Really makes you think what actually constitutes rape in the eyes of TrollXChromosomes

51  2018-03-13 by BenpiGeri


Cool story, bro


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The only valid comment here.


Drunk guy groped a drunk girl, redditors who are too stupid to know that 'sexual assault' covers a wide range of behavior think he fucked her.

Wait, is hooking up a sexual assault now?

if you can call "banging an unconscious girl behind a dumpster and running away when discovered" hooking up, then yeah prettymuch.

fucking sjws



I remember reading that the running away part was pretty crucial evidence because it proved he knew what he was doing was wrong. So remember, when caught, keep going.

Or maybe she was just ugly/fat.

if you can call "banging an unconscious girl behind a dumpster and running away when discovered" hooking up, then yeah prettymuch.

Don't kink shame in /r/drama, thank you

You can’t do that anymore?


Worked in a sexual assault unit in CA.

In general sexual assault can be unwanted actions for sexual pleasure. For example, CK Lewis dropping his pants and masturbating in front of women? Possibly sexual assault. Hooking up (but not putting your dingdong in her vajay) can be sexual assault if she regrets it the next day.

Always leave a text trail lads. It’s a bold new feminist world.

I feel like you were going for a brave new world with how you ended that but that is pretty far off of brave new world.

No shit, brave new world was a fun world

They don't care. Different standards for muslims.

Here's the thing about "online feminism" - it's dominate by middle class white American ladies. Because of this, it reflects pretty much the (non) problems of middle class white American ladies.

You're far more likely to hear about the price of pumpkin spice lattes going up than how some lower class little girls from another country are being gang raped on a regular basis.

That's why they loved the Brock Turner story so much.

  • Victim was a rich white girl.

  • Perpetrator was a rich white guy.

  • Victim drank herself into a comatose state which is something lonely alcoholic white women can relate to.

  • Happened near a college campus.

  • Perpetrator went to prison with a fairly short sentence.

The average poster there is glad it happened.

And the part where he raped her really sealed it, lol

Next time maybe post some drama for a change.

I mean, kill yourself and stop agenda-posting.

Well, technically she tried to seal it but he got in anyways

It's weird to think of all the tears of people who are upset he didn't actually rape anyone. It's a weird fetish.

Yeah, it really deflates the circlejerk when a rape case turns out to be a false accusation like UVa and Duke Lacross.

Incidentally, that's exactly why so many of those big cases turn out to be false accusations: they're desperate for stories that perfectly slot into the narrative, with leering, evil, privileged men leveraging the patriarchy so they can oppress blameless, perfect victims.

The fact that real life is messier than that (and that that scenario is super rare) only gets acknowledged when it's time to handwave away any responsibility on the part of the women.

Next time maybe post some drama for a change.

I mean, kill yourself and stop agenda-posting.

tfw this guy tells you you're taking reddit politics too seriously.

Jesus fucking christ /u/ItsSugar could you explain yourself? You look like one of those autistic nerds from /r/politics who makes Excel sheets of everything Trump does to post them for reddit gold.

Wow I can't understand why a subreddit filled with American college age women would find the rape of an American college age white woman more relatable then some overseas pedo scandal. I hope you can figure out this confusing social phenomenon for us!

I think you're saying it's because their tiny little lizard brains can't handle multiple stimuli at once, and I think I agree with you.

Also jesus fucking christ what is wrong with you.

im hairy and fat

Here's the thing about "online feminism" - it's dominated by middle class white American ladies. Because of this, it reflects pretty much the (non) problems of middle class white American ladies.

You're far more likely to hear about the price of pumpkin spice lattes going up than how some lower class little girls from another country are being gang raped on a regular basis.

r/drama arguing in favor of third wave and intersectionnality? It's more likely than you think.

In theory yes, in practice - still dominated by middle class white women. It's the modern day social justice equivalent to the share cropper plantation.

"Hey you darkies, you spics and you gays - fall in line, get over here and work on the oppression plantation so that I can harvest your credibility to argue for a tax exemption on tampons" - some intersectional feminist, probably.

As an aside, it's actually kind of interesting/scary how a movement founded in great part on the ideas of Marxist Feminism could so easily fall to American's bourgeois classes. Capitalism is a scary, powerful thing I guess.

Eh, actual feminist (aka people that do something for feminism IRL rather than post about how bad they have it on the internet) are significantly better at this whole intersectionnality thing.

But I definitely agree with your comment for feminists and other "leftist" on the internet. We are supposed to be the poor little minority person that suffer from sexism, racism, ableism, homophobia, not actual people. People like anyone else.

This isn't drama, please take this shit to MDE or something

What is mde?

Million dollar extreme.

I don’t get that subreddit, just know they are literally autistic.

Cheers. Yeah I've seen that place, must agree.

It used to be about the comedy group MDE, now it's r/repostsfrompol

Subreddit for a mediocre adult swim show that spergs somehow have taken as an overarching political philosophy. They're pretty queerly right-wing/alt-right.

OP is an agendaposting retard.

At least go start drama about the scary moooslim rape gangs in TrollX and then bring it back here.

If this "Look! Reddit's search interface is utter shite!" imagepost is the best you can do, you should kill yourself.

t. doesn't believe uk has a muslim problem

t. Muslim Internet Defense Force

The drama was inside of you the whole time.

muh agenda

This is the worst type of agenda post. There's not even any drama, which you could have at least started for us. I hope you personally get to spend some one-on-ten time with those "muslim rape gangs", OP.

The shitstorm in this thread is the drama.

Congratulations. You have provided what I wanted.

No, no, it doesn't "really make me think" what the heifers at trollx think about anything.

Brock Turner's senior superlative was best legs, maybe she just regretted it.

Where's the drama?

It makes me hard reading about how users of that sub get raped