"Men aren't evil" -74 /r/Trollxchromosomes discusses being surrounded by men and not being murdered

181  2018-03-12 by justanotherusername_


Jews did this


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u/ryugi is it rational to be especially afraid of black men, since they commit much more violent crime than any other kind of men?

u/ryugi what is your take on how a black woman should feel amongst mayo men. As there is basically no mayo on black woman rape

Cool it with the statistically verifiable remarks.

The mayos might subject them to racist micro-aggressions though, such as asking where they're from, mispronouncing their names, or trying to touch their hair, which in my opinion qualify as a kind of rape.

which in my opinion qualify as a kind of rape.

GTFO rape apologist

put me in the middle of a bunch of nappy headed hos you best believe i'm going to comment on it

It's safe to assume that /u/ryugi thinks that black men should not be trusted.

/u/ryugi why are you such a nazi?

She also must hate Mexicans too, since they're next on the list. Isn't that right, /u/ryugi?

Why is it that you're scared of of those "darkies", as you would say

u/ryugi's vicious, degrading racism is absolutely disgusting to behold.

/u/ryugi your extreme racism and sexism and disgusting and astounding, but above all, it's impressive that someone can be this full of hate.



What a racist piece of shit.

i can't believe /u/spez allows people like /u/ryuji to continue posting this kind of hate

the blood is on your hands again /u/spez

I legit am interested to see how one of them would answer this question

I'm not tbh, if there is an answer it'll be them screaming "racist" at me followed by a total lack of introspection.


They never do. They always ignore it because they're scared of actually thinking about the issues that they virtue-signal about. They're scared shitless of the idea of facing the fact that they are incorrect and biased.

Depends. If it's against wh*tes, it's not crime

Holy shit! You don't even need to sort by contraversial with this one. She's fucking crazy.

Inb4 you "rationally" ignore that men are committing the vast majority of this violence.

Hey /u/pro_skub_neutrality , The vast majority of violence is committed by people who are biologically male, guess you think r/GenderCritical is justified in their concerns too?

/u/ryugi Internationally 78.7% of murder victims are male. Although calling them victims seems wrong, given they no longer have to deal with people like you.

I know you really want to jerk me off, but it ain't gonna happen.

I'm a boi with a very strict 3 date rule before I put out anything, thank you very much.

Well, whenever you're feeling brave enough to get fucked, just let me know. šŸ˜˜

This is just rapey and gross.

ikr, 3 dates at least, and I'm sure as not paying.

Why do you fear me. We'll use lube, don't worry!


Two prominent hate subs were taken down today. r/Drama's days are numbered.

Are you trying to coerce me?

No, I'd rather you never pinged me in the first place.

It's going to be be orgasmic when you guys get your own sub taken down for violating the site-wide harassment rules. I'll definitely drink to that.

The real world doesn't give a shit about what you do or do not think counts as harassment, hahaha. I do love how you guys are convinced that you aren't harassing people, though, especially while people from here are right now following me to unrelated subreddits to harass me.

Maybe /r/TheWashingtonPost will include some of this valuable discourse from r/Drama in their next expose on Reddit's hate communities.

ftfy: The real world doesn't give a shit

/u/thewashingtonpost, not r/thewashingtonpost

lmfao are you really using wapo's account as some sort of threat?
Get down that pedestal you knob

No threats. I just want them to take a look at this place.

yeah I know how that goes. Some people show some forum/website/board to a media outlet so they can make a hit piece on hit, just to censor it/get it shut down. A move so absolute scum, it says a lot about people who use it.

The internet is not your safe space sweaty, get used to it.


How is that harassment, you didn't have to come here.

In other words, /r/drama victims were asking for it.

No, once I was pinged, some of the idiots here started following me to unrelated subreddits, harassing me, to make this website an unsafe place for me to express my ideas or participate in conversation. That is against the site-wide rules, literally.

We do not tolerate the harassment of people on our site, nor do we tolerate communities dedicated to fostering harassing behavior.

Harassment on Reddit is defined as systematic and/or continued actions to torment or demean someone in a way that would make a reasonable person conclude that reddit is not a safe platform to express their ideas or participate in the conversation, or fear for their safety or the safety of those around them.

Being annoying, vote brigading, or participating in a heated argument is not harassment, but following an individual or group of users, online or off, to the point where they no longer feel that it's safe to post online or are in fear of their real life safety is.

Everyone who does so is promptly reported to the admins, so harass at your own risk. When you all inevitably get banned, please, use the new accounts you make and post your reactions to r/Drama to help add to the justifications for taking this cesspool down.

make this website an unsafe place for me to express my ideas or participate in conversation

Nigga you don't seriously belive that do you?

some of the idiots here started following me to unrelated subreddits, harassing me, to make this website an unsafe place

LMFAO your fake performative victimhood, so melodramatic

Report me daddy

How can a website be an unsafe place lmao. Do you get a bruise everytime I shitpost?

Hahaha you loooooovvveeeeee drama.

One of us! One of us! One of us!

I've been trying to find where people harassed you and I'm sorry if it's obvious but I can't find it anywhere. People going into different subs and talking about things on topic is not harassment. That's the worst thing I've found so far, care to link to anything else?

Crypto hate fam, we are all 3L33T HaX0rS here.

Two prominent hate subs were taken down today

Because they didn't do what the admins said

r/Drama's days are numbered.

I doubt it

It's not surprising you're confused about consent. Try not to rape anyone.

Thanks for the tip. I'll try that going forwards.

It's not surprising that a male feminist would act rapey and gross and then try to deflect criticism of his behavior.

Too late, earlier today I was walking down the street when I accidently raped someone.


It's so annoying when that happens, isn't it?

As a tranny, are you into being jerked off, or jerking off other dudes?

And how broad are your shoulders? Most of us here are pretty small, thanks to our 100% soy diet, but I reckon you can carry at least 2 of us away to your rape-shed.

Neither will any of the fat cows on TrollX no matter how many GBP you accumulate

What's kind of interesting is that if you do the math to reverse the systematic and institutional gender inequalities in criminal justice the calculated criminality baserate is roughly at parity.

So what you're saying is that if we wanna lower the murder rate, we need to increase the murder rate to decrease the amount of criminals, ultimately lowering the murder rate.

Time to register /u/The_Reason_Trump_Won_Twice before it's too late, lad

3 terms, 3 scoops, 3 genders

How do these people even function irl?

If by function you mean curl up in the fetal position every time they see a man, they function pretty well

Can't see a male if you only stay at home and watch anime and wolf down delivery.

but what about the deliveryman

Live with parents/roommate or struggle through cash exchange for those couple minutes.

Pay through CC and tell them to leave it at the doorstep.

TIL I'm a woman

I feel attacked

Shooting too close to home, padre

They don't.

You don't, you just live at home collecting benefits for your extreme anxiety and myriad of illnesses, only venturing out with your emotional support gerbil to get Taco Bell.

Endless panic attacks and ice cream consumption.

What makes you think they do?

My SO left the supermarket this weekend and said he wasn't going back, the people in there all gave him bad vibes.

Imagine leaving and never returning to your only nearby store because you can sense bad joo joo feelings. Nuts.

holy lol

In response to

men are also more likely to be the victim of those violent crimes.

the upvoted response is:

except you're straight up lying.

Pregnant women's number one cause of death, above pregnancy/abortion complications: Murdered by men.

Men's number one cause of death: Not being murdered, but natural causes

What does that have to do with the statement above?

That's so apples and vaginas

Right? She doesnā€™t include a stat for pregnant men

So if men are literally the most dangerous thing in the world, and women are more likely to die from abortions, shouldn't we outlaw abortion?

it's also completely untrue. It's like they think there's a genocide of women going on.

It's literally what these people believe; that there's a mass epidemic of assaults, murders and rapes perpetrated by men against women when there's nothing even remotely close to it.

We need to deport all the men from sweden right now!

u/ryugi is a "F2M lesbo". She chose to become a person more likely to murder a woman, which imo is worse than being born a man.

That's hilarious.

I had a bit with her a while back where I told her it's logically incoherent to be an "f2m lesbo" unless you admit FTMs are women, and she basically just went "NUH-UH" and emitted some high-pitched shrieks while plugging her ears.

She mods a sub called r/LesbianMuslims , lol

3 posts from 5 years ago... Disappointing

Nw, I'm gonna revive it

Fucking lmao. The rabbit hole just gets stupider and stupider.

She must be Iranian.

may allah boil their blood

But otherwise she'd just be a heterosexual man

Gotta get those double oppression points

Do none of these tards understand basic probability and statistics?

like 4% of even the college-educated world understands basic probability and statistics

idgi, do you guys not want to be evil? being evil is cool. im proud to be evil.

Someone make a male crime stats copypasta please

Male-on-male crime stats don't lie, they're just too violent for civilized society.

Man, XXcels must think women are so fragile.

you know, the image linked in the op is such catch 22 bullshit. you cant tell her "a woman in that situation wouldnt be terrified" because then youre an insensitive "mansplainer." and you cant tell her "as a man i wouldnt be ecstatic becuase women are fucking loud and disgusting" because then she'd accuse you of being "misogynist." what the fuck gives?

You play her the song, ā€Its raining men" and laugh as she has a panic attack.

I am personally outraged at the sexist, misogynistic and utterly privileged attitudes of all the MEN in this subreddit who are posting here! I mean fuck you guys, itā€™s just a fucking fact that men commit almost all the crimes. Itā€™s dangerous as hell to be a woman in our society.

To all the women out there reading this, I want to assure you that I understand the constant fear you ladies feel. Thatā€™s why all of you need to stay in a safe place - like the kitchen. A nice safe kitchen. Oh, and while youā€™re in there, do be a dear and make me and the boys some sandwiches. A man gets hungry running the world - oh, and wear something frilly for later - OK toots, I got to go do some complicated man stuff now, bye.

Upvote for 'toots.'


Ban them next.

Holy shit! I overslept trollxdramašŸ˜­

"In the year 2014, when twox became a default sub, a unit of dense, judgeMENTAL and oblivious upper-middle class white women ( and their male feminist alt accounts) were sent the hell off said subreddit by sensible human beings and a couple MRA's, because of the idiocy they commited. These women promptly escaped from a default sub to the reddit underground and took over what used to be a funny gif sub for laid back women of 18-24 age group . Today they are still commiting the acts of slacktivism , continue to smear the ideas of feminism and survive as soldiers of REEEING. If you to are an oblivious white, american woman, if no real feminist group takes your bullshit seriously or you want to tell fake stories about "evil men" for karma boost, and if you can find them....maybe you can subscribe to the Jezebel of reddit...I mean - The Trollx Team." " cue The A-Team theme" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyz_2DEah4o

That would have been so much more relevant if you hadn't overslept. You're right.

I see the #notallmen are here to brigade.

u/beckoning_cat but I'm a man and I'm not brigading. So I guess you might say that #notallmen are brigading you.

For my first job I was the only guy amongst 12 middle aged women... Now that was a distressing and hostile environment.

The tag of this person says she/he is f2m and lesbo? Shouldn't be straight then? What's the point of making transition and still calling yourself lesbo even if u feel like man?

u/ryugi for drama mod


top kek, thanks for the recommendation lmao


Anyway, you post in braincels and Drama, who cares what you think?

heheh, you post in a sub I DONT LIKE, heh, argument invalid. bye bye sweetie! blocked! bye bye!