Imminent omega level shitstorm imminent after House Intel Comittee says trump is NOT GUILTY

89  2018-03-12 by Rith2


Surely this is the end for drumpf

not only that, but there is also rumor that Muller is ending the investigation

That’s a rumor from some twitter account. Not even fake news is reporting it.

Not entirely true.. I heard something about it from some dolanfucker so I looked it up.. I guess through tinfoil telephone this somehow warped into that.

The rumor is that he's wrapping up his obstruction case... not the entire Russia case.

This has always confused me. I mean, was there ever a world where Comey wasn't going to get fired? After the shit he pulled at the end of the election, I was sure that Obama wanted to shitcan him but was waiting for Hillary to do the honors when she won. I mean, I sure as fuck would have.

Yeah I think he was going to get fired eventually either way.. but Trump obviously did it because of the Russia investigation, not because of how Comey handled Hillary.

was there ever a world where Comey wasn't going to get fired?

The world where he dropped the flynn investigation when trump wished he would.

I mean, duh? It's a GOP House Comittee. How much of a mongoloid you have to be to expect anything else?

Yes, the Republicans control that committee

good goy

You see, when votes require 50% to agree, and more than 50% of the group belongs to one side, it doesn't actually matter who the 49% are or what side they are on. A group with 51% GOP is effectively the same as a group with 100% GOP.

If you think REALLY hard you might understand concepts like that in the future.

You are entirely correct that the decision to close the investigation was made unanimously by Reps without a single Dem writing off on the decision. The findings, however, were bipartisan and multiple passages claim that there was no evidence for collusion. People are a bit quick to overshadow the fact that keeping the investigation open would benefit the Dems as much as closing it benefits the Reps. Closing it before the midterms makes absolutely no sense for the Dems even if they were convinced there wasn’t anything to be found.

You're calling me correct on claims I never made, while 'however'ing me on points that are irrelevant to what I said.

I don't care what the circumstances of the closure were, and the implications of the investigation don't really interest me. The point was someone saying 'look, there are blue people, it can't be controlled by the red people' when it's a 51% takes all setup and the reds hold 59% is what I was point out as stupid.

In the context of this discussion you’re delegitimizing the findings of the investigation by saying there’s a majority of Reps, which is factually untrue since the report was co-authored by Democrats. Your statement per se is correct but it’s important to differentiate between content and closure, so I added the clarification that, yes, the decision to end the investigation was made exclusively by reps, but the findings who clearly hinted towards the fact that there wasn’t any collusion going on, were bipartisan.

trying to use a Doge meme to make a point in 2018

Wait, do you think this is proof the GOP aren't in control?

Yes exactly you retarded agenda posting mong, they literally didnt even talk to the democratic memebers before deciding this because they had majority control.

Pretty fucking dumb.

None of the Democrats signed off on the closure nor were they allowed to see anything relevant to the investigation.

The Democrats weren't even told about the ending of the investigation. They found it from the news.






“So how much work should we pretend to do before we come out and say he isn’t guilty?”

It's amusing to see the durmpftards that have not even the most basic civic education gloat over how "surely this is the end of mueller".

This is the chairman of the house intellagint committe

house intellagince committe

Is that where libtards learn about spelling and diplomacy?

o shit you got me.

I mean we all know you're a triggered agendaposter who thinks it's witty to make up babynames

I'll make sure to write Schiff and let him know he was a Republican all long.


It's rumored to be a 150 page report, there's going to be something good for Drama in it.

Maybe you can spend the time before it's released learning about how House Committees work since you know so little about them.

You do know that the Republicans are just saying it's time to wrap it up and the Democrats now do their own protest/report that's going to have Drama in it too.

Since you don't know Schiff was in charge of it or who he is.


Next you're gonna tell me that repeal and replace was continuously thwarted by the Democratic supermajority.

Maybe you can spend the time before it's released learning about how House Committees work

Figure you're an idiot who didn't understand I was saying Schiff was leading the Democrats?

Is that the problem or do I need to start explaining the intricacy of the committee and how Numes stepping back to fight the Ethics Committee impacted the thing that's been publicly televised for months now you retard.

I was saying Schiff was leading the Democrats?

It's pill o'clock, gramps. You never said anything resembling that, and if you think anyone could have interpreted your autistic ramblings as you saying that Schiff was leading the democrats in the HIC, then you need to pay less attention to the voices inside and concentrate in what you're typing, you fucking spaz.

Oh man, usually I despise serious posters in here, but you've got me all lathered up with all this nonsense.


It's a delicate art balancing shitposting, Imgur links and directly copy pasting posts to upset people dumb enough to take me seriously.

I like to talk about how i'm more progressive and enlightened for voting for the first openly LGBT Governor when all the people who screech at me for voting for Trump too.


Nah its just called being fucking retarded.

i have no idea wtf those are im assuming its something gross and unhealthy.

Just a quick check to see if you were American or just another Russian Bot spreading Propaganda.

I assume this is more your style

Either you are retarded or pretending to be retarded, you deserve to be shot either way.

Tell me more about your secret knowledge of the House person who isn't even American, you aren't just a crazy person upset by things happening in a country you don't even live in.

saying republicans arent loyal to their own is somehow american only knowledge

Yea, I don't really feel like explaining to a crazy person the inner workings of the House and how they talk to each other informally right now.

Keep agenda posting about those evil Republicans it's not a dime a dozen posts that are boring.

Maybe post some unfunny dead horse Voldemort style names of the President that's never been done before.

Keep agenda posting


This looks like effort posting sweetie 😘

> Being so upset by my posts you reply multiple times in less then 5 minutes

quotes are hard

You must be new, explains how you're so dumb.

At least I have a rough idea who mods here. 😘

I can't even imagine how dumb you'd have to be to think it's a positive thing that you are pathetic enough to know who Mods a drama sub.

It's even lamer then the people who knew who I am Jez.

Wait so am I dumb cause I'm new or dumb cause I'm not?

You're so dumb you aren't worth my attention anymore because of how boring you are

You sound genuinely mad hun. I hope ur ok. 😘

you're one event away from saying gross and sweetie.

Thanks for playing, better luck next time.

I already said gross and sweetie hun.

Glad you worked out how to quote.

Since you're new maybe you don't know about the CSS poke around in the sidebar there's some neat stuff in it.

Hilarious you still think I was trying to quote.

I already said gross and sweetie hun.

I get you're too dumb to understand just how basic bitch boring your posts are, maybe go follow LadyVentainti for a bit she's good at actually upsetting people instead of just projecting

What's a css?

That doesn't explain what a css is.

You're actually pretty stupid, aren't you?

I try

And succeed.

Wut not wat



Don't yell at me

/u/imgur_lurker acting superior to other people

Kek <------- This one





Who are you

Somebody who isnt spergy enough to be known by name on /r/drama

Oh a bad poster then, try making better posts maybe people will remember you.

Lol imagine wanting to be remebered for /r/drama posts. Unironically kill yourself


Likes like you've already started drinking bleach


Likes like you've already started drinking bleach







I mean we all know you're a triggered agendaposter

Oh the irony

Man, I knew you were retarded but even I didn't think you were retarded enough for this

Just say no u next time. I don't want you over exerting yourself.

Overexerting is one word, maybe you'd know that if you weren't a Russian Bot.

No u

no u

That's gross and problematic sweetie 😘

Don't you talk to my waifu that way you little bitch.

Damn, you're still alive?

What? No, he is actually good and I don't need to agree with him.

He's the guy who got actually upset by Alex Jones right, all the people with ugly ass flair because they suck the mods off all kind of blend together.

Anyone who Birdposts deserves to be shot.

Why would he suck the mods off? He is a mod. I was only saying I don't need to agree with everyone to like them. The place shouldn't be a full blown circlejerk.

He is a mod

Well that explains why he's so booty blasted over the evil Republicans and can type out durmpftards without cringing into a black hole.

I was only saying I don't need to agree with everyone to like them.

Okay well your first mistake was taking me seriously instead of assuming i'm just starting drama.

>he's the guy who got actually upset by alex jones right

Honestly not sure to what this refers.. can I get a rundown

-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs

-In contact with aliens

-Possess psychic-like abilities

-Control france with an iron but fair fist

-Own castles & banks globally

-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line

-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)

-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth

-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies

-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51

-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them

-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world

-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now

-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?

-They learned fluent French in under a week

-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff

-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society

-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.


When you commit suicide in 3 years and 42 days I really hope you donate your brain to science so we can further our understanding of single digit IQ brains.

Dont worry, they got me too.

Gun cocks


lol what a brainlet

the asshole sat on info of likely school shooters and you are still defending him

Nunes is a scientific marvel. He proves that human/shrew hybrids are indeed possible though have yet to gain sentience.



Lol, holy shit.

Welp that’s semi surprising.

In what way? The HIC was one bad day from literally flinging shit at each other instead of figuratively flinging shit in the form of competing memos.

Is an omega level shitstorm really strong or really wimpy?


this is the only funny comment in this entire stupid thread. Congrats!

The people that are surprised by this probably suffer of the same intellectual disabilities as the people celebrating it.





I mean, if Democrats were investigating Democrats, you basically have the same thing. No party is going to condemn their own President willingly.

Schiff was in charge for 8months.

God you are stupid.

No party is going to condemn their own President willingly.

> Ignore all the republicans and democrats who've condemned Presidents already

Not as stupid as someone like you.

You are trying too hard kid,

I'm just amazed you post about politics without ever learning about the Depression or the Teapot Dome scandal, I'm frankly impressed you've managed to live in such a bunker you've never heard a Republican condemn Reagan for his immigration policies or shutting down the Mental institutions.

You live in a alternate reality where NeverTrumpers don't exist and I find it fascinating.

Impressive retardation you got going on here. Lemme guess, youre "australian."

No I just own a Magazine of Reagan's Inauguration where he's publicly lambasted by a Republican for spending so much on it.

Imaging hating a group so much you divorce yourself from reality

Imaging hating a group so much you divorce yourself from reality

Lol, tell me all about it gramps, it sounds like a great story ill pretend to listen to as if you matter.

No party is going to condemn their own President willingly.

don't start stupid conversations then.

Good luck with the delusions

Wow grampa, you really do have great stories. Tell us again about the time those black kids were running through the mall and you yelled at them and they stopped running.

Great story like being assblasted for an entire year because you "lost" your first election?

I don't know why basic facts anyone can research upset you this much but there's a simple solution to it.

Great story like being assblasted for an entire year because you "lost" your first election?

Please grampa, tell me about the election i lost for the office i never ran for. I love watching your face turn red and that vein in your forehead pulse when you talk about how you trigger the cucked out libtards.

You thinking you've upset someone over the internet and it's a great feat isn't doing a good job showing off you aren't delusional.

Maybe check in with Mommy, she just slipped down some stairs.

You thinking you've upset someone over the internet and it's a great feat isn't doing a good job showing off you aren't delusional.

Maybe check in with Mommy, she just slipped down some stairs.

You should probably take your meds grampa, i think youre having a stroke.

K maybe post a few more times about how you don't care and also how assravanged you are over a subreddit existing lol.

K maybe post a few more times about how you don't care and also how assravanged you are over a subreddit existing lol.

assravanged you are over a subreddit existing

Grampa wut?

Wow are you just now figuring out I don't care enough to pay attention to this conversation?

Be a better poster and maybe you'll be worth replying to

No u

There's a difference between criticizing the actions of a president that belongs to your own party and actually doing something about it when a president of your own party is morally bankrupt, correct, and a con artist.

Yeah, Republicans will go against Republican presidents, but they have to be dragged there and only when it becomes too expensive politically will they act.

The entire point of fox-news was to prevent another watergate.

This is what people don't seem to comprehend. You can say CNN is biased, and it clearly is to some extent, but it is not a literal propaganda wing of the democratic party.

A memo entitled “A Plan for Putting the GOP on TV News,” buried in the the Nixon library details a plan between Ailes and the White House to bring pro-administration stories to television networks around the country. It reads: “Today television news is watched more often than people read newspapers, than people listen to the radio, than people read or gather any other form of communication. The reason: People are lazy. With television you just sit—watch—listen. The thinking is done for you.”

You live in a alternate reality where NeverTrumpers don't exist and I find it fascinating.

You live in a reality where "nevertrumpers" are a real thing that you think everyone should be scared of, and we all find it sad as fuck.

You autistic magatard baby.

Jesus Christ kid, you are responding to everyone on /r/drama; I think you need to go to /r/politics or something. Pull out your history 101 book and get to thumping.

Is it imminent though?


Surely this is the end for Muuueleor.

r/politics meltdowns are the best meltdowns.

Yeah I'm sure they'll be flabbergasted the party they hate is doing something they hate

What a rollercoaster

They actually do have daily meltdowns though.

yeah but its the kind of meltdowns where they're just fuckin exhausting to keep up with

I wouldn't suggest reading it every day to be sure.

Whatever your politics, /r/politics is probably the dumbest (like, legitimately special ed) sub on this site except for trollx.

dumbest sub on this site is kia

Lol ok, pedofile.

it’s pedophile. Imagine caring about gamer gate in 2018, let alone video games

I don't think anyone is actually shocked by this after Nunes' antics the past year

Who cares?

But can Bernie still win?

lmao, "We've investigated ourselves and we found that we're not guilty"

Drumpf will never recover he's fucking finished.

speaking for all leftwing dipshits, we did not expect them to do anything, but jerk off into sckrelli meds and stuff they ass with 100s. Do people think nunes wouldn't suck smegma off a putin-chub for a couple grand?