Pajeets plan to reduce air pollution by polluting the air.

8  2018-03-13 by Logan_Pauler


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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They already ruined the water. Someone stop them.

Uttar Pradesh

A reminder that in northern India they've got the same mayo genes that favor mysticism and voodoo as anti-vaxxing housewives in California.

op please contact the people involved and get them to make reddit accounts so we can ping

Man, if climate change was real we would be so fucked by now.

OP you worthless cunt waffle, calling other Indians pajeets won't make you any less of a pajeet

Uttar Pradesh and surrounding states are all shitholes

Your post history

Shah did nothing wrong, spear the muzzies dharm yuddh now.

t.Ahmed Katalundwala