This must be a day that ends in "y" because /r/normalnudes is having drama over how their rules are sexist.

42  2018-03-13 by IAintThatGuy



This is simply so we can have references to how aroused vaginas, and nipples can normally look.


This reminds me of those seventies pornos that had an introduction from a "doctor" so that they escaped the decency laws. I imagine the average r/normalnudes user is about as desperate as the types that visited a titty theater, too.

All male submissions must be 100% flaccid. As of 7/5/17 we do not allow erection submissions. If you look pre-fluffed for your pictures, a mod with either contact you or remove your post.

Add them to the list of hate subreddits. I've had enough.

Literal discrimination toward big dicks wtf


/u/spez, deal with those boner nazis.

There's literallt nothing wrong with cute erections

Yes, in addition my understanding of the no fluff rule is not that the arousal in itself is too offensive, more with males it distorts the normal size of things. A vulva which is aroused doesn't make it look twice as large, which the person wants to convey.

An erect penis offends xir

But this fupa bearing creature alleging it has a man’s body is not offensive. NSFW btw! You click that, it’s on you! Note the thirsty fuck say it looks gorgeous.

It's insulting to men to call that "masculine".

Not masculine, just chubby. Which is not a bad thing, and can be changed. Relax.


When their stomach wraps around them and flops towards the ground I think it is safe to finally admit how fat they are. I am also sure the complementary diabetes, worn out joints, and heart failure is a bad thing.

Gag at the person calling her juicy.

Gag at the person calling her juicy.

le reddit ess progreeeeeesive

I'd call that more fetish then progressive as tumblr and 4chan has shown me and made me feel unclean for fetishes are more likely the culprit then being progressive now exucse me while i go find my husband or a dildo or fucking anything to purge that image from my mind. just fuck you that image was fucking ugly.

But this fupa bearing creature alleging it has a man’s body is not offensive. NSFL btw!

Do not click. Even if you like robust women

that's robust like a deflated balloon is robust

Do not click if you like women at all.

Reduced life expectancy, worn out joints, lowered cardiovascular endurance, and a heightened probability of diabetes, cancer and cardiopulmonary complications isn't what I would describe as "robust".

i fell for your clever ruse :(

In which a pervert on the internet argues for his right to post his boner on a subreddit for """"insecure"""" thots to post their gussy in a """""non-sexualised""""" environment

99% of the females posts are x-posted on /r/gonewild by the user.

Aww got me with that Rick Astley bs again!

Wow, the people in that subreddit are even weirder than your average porn subreddit commentators. They're trying so hard to be classy gentlesirs and not like those other Chads who just comment "nice tits and fat ass 😍."

That may be the most perfectly shaped female reproductive organ I've ever seen.

gotta say "female genitals" so that it can accomodate B U S S Y as well

I know I'm already going to be shipped to the death camps, but please speed up the process if I ever post nudes on that validation sub.


Danke bby 😘

Reddit is weird and stupid

Taking a degenerate sub that seriously

rule 34 still has occasional bitch fits over the lack of yaoi which yeah the lack of gay shit there is saddening.

Like the guys aren't using the half chub trick.

/u/Seesyounaked, was your intention to create one of the cringiest subs ever or did you acheve that by accident? When you have to remove erect dicks from front page all the time and read pathetic virgins sucking up to land whales do you does that make you realize that your life has no meaning?

Additional question : is the username designed for maximum creepyness on purpose, or is it just how his brains naturally operates?

Just how my brain operates. I'm a dude who likes them nudes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

If only I could be like you, though... Look at this winner ladies and gentlemen! 10 month old account with 49k post karma and 66k comment karma? What, do you live on reddit? Got nothing better to do, eh? Goddamn look at how often you seek attention and approval online! You've got quite a fulfilling life my friend! Keep on shitposting and critically judging everyone but yourself ;)

Hilarious anyone in this thread might think you're anything more than a basement dwelling incel looking to spread the sadness he feels 24/7.

But whatever, none of my business. I'm going out to dinner with my wife and kids while you sit at your computer while mommy does your laundry and makes your tendies.

I'm going out to dinner with my wife and kids

If you really have non-imaginary wife and kids why are you neglecting them while moderating porn sub for freaks? Don't you think you should be raising your kids instead of banning erect dicks and people who insult feelings of fat, pathetic people who post in r/normalnudes? "Oh, sorry, dad doesn't have time to help you with homework, he has to convince some fat slut online she's actually attractive slut." Sad!

I spend like 10 minutes a day max moderating... lol.

How much of that is spent determining if a penis is pre-fluffed?

Do you have to prefluff for your wife?

Look at this winner ladies and gentlemen! 10 month old account with 49k post karma and 66k comment karma? What, do you live on reddit? Got nothing better to do, eh?

I posted a few stuff that made front page, and a few popular comments. Look at the breakdown in my history, it does the math for you.

Is someone who mods an amateur porn subreddit lecturing me about my online activity though?

Because there aren't enough dick pics for your taste?

Well, look at it this way: the dick pics aren't what will turn you gay.

Hey /u/Seesyounaked how small is your wee wee?

How can you tell if a micropenis is fluffed?

that sub is so gross, reminds why i refuse to date anything less than a 7/10 girl.

Like when big tits are awesome, until she removes her bra.