I just wanted to play my games.

23  2018-03-12 by Starship_Litterbox_B

You know what I liked as a teenager? Playing games and reading books. I could just lose myself because I was always really good at immersing myself into something.

Get lost for hours in an adventure alongside knights to save the realm? I'm there on the horse right next to them.

Kill the Olympian gods because they pissed me off? I'm swinging those chains.

Using magic with a wand while saying stupid sounding words? I'll be the one who fails, but keeps trying because I love the idea of magic.

But then, real life hit. People told me I needed to learn about the world, about politics in my country and about socio-economic factors, because I'm an adult now and that's what adults do.

Fine, I'm an adult and I'm good at taking responsibility for myself. So I learned, and when I learned, people said I was wrong. I was learning from the wrong sources, because I was reaching a different conclusion to them.

How could I not believe that games caused violence? How could I not understand that Magic the Gathering cards where a gateway to satan?

How was I so dumb that I didn't get that being conservative made me as bad as the guy who killed millions of jews?

Dramatics aside, I learned quickly that my opinions on things were the wrong opinions. My friend told me I needed to educate myself before voting. When I did, she told me I was wrong because I didn't see things from her point of view.

So I decided to just start ignoring stuff again. Immersing myself into fun universes was much more pleasant and people didn't tell me I was wrong all the time (without being able to prove or explain it of course).

Then, during class one day I'm talking about games with a friend. This girl comes in, I like to call her the Proto-Red, because she looked exactly like Big red, but like 2 years prior to me knowing about her, so... she comes near us and starts telling us that we shouldn't talk about games in school. Why? I thought maybe people were studying, but no, we were in the cafeteria minding our own business.

Nah, she just said games are sexist and she doesn't tolerate sexism in school. Imagine my shock, which I'm sure many of you also had to experience. I'm told to watch Feminist Frequency (who?) to educate myself.

Imagine my shock again when within 5 minutes of her first video I saw she lies about the game.

And again.

And again.

I start to learn as much as I can until I make up my own mind on the topic. They were full of shit. Soon after I got into Gamergate and ever since I've been keeping up to date with everything up to today.

Today I'm reading the news. ''UK's biggest grooming gang", "Video games cause violence", "Women in X-field-they-don't-like", "Here's why white men are...", etc.

And I decide, fuck it. I'm done, I'm just going to take a break for two weeks. Just stop reading any subreddit that might have anything to do with politics, the social war, feminism, SJWs, etc. I'm gonna stick to D&D stuff, maybe read back up on Magic the Gathering and invite a friend to play, finish those games I've been meaning to, maybe it up the old MMO and see if I can fuck up a raid or two because I suck.

Ok, D&D first. Oh? Someone had a bad experience at a game shop? That sure sucks, I hope they find somewhere else to go and... "The men playing D&D are the problem" oh boy... Skip.

Magic the Gathering, there's no way this can be infected, it's fucking playing cards. "This guy(Quartering) is harassing women out of Magic." Shit that's old new, I'll just skip it and... "Women not winning tournaments is lowkey sexism".

Fuck this shit.

I'll just go play my Vita, but I'm a bit stuck on this dungeon, I'll go check up on a FAQ (sue me). I wonder what they're saying on the message boards? "This game is actually problematic."


MMO it is then. My old FFXIV guild was always cool, I'll just go see how they're doing. Log-in "If you're a guy playing a catgirl you're disguisting"


I never realized how bad it had actually gotten... until I tried to leave and go back. It's like an infection that won't go away. It's everywhere and as much as I try to ignore it, it's still there, corrupting the games I like (censorship) and the communities I love. I will take a break of all this, but I had to make this post first, as a rant more than anything else. It's like exorcising demons. They'll be back, but at least I'll have some weight off my chest.


You forgot the sexist magic cards debacle.

Gamercide when?

Self-solving problem.

Imagine my shock

hi Sarcuck of Cuckad