r/CringeAnarchy once again proves that they are totally not the cringe lords

8  2018-03-12 by wazzupnerds


lol i think you're the cringe lord in this situation big guy



Oh look you brought some friends to downvote this I see.

lmao I don't downvote, that's someone else. Voting is for gays

Guess you triggered cringeanarchy. Better becareful.They have some edgy 15 year olds in that sub.

Yep, hopefully they don’t call me the n word

the internet is great place for doughy, loser mayos to criticize entire continents and take credit for, """"""our"""""" accomplishments as if they had even one thing to do with them.

Lol this should be a snapshill quote

That post is edgy but I'll admit it made me squee and xd


Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa

Aside from all the land taken by Arab nations to the north west. And also that time the Romans invaded.

rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy

Just not in anything useful for building an empire. You can't eat gold

A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use

Could this be because these are largely nomadic tribes that want to carry as little as possible with them when they move? No it must be nigger r dumbs


No one is better than anyone else because of race, only by how they treat everyone else

But being white is the only claim to importance anyone in r/CringeAnarchy has! You can't take that from them

Lol. Cites hardships faced by all man at that time as evidence for why one group failed and the others didn’t. Inability to overcome environment is a symptom of underdevelopment, not a cause. Boo

Stop trying to sound smart, it just makes you sound even more retarded.

Cites hardships faced by all man

Are you fucking yoda?

Cites hardships faced by all man at that time as evidence for why one group failed and the others didn’t

What does this even mean? learn to speak English and then come back

Inability to overcome environment is a symptom of underdevelopment, not a cause

That's retarded and you're retarded for saying it. It's next to impossible to farm in most of Africa even with modern technology, how were people living in the stone age suppose to do it?

Is it that hard to understand? Yikes. And that’s not really retarded. It’s sort of an accepted tenant of sociology. It explains why states in adverse climates thrive. Go to school and stop just calling people retarded.

Also - the reason the original quote sounds “retarded” to you is because it’s old. People spoke differently back then. I would translate this into mumble rap for you but I don’t partake. Sorry “homie”

Is it that hard to understand?

Yes because you have the English skills of a 14 year old trying to sound smart

And that’s not really retarded

Yes, yes it is

It explains why states in adverse climates thrive

Yea we all know the Antarctica is just fucking thriving because of it's adverse climate

Go to school and stop just calling people retarded

You first trailer trash

the reason the original quote sounds “retarded” to you is because it’s old

Yea it's from a time with massively different grammatic structure. In modern English it is gibberish

I would translate this into mumble rap for you but I don’t partake. Sorry “homie”

How does it feel to know that your only claim to importance is the colour of your skin? Also #Mayocide now

This was written at the time of Charles Darwin. If you think it’s too hard to read, and then turn around and tell me to get an education.. I got news for you buddy: you read Darwin in the 5th grade.

And I mean hot tropical climates such as Indonesia, dry arid climates like UAE, and freezing cold climates like northeastern Europe and Iceland. But people overcome

How does it feel to advocate for genocide and pretend that race doesn’t matter to you?

But you’re obviously a troll, idk why I took the bait 😶

You’re an embarrassing degenerate

Yes you are #Mayocide #DayOfTheBrokenJar #DownWithWhity


Why were the Africans not technologically advanced enough to counter attack?

Because large parts of Africa are completely inhospitable to anything but nomadic life and nomadic life leaves little room for advancement.

Also because they didn't have the large scale trade need to produce things like cannons and gun powder.

Why did the Africans from tribe A sell off the people from tribe B as slaves for the Europeans to use?

To make money.

Because large parts of Africa are completely inhospitable to anything but nomadic life and nomadic life leaves little room for advancement.

So you agree from 10000 BC until today that Africa is a shithole.

No because not all of Africa is inhospitable to anything but nomadic life you fucking mayo

Shut up chocolate

chocolate, really? Once again the mayo race shows it's inability to be interesting

Once again the r/drama idiot continues to assume shit and disregards any assumptions aimed at them.

Call me mayo without proof one more time and I'll pull out the ad hom pasta.

Call me mayo without proof one more time and I'll pull out the ad hom pasta.

1) You're a boring loser who posts to r/CringeAnarchy. That's clealr proof you are mayo

2) You called me chocolate without proof

1) You're a boring loser who posts to r/Drama . That's clealr proof you are chocolate

2) I'm a latino LARPing as a mayo but okay

3) I couldn't find the copypasta

Chocolate actually tastes good unlike mayonnaise

Ok I laughed

It almost seems like someone here belongs in SRD.

I’m no SRDine