a virgin Alabama vs Chad New York meme.


Surprised they noticed

Air quality improved significantly.

At least it’s shit from people without hookworm.

Someone post that meme of the America shitting into Europe's mouth but change the text to New York shitting in Alabama's mouth

Alabama begging for it because they need the cash, but then telling all the people living there that New York is making them do it.

General Sherman do it again!

remember guys, no kinkshaming

“I guess we are not even as good as the fish, down here in Alabama,”

Hey, at least some of them know whats up.

Note this is Birmingham, which is a super shitty city, and that everyone in the state hates, and even r/Birmingham hates. Huntsville is a great city, and you should come visit sometime!

Nice flair

Ironic isn’t it

You could defend Alabama but not yourself.

The nukes will come in pairs again

Nah just need one

No thanks.

Roll Tide!




This is a perfect metaphor for politics in the usa.

If you're a south park centricist.

u/wazzupnerds thoughts?

What else would you use Alabama for?

New York: yeah um we'll pay you to dump our literal shit

Alabama: oh yeah sure nice money holy shit

Alabama: umm wtf this literal shit stinks why did you make me do this wtf

my life just got so much better knowing I am literally shitting on that state, time to eat some tacos.