Speaking of banned subreddits, WHAT ABOUT THE_DONALD???

4  2018-03-13 by ExterminateWhiteMen


[–]Diogenes-- -2 points 20 minutes ago
I began seeing a psychiatrist 2x 1-hour sessions a week when I was 8 years old, about 6-12 months after my mother began molesting me. I don't remember my childhood well, but I think I told a teacher and/or a friend's mother (after which I was forbidden from having any more friends).

Since we live in a feminist society which brainwashes most of us that women are poor innocent victims incapable of wrongdoing, and men/boys are privileged evil patriarchal oppressors who never need help and are usually deserving of any hardship they come across, all the shrink did was drug me up and tell me to behave. The drugs caused gynecomastia and lifelong insomnia. Talk about adding insult to injury.

I've seen various other psychologists and psychiatrists until my late 20s, but the psyche is like the body - all the best pros in the world can't fix a paralyzed person's spine, and the feminazi destruction of my psyche is akin to psychological paralysis.

What has helped me is meditation and writing. I'll never be healed as though no injury has taken place, but like a paralyzed person who competes in the paralympics, is a motivational speaker or simply lives a quiet but happy life, I've found some measure of inner peace. I've taken the red pill and I see the world as it is - full of hateful feminazis and their soyboy allies.

I like the way Mark Twain put it the most: "History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes." Modern feminism is just the witch hunts, or the inquisition, or Nazi Germany, with a fresh coat of paint. The same basic human group mechanics are going on behind the scenes. As Krishnamurti said, "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

[–]Diogenes-- -6 points 45 minutes ago
In the name of your hate movement you abused me sadistically as a child for being born male. When I asked myself "is it all feminists, or just them?", I looked at the world and saw VAWA and, after Obama's "Dear Colleague" revision, Title IX - federal US laws that punish innocent men. I realized it wasn't just my mother and grandmother. I realized that feminism is a fully fledged hate movement.

I read the SCUM manifesto. I observed hateful quotes from influential feminists like Dworkin, Steinem, etc. A lifelong atheist, I realized at some point in my healing journey that religion isn't misogynist, it's correct. Women have no soul; no conscience. They instinctually abuse children and the only thing that ever stopped them was the child's father being nearby - something feminism has ended with no-fault divorce. The divorce rate is over 50% and the woman initiates 70% of divorces, and the majority of mothers are single moms. What a world.

If having my life destroyed by feminist child abuse makes me a shitty person, I guess child abusers like you are the good people? Lol. We truly live in a world not unlike that in Orwell's masterpiece. You are a sick, deluded and astonishingly stupid waste of oxygen.