I'm only racist against Mayos, former Mayos(they're just White apostates, y'all know my feelings on apostates), and of course the Dutch.
Fucking Dutch, think they so great, needed a dozen names for thier shitty water-logged "country". Holland, The Netherlands, Fucking Finland, fuck off and pick one already. Bunch of probable Gypsies.
I once had a Pug cross. Her name was Mischa, and she was awesome. She'd try and talk, by making out grunty sounds, and I usually could understand what she wanted.
Clearly the Dutch aren't as evolved as my cross bred Pug.
I'm not sure, she kept her private life to herself. In hindsight she was only using me for food, treats, cuddles, and I'd feed the birds which she liked to bark at.
Well, the only Irish lad I've met was a lil' bisexual manlet who almost threw up on my shoes at a pubcrawl in Prague. You're not sending your best are you Murphy?
You're (((right))), i used to hate the nederlanders as being the most horrific of people I met traveling, except Chinese people if i went into a loo stall after them at an airport. Now I realise my hate was misplaced.
you can't be racist against mayos. Racism is the devaluing of an individual person based on broad generalization associated with their skin tone, culture or country of origin. Mayos aren't persons, though so fuck them.
I have no idea how someone gets to be so desperate for acceptance and attention that they cut out cartoon frog faces and paste them on gas station novelties, then post that on social media.
Well at least cummyism would kill off these disgusting fatbodies or force them to shovel rocks 15 hours a day instead of being the pathetic NEETs they are.
Yeah I was not a subscriber, but it seemed somewhat tame. Very anti immigration, but that's a valid viewpoint as long as it doesn't devolve into pure racism.
I can definitely remember reading that the mods were actual white supremacists or at least that way inclined. Not sure if that was standard reddit hyperbole though or where I saw it, so yeh i dunno.
Yeah that's the hard part to tell the last couple years - everyone is labeled a white supremacist. It's true in some of the cases, but getting harder to tell with the way it is flung out there every time.
Also I thought I was in te thread about uncensorednews not europeans, so yeh just generally adding o the high quality of reddit comments as a source of information.
How is this a controversial statement? In general the instances of people clutching their pearls and screaming "racist!" or "nazi!" at someone who disagrees on if "Get Out" was a good movie or not has gone up by about 5,000%
The right has been increasingly having influences from the far right, it's difficult to tell where center right with far right meme language ends and the genuine far right begins.
Well if someone on the internet says you're a white supremacist we can be certain that is always a true statement and not hyperbole from a SJW. Just the other day I read a comment saying the president is a white supremacist, so it must be true because it was said on the internet.
enjoying calling maxine waters a low IQ idiot isn't dancing the line of being a white supremacist. Insulting a black person =! being a racist. A million other examples are really based on the same idea. Criticizing blacks doesn't make you racist. Put the card back in the deck.
I used to lurk there, you should've seen posts about the torching of refugee centers or such news. I was pretty new to Reddit, so it was quiet weird seeing people praising someone who firebombed a building and getting upvoted across the board, some even calling him a hero and wishing they could be like him.
Still, I'm grateful to them for their copypastas on Islam. Was the first time I felt like I actually had to reconsider my normie tier stance on it.
It started out to counter r/europe's censorship, pro-immigration stance, their smug liberal circlejerking and pro-EU bias. But as it always is with countersubs it started to attract the banned assholes and extremists from the other side of the spectrum and it became one of your slightly distasteful run-of-the-mill right-wing echo chambers.
The sub is schizophrenic about the issue. You can see pro or anti immigration stuff upvoted or downvoted. It's definitely controversial there though, not just a plain circlerjerk.
Too late! The original Siberian Russians got there first to ambush the whiteys. Then the Pacific Islanders came in with a few friends from Japan and Korea to come at the whites from behind.
1 Ultrashitpost 2018-03-12
wait, i thought they got banned months ago
1 ChristopherXCross 2018-03-12
It was quarantined.
1 grungebot5000 2018-03-12
1 cabforpitt 2018-03-12
They got quarantined and mostly died.
1 scatmunchies 2018-03-12
First they came for the white supremacists and I laughed because fuck whitey...
1 high_side 2018-03-12
When they came for me there was no mayo left in the cupboard.
1 MacAndShits 2018-03-12
Damnit, Boogie!
1 JewsonCresnova 2018-03-12
What are you again? Paki or generic poo-in-loo?
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-03-12
He, like the rest of us, is a self hating whitey. Or as i like to say he's a rotten mayo sammich.
1 scatmunchies 2018-03-12
I’m trans-black, you racist piece of shit.
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-03-12
I'm only racist against Mayos, former Mayos(they're just White apostates, y'all know my feelings on apostates), and of course the Dutch.
Fucking Dutch, think they so great, needed a dozen names for thier shitty water-logged "country". Holland, The Netherlands, Fucking Finland, fuck off and pick one already. Bunch of probable Gypsies.
1 GetAmericaLaidAgain 2018-03-12
The Dutch are actually my favorite Europeans. Too bad that they can't talk and have resorted to retching as their only vocalizations.
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-03-12
I once had a Pug cross. Her name was Mischa, and she was awesome. She'd try and talk, by making out grunty sounds, and I usually could understand what she wanted.
Clearly the Dutch aren't as evolved as my cross bred Pug.
1 GetAmericaLaidAgain 2018-03-12
Did your pug make dope ass eurodance bangers like this though?
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-03-12
I'm not sure, she kept her private life to herself. In hindsight she was only using me for food, treats, cuddles, and I'd feed the birds which she liked to bark at.
1 JewsonCresnova 2018-03-12
Not the irish? You break my potato heart svensson 🥔😪😂
1 GetAmericaLaidAgain 2018-03-12
Well, the only Irish lad I've met was a lil' bisexual manlet who almost threw up on my shoes at a pubcrawl in Prague. You're not sending your best are you Murphy?
1 JewsonCresnova 2018-03-12
/u/annoysthegoys I told you to stop false flagging you little shit
Oi Sven you should really avoid any mick that travels to the mainland, they're almost as bad as the toothless brits
1 GetAmericaLaidAgain 2018-03-12
Guess I'll have to hop on a ferry to the Ememerald Isle then.
1 JewsonCresnova 2018-03-12
Don't worry we don't have too many rapefugees here, I'm sure you're bussy could use a break
1 GetAmericaLaidAgain 2018-03-12
Finally I'll get to be a rapefugee myself. Keep yer nan locked up when I arrive.
1 JewsonCresnova 2018-03-12
Honestly anyone who manages to get raped by a swedecuck has it coming
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2018-03-12
You taters don't need any help with sullying your reputation
1 JewsonCresnova 2018-03-12
I've never been to burgerland but I fully expect I'll be loved by everyone thanks to my upbeat gaelic charm
1 CultOfCuck 2018-03-12
Do a "Whose Line Is It Anyway" style hoe-down someday and upload to /r/drama?
We need to enrich the other subs with some homegrown culture.
1 oolongsspiritanimal 2018-03-12
You're (((right))), i used to hate the nederlanders as being the most horrific of people I met traveling, except Chinese people if i went into a loo stall after them at an airport. Now I realise my hate was misplaced.
1 satanismyhomeboy 2018-03-12
Hou jezelf veilig, makker
1 thesnakeinthegarden 2018-03-12
you can't be racist against mayos. Racism is the devaluing of an individual person based on broad generalization associated with their skin tone, culture or country of origin. Mayos aren't persons, though so fuck them.
1 thegayotter 2018-03-12
I identify as cumskin, thank you very much.
1 Greatpointbut 2018-03-12
I identify as black below the belt, thank you very much.
1 cuteman 2018-03-12
White people aren't even white. They're pink or beige really.
1 scatmunchies 2018-03-12
White people aren’t even people.
1 cuteman 2018-03-12
White people aren't people?
It says people right there in the name.
1 IqtaKadabra 2018-03-12
yeah but what about r/funny
1 scatmunchies 2018-03-12
It’s actually spelled white “people” but the quotes are usually left out.
1 BussySundae 2018-03-12
1 mattakasturty 2018-03-12
1 lickedTators 2018-03-12
They're the people who make you ask "wy tho"
1 razzmataz 2018-03-12
You are thinking of gingers.
1 ALoudMouthBaby 2018-03-12
Except the Irish! Who I have been told are actually not white.
1 MoonCricketJamFace 2018-03-12
Irish, jews, Italians. Not white.
1 RedditAdminIsRacist 2018-03-12
Next thing you are going to say is the Persians aren't white either.
1 MoonCricketJamFace 2018-03-12
Why are you replying to a two week old comment?
Also, no, Persians aren’t white.
1 RedditAdminIsRacist 2018-03-12
Retard confirmed.
1 high_side 2018-03-12
Surely kekistan is next?
1 snallygaster 2018-03-12
here's hoping just because of how embarrassing they are. The fact that they exist is physically repulsive.
1 JewsonCresnova 2018-03-12
Sounds like someone got rejected by a kekistani warrior 🙄
1 sonicaficionado 2018-03-12
no its ironic trust me
1 hlary 2018-03-12
"were just pretending to be retarded"
1 scatmunchies 2018-03-12
oh jesus how can someone lack dignity this bad
1 TaylorSwiftOfRdrama 2018-03-12
I have no idea how someone gets to be so desperate for acceptance and attention that they cut out cartoon frog faces and paste them on gas station novelties, then post that on social media.
1 scatmunchies 2018-03-12
Yeah, turns out the opioid epidemic isn’t reaching enough/the right people. Give these kids some carfentanyl.
1 high_side 2018-03-12
Firearms maybe. At least 70% would shoot themselves coming up with a picture to put on /k.
1 cheers_grills 2018-03-12
You said, while browsing /r/drama.
1 scatmunchies 2018-03-12
That’s kind of mean.
1 astronomicat 2018-03-12
delet this
1 normie_girl 2018-03-12
Watch Sargon videos for a few months. It'll happen to you .....
1 PantherChamp 2018-03-12
"But MOM he has a British accent, he MUST be right!"
1 fsdgfhk 2018-03-12
It gets worse
1 DistortedLines 2018-03-12
Le epic trolleee
1 snallygaster 2018-03-12
i wanna die
1 Velvet_Llama 2018-03-12
Snally no! D:
1 CultOfCuck 2018-03-12
leave some bleach for the rest of /r/drama
1 MacAndShits 2018-03-12
What is that creature? The forces of kek were supposed to destroy those, not be joined by them
1 LightUmbra 2018-03-12
My roommate has a Blue Lives Matter flag
1 Burnnoticelover 2018-03-12
1 CultOfCuck 2018-03-12
1 SJCards 2018-03-12
Kill it, kill with fire.
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-03-12
them boys aint right
1 Stuntman119 2018-03-12
The one thing worse than communism
1 ThunderCock_Chad 2018-03-12
Well at least cummyism would kill off these disgusting fatbodies or force them to shovel rocks 15 hours a day instead of being the pathetic NEETs they are.
1 Mexagon 2018-03-12
Implying NEETs didnt create those faggy communism subs in the first place.
1 JumbledFun 2018-03-12
We need to ramp up a dangerous industry and force idle young men into it
1 saddertadder 2018-03-12
that sub was mostly tame the few times I checked it out...
1 therapistofpenisland 2018-03-12
Yeah I was not a subscriber, but it seemed somewhat tame. Very anti immigration, but that's a valid viewpoint as long as it doesn't devolve into pure racism.
1 somegurk 2018-03-12
I can definitely remember reading that the mods were actual white supremacists or at least that way inclined. Not sure if that was standard reddit hyperbole though or where I saw it, so yeh i dunno.
1 therapistofpenisland 2018-03-12
Yeah that's the hard part to tell the last couple years - everyone is labeled a white supremacist. It's true in some of the cases, but getting harder to tell with the way it is flung out there every time.
1 somegurk 2018-03-12
Also I thought I was in te thread about uncensorednews not europeans, so yeh just generally adding o the high quality of reddit comments as a source of information.
1 brotherbabe 2018-03-12
same mods either way tho
1 VidiotGamer 2018-03-12
How is this a controversial statement? In general the instances of people clutching their pearls and screaming "racist!" or "nazi!" at someone who disagrees on if "Get Out" was a good movie or not has gone up by about 5,000%
1 watermark02 2018-03-12
The right has been increasingly having influences from the far right, it's difficult to tell where center right with far right meme language ends and the genuine far right begins.
1 _Sitty_Shoonerism_ 2018-03-12
Well if someone on the internet says you're a white supremacist we can be certain that is always a true statement and not hyperbole from a SJW. Just the other day I read a comment saying the president is a white supremacist, so it must be true because it was said on the internet.
1 watermark02 2018-03-12
Trump dances the line, and very clearly enjoys doing so.
1 _Sitty_Shoonerism_ 2018-03-12
enjoying calling maxine waters a low IQ idiot isn't dancing the line of being a white supremacist. Insulting a black person =! being a racist. A million other examples are really based on the same idea. Criticizing blacks doesn't make you racist. Put the card back in the deck.
1 alexmikli 2018-03-12
They couldn't have been nearly as bad as /r/uncensorednews though.
1 Zephinism 2018-03-12
It was nodded by the same people...
1 ThenTheGorursArrived 2018-03-12
I used to lurk there, you should've seen posts about the torching of refugee centers or such news. I was pretty new to Reddit, so it was quiet weird seeing people praising someone who firebombed a building and getting upvoted across the board, some even calling him a hero and wishing they could be like him.
Still, I'm grateful to them for their copypastas on Islam. Was the first time I felt like I actually had to reconsider my normie tier stance on it.
1 keys_to_the_v_door 2018-03-12
no anti immigration is just racism
1 watermark02 2018-03-12
I visited it once and remember being grossed out. Don't honestly remember what was there though.
1 GetAmericaLaidAgain 2018-03-12
It started out to counter r/europe's censorship, pro-immigration stance, their smug liberal circlejerking and pro-EU bias. But as it always is with countersubs it started to attract the banned assholes and extremists from the other side of the spectrum and it became one of your slightly distasteful run-of-the-mill right-wing echo chambers.
1 dogDroolsCatsRules 2018-03-12
r/europe? Smug liberal circlejerk? What are you smoking?
1 GetAmericaLaidAgain 2018-03-12
This was quite a while back, during /u/daviddreiss666's reign of terror.
1 CultOfCuck 2018-03-12
It used to be very one-sided, tbf.
1 PotatoePizza 2018-03-12
You obviously didn't see what happened to Reddit during the migrant crisis / donald trump days.
The defaults got so bad at one point they were banning anyone using the word "Antifa" or "Islamist."
1 d-polar- 2018-03-12
\pro-eu bias
I wonder why
1 GetAmericaLaidAgain 2018-03-12
Europe isn't interchangeable with the idea of the EU, ameritard.
1 philoponeria 2018-03-12
But its in the name.
1 CultOfCuck 2018-03-12
All therapists are rapists.
1 philoponeria 2018-03-12
All funerals are fun.
1 The_Reason_Trump_Won 2018-03-12
the funny thing is, lurking r / europe its p ez to come across anti eu / anti immigrant sentiments now
1 watermark02 2018-03-12
The sub is schizophrenic about the issue. You can see pro or anti immigration stuff upvoted or downvoted. It's definitely controversial there though, not just a plain circlerjerk.
1 Unkill_is_dill 2018-03-12
It used to be pretty hardcore racist when it wasn't quarantined.
1 PotatoePizza 2018-03-12
The crime: rejecting the validity of Islam.
1 PoorLilMarco 2018-03-12
/r/cringeanarchy next please
1 Matues49 2018-03-12
1 InsaneHuckleberry 2018-03-12
1 TehAlpacalypse 2018-03-12
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-03-12
1 celocanth13 2018-03-12
1 AHealthySenseofDread 2018-03-12
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2018-03-12
No they'll just come here
1 InsaneHuckleberry 2018-03-12
It’s ok. Our mods will work to keep the rapefugees out.
I’m sure they’ll work.
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2018-03-12
We just need time to build a wall first
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-03-12
ill get the duplo blocks
1 InsaneHuckleberry 2018-03-12
And my axe!
1 CultOfCuck 2018-03-12
We will build the wall out of tin cans. That way we have somewhere to throw the bodies when the SRDines come.
1 Mr_Americas 2018-03-12
1 TaylorSwiftOfRdrama 2018-03-12
This but unironically
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2018-03-12
1 pepperouchau 2018-03-12
But then where would I get my nice 69 jokes??? Fuck the DH btw ;)
1 OldOrder 2018-03-12
This but completely unironically. Play your fucking comie ball in another country shitstain.
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2018-03-12
DH saved baseball, fite me
1 Velvet_Llama 2018-03-12
Oh yeah, there's nothing more fun then watching 0.025 career hitters get up there and hack at junk balls every time through the lineup. NL=bitch mode.
1 celocanth13 2018-03-12
This sub really doesn't have much time left tbh
1 Mr_Americas 2018-03-12
I wonder why? Maybe it's the fact that half the posts here are insinuating that certain users should kill themselves? Really makes you think.
1 Assy-McGee 2018-03-12
dropped your 🤔 fam.
1 youcanteatbullets 2018-03-12
1 PM_YOUR_TAN_TITS 2018-03-12
1 Thot_Crusher 2018-03-12
1 pepperouchau 2018-03-12
1 CirqueDuFuder 2018-03-12
1 OldOrder 2018-03-12
I will die defending that squished faced little shit. /u/Zachums sign me up for the militia
1 totalrandomperson 2018-03-12
It's a genetic abomination that deserves release from its miserable, short of breath life.
1 Velvet_Llama 2018-03-12
1 Neon_needles 2018-03-12
1 BannaHamHock 2018-03-12
/r/nba, unironically
1 cheers_grills 2018-03-12
1 OldOrder 2018-03-12
Absolutely haram
1 Trajan_ 2018-03-12
But only halal in my pants.
1 MacAndShits 2018-03-12
How else am I supposed to waste my time?
1 Strictlybutters 2018-03-12
1 normie_girl 2018-03-12
/r/milliondollarextreme pls.
Saw comments about the "holohoax" getting 30+ updoots there and now I'm perpetually triggered.
1 WereCarrot 2018-03-12
Yee yee i’ll dip to that
1 cochnbahls 2018-03-12
Keep em comin
1 ulubai 2018-03-12
tD is not banned
1 Greatpointbut 2018-03-12
Source? That's a pretty big statement. We'll need some facts, mam.
1 CultOfCuck 2018-03-12
Unlike /r/european and /r/uncensorednews, they co-operate with admin's requests to take down shit, which is the reason.
This is why the reason uncensorednews was banned was "lack of moderation" even though there were """mods""".
1 fsdgfhk 2018-03-12
So just the two subs- r/uncensoredNews and r/European?
1 Starship_Litterbox_B 2018-03-12
Nowhere to run, mayos. Nowhere to hide.
1 LightUmbra 2018-03-12
They can probably hide in Alaska. No one but whitey would ever want to go there.
1 lickedTators 2018-03-12
Too late! The original Siberian Russians got there first to ambush the whiteys. Then the Pacific Islanders came in with a few friends from Japan and Korea to come at the whites from behind.
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-03-12
Ha that feeling you get when you're cucked so hard even your side side
chicktrap dumps you too.1 LittleFaggotFaggotin 2018-03-12
And nothing of value was lost.
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-03-12
1 andyfuckingkaufman 2018-03-12
1 IFuckedZoeQuinn 2018-03-12
Libcuck reddit claims another victim
1 NH_NH_NH 2018-03-12
cleaning this site of filth is a good thing
1 arandomloser21 2018-03-12
Holy shit the fucking mad lad Spez.
but what about td :((((((1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-03-12
US and Russia are going to have to team up to liberate Europe for a third time.
1 Stuntman119 2018-03-12
holy shit get your unironic T_D posters here boys
1 AlohaWarrior34 2018-03-12
Imagine being this retarded.
1 watermark02 2018-03-12
In 2050 the country in western europe with the highest percentage of Muslim population will be 12% Muslim:
I got this graph from a far right blog btw.
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-03-12
At one point, Germany was only 12% Nazis and we know how that turned out.
1 wisty 2018-03-12
LoL I thought they'd already been banned.
1 grungebot5000 2018-03-12
i thought they got banned before FPH
is that the meme
1 3E4K3RWRGZPR970NVH28 2018-03-12
If the admins had any balls, they'd ban reddit.
Or at least take steps to keep children off of the platform.
1 miraoister 2018-03-12
im surprised its still about.
1 LevantineLion 2018-03-12
white genocide in progress.
1 Kaepernick12 2018-03-12
hu-whyt genocide IRL.
1 1plus1equalsgender 2018-03-12
1 PotatoePizza 2018-03-12
The can see the tide turning against inter-sectional theory and thus need to aggressively intervene.
Expect this shit to bubble over into real life as well.