r/milliondollarextreme gets triggered at an undercover tranny

16  2018-03-12 by jallopsmith


Damn, I thought MDE was just ironically hateful, but those guys really seem to be taking this personally.

That tranny's post history is scary

Seeing someone else happy is a lot to take in.

wtf no. there's self harm posts and a post saying they're 15. MDE are playing with some kid's life. trans+selfharm= underage suicide risk and bullying them is awful even if trannies are gross.

Maybe this will finally get them banned.

In before, “but why about the_donallllllld.”

Hmmm, when i think of a 15 year old on HRT and seemingly suicidal i dont think "Wow what a happy person, thanks liberals for this trany revolution youve caused!".

Do you mean the people making fun of the tranny?

Life is already miserable

Their most recent comment lol

Sad. The kid needs help, not encouragement on self harm.

Is that a fucking np link?

I would mock the tranny for thinking it’s a female but after glancing at its post history, not gunna talk shit about the mentally ill 15 yo.


literally kys op.