125  2018-03-13 by mukumukum













no u

no us



My sexual orientation is Taylor Swift


270 characters

270 electoral votes is what it takes to win the USA presidency

Trump 2020 confirmed, KAGA - keep america great again


It sound like shit in my language. Literally like the word shit.

me cago en tu puta idioma

¿Qué carajo acabas de mierda dices de mí, pequeña perra? Voy a tener que sabes que me gradué parte superior de mi clase en los Navy Seals, y he estado involucrado en numerosas incursiones secretas sobre Al-Qaeda, y tengo más de 300 muertes confirmadas. Estoy capacitado en la guerra gorila y yo soy el francotirador superior en todas las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos. No eres nada para mí, pero sólo otro objetivo. Yo limpiaré usted a la mierda con la precisión de la talla de la que nunca se ha visto antes en esta tierra, recuerda mis palabras malditas. ¿Crees que puedes salir a decir que una mierda para mí a través de Internet? Piense otra vez, hijo de puta. En estos momentos me pongo en contacto con mi red secreta de espías en los EE.UU. y su IP está siendo rastreado en este momento para prepararse mejor para la tormenta, gusano. La tormenta que arrasa con lo poco patético que llamas tu vida. Estás muerto, hijo. Puedo estar en cualquier parte, en cualquier momento, y te puedo matar en más de siete mil maneras, y eso es justo con mis propias manos. No sólo soy ampliamente entrenado en combate sin armas, pero no tengo acceso a todo el arsenal de la Marina de los Estados Unidos y lo voy a utilizar en toda su extensión para limpiar el culo miserables de la faz del continente, pedazo de mierda. Si sólo te podías saber qué castigo impío su pequeño comentario "inteligente" estaba a punto de hacer caer sobre ti, tal vez le haya poseído su maldita lengua. Pero no podía, no lo hiciste, y ahora está pagando el precio, Maldito idiota. Cagaré furia sobre ti y te ahogaré en ella. Estás muerto, chico.

Déjame que te diga esto-- /r/Drama es una de las comunidades en línea más malévolas, crueles y desalmadas que jamás hayas encontrado, e incluso como partidario de la libertad de expresión me horroriza que Reddit permitiera un centro tan vil y enconado de la intolerancia y el sadismo de existir. ¿Crees que la ciudad [slur] era mala? Ese subreddit, si tomas los silbatos de perro (y muchos ni siquiera se molestan con eso), digamos que quieres que quieras sobre Stormfront, al menos prohíbe "n [slur]", se te revelará como Reddit's nudo número uno para los nazis, klansmen, fascistas y gamergaters más endurecidos de la web. Notarás en la barra lateral que anima a los miembros a ser lo más dramáticos posible. Eso es intencional. Fomentan los argumentos en la sección de comentarios. Eso es intencional. ¿Conoces el Three Minute Hate (es de este libro subestimado de 1985, dale una lectura, da miedo cuánto se asemeja a nuestra sociedad)? Es así, quieren avivar las llamas de la ira reaccionaria para que continúen repudiando a cada progresivo y minoría que ingresa al subreddit, normalizando estos sentimientos malvados. Brigada de subreddit a subreddit, con una camarilla completa de mods que abarca cientos de comunidades, iluminando con gas las experiencias vividas de los oprimidos y reforzando desvergonzadamente el movimiento de supremacía blanca de Reddit. También han kinkavergonzado a cientos de personas, algunos incluso ... a la muerte. Me temo que /r/drama puede estar produciendo un ejército completo de Dylann Roofs y Elliot Rogers, y sugiero que nadie se atreva a visitar ese horrible subreddit, para que no sea víctima de su aura corruptora.

Pero r/drama està muy bueno.

Si, pero me gustan las copypastas traducidas.

Pero tienes caca gustas.

Dice el hombre con el username dogdroolscatsrules

Buen dicho

/r/drama nunca fue bueno.

Deve notar-se que revivi cada pessoa que não concordou comigo aqui, tanto quanto eu sei. Dito isto.

Na 7ª série, fiz um teste SAT sem me preparar para isso, foi um instante, eu sabia sobre isso uma hora antes do tempo e não fiz nenhuma pesquisa ou nada. Eu marquei mais alto do que a pessoa média que o usa para se inscrever na faculdade na minha área. Um teste de QI me mostrou estar no percentil 99.9 para QI. Este é o resultado mais alto que o teste que me deu; qualquer outra coisa e eles considerariam estar dentro da margem de erro para esse teste.

O namorado da minha mãe de 8 anos é um engenheiro aeroespacial que se formou na Virginia Tech. Aos 15 anos, eu entendo a física melhor do que ele, e devo muito pouco a ele, como ele raramente me daria uma explicação decente de qualquer coisa, apenas me diga que minhas idéias estavam erradas e se agravaram comigo por não bem entendendo a termodinâmica. Ele não é particularmente bem sucedido como engenheiro, mas conheci muitos outros engenheiros que não são tão bons quanto eu na física, então acho que não é apenas um resultado de ele ser ruim. Eu também sou muito bom na engenharia. Eu não tenho um diploma e, além da física, não tenho uma melhor compreensão de qualquer aspecto da engenharia do que qualquer engenheiro atual, mas tenho muita ingenuidade para inventar coisas novas. Por exemplo, eu inventei independentemente os freios regenerativos antes de descobrir o que eram e eu tinha apenas sete ou oito anos de idade quando comecei a inventar soluções de eletricidade sem fio (minha primeira idéia é usar um poderoso laser infravermelho para transmitir energia, não é certo o melhor plano).

Penso independentemente em basicamente em todos os ramos da filosofia que encontrei. Toda questão de existencialismo que eu vi discutida em SMBC ou xkcd ou Reddit ou em qualquer outro lugar, os pensamentos não foram novos para mim. A filosofia parece muito trivial para mim; Eu considerei fazer um curso de filosofia apenas para ver como é fácil.

Psicologia, eu realmente entendo melhor do que pessoas com graus. Ao contrário da engenharia, não há nenhum aspecto da psicologia, da qual não tenho uma boa compreensão. Posso desmascarar muitas das teorias de Sigmund Freud.

los Navy Seals


You know, it’s postmodernist Marxist stuff like this that really activates my almonds. Look bucko, you need to sort yourself out, clean up your room, slay your dragons and make yourself useful to others. I mean it man. You’re just no good to anyone wallowing in your own personal pit of resentful narcissism.

this is quality pasta, but the serving is not filling

I got a serving for you that's filling


Look bucko, you need to sort yourself out, clean up your room, slay your dragons and make yourself useful to others.

I feel torn about this. This is decent advice, why is it in a pasta?

what is the source? I feel out of the loop.

It's a TL;DR of Jordan Peterson's entire career

Oh, well that's pretty good advice them from Kermit T. Frog.


This is someone whos never heard Jordan Peterson speak.

I don't care enough about him to have a strong opinion either way

"It's a TL;DR of Jordan Peterson's entire career" would say otherwise.




imagine thinking lobsterman is anything more than a generic self-help guru

You know, it’s Marxist postmodernists like you that really crunches my cashews. Look bucko, you need to clean your room, sort your dragons, slay your usefulness and organize your archetypes. I mean it man. You’re just no good to r/Drama unless you’re wallowing in your own personal pit of resentful narcissism.

Imagine being this ideologically blind...

Have you ever actually listened to the man?


I'll take that as a no.

Jordan is the culmination of the frustration many of us men (and women) feel in the culture that i being changed around us.

He is today's knight and he is building an army. I would happily use the resources I have built (I donate to him now mohtly) and even my combat skills to back his ideals if need be.

Keep preaching Jordan, hopefully it doesn't come to violence but there are millions of us who agree that our freedoms are worth fighting for. While I hope the new dialogue being created calms people down enough to talk and solve our problems Demoratically, I worry that it will simply enrage the Left even more who thinks they have a monopoly on the thought of the country.

All when in fact, they are a tiny minority and if they chose to go to violence, they will be crushed.

Hopefully insanely intelligent people like Jordan will help lead the way peacefully and allow the more moderate Leftists to take pack the party from the Progressives who have violently taken over the Democratic Party.

Hahaha, who woulda thought it would be a Canadian that I would call my modern day hero to join the likes of George Washington and Lucious Quinctius Cincinnatus!

Tbh hes making 80k a month from patreon and just shilling his lectures online. To call him todays knight... eh.

Hes just a good talker and expresses the points that many of us feel in the face of over the top, ridiculous political correctness and has taken a stance against the political movement of progressives that has gotten out of control.

Hes the right kind of advocate for these ideas, he expresses them calmly and is able to debate and justify his position. This is opposed to people like Sargon, Crowder etc. who are better off in their position as social commentators offering entertainment online (Sargon in my eyes is turning into a bit of a joke as he tries to become the face and leader of a movement spurred on by internet spergs).

JP is the right man at the right time and the right representative of rationality in the face of radical regressive idiocy. Hes a figure similar to Sam Harris, however to try to lionize him is wrong. It gets to the point of yours that I have skipped so far. The idea that he is building an army, the idea that you are preparing yourself for violence. Don't get me wrong, your freedom is worth fighting for, however its not dialogue that will enrage the left and lead to violence. Its this attitude.

Instead you give the left enough rope to hang themselves so the masses see the idiocy for what it is. The Cathy Newman debate was the perfect example of this. JP calmly debated her and while she viewed it as her victory, the public saw the idiocy of the idea when it was calmly challenged.

I think if Peterson saw your statement about him building an army, or willingness to use your combat experience, he would be extremely disturbed by this view and probably talk to you about how Hitler came to power in the brownshirts vs the reds (http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/how-the-nazis-succeeded-in-taking-power-in-red-berlin-a-866793.html).

He doesn't need to be a hero, just an example and a resource. Don't legitimise the vocal minority or fringe ideas, mock them, point out the dangerous flaws in their ideologies and views, let them debate and give them enough rope to hang themselves.

Forming a ideological psudeo-army around the views expressed by Peterson and other intellectuals makes it easier for people to dismiss the views as ideological blindness in nature. Instead as Peterson says: people who adhere to an ideology are people who are unwilling to think in depth about subjects. Learn from the man, dont form a group identity around him, but let the merit of his ideas and his words stand on their own two feet.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsfOrJs5SV4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsLqRgboSb8

(Most important) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZvI7vU2me0

The rational only lose when the majority decide to pick one side or the other. Neither the authoritarian right, or the regressive left can win while we are willing to have honest dialogue. If any sort of army forms behind him, let it be an army of individualists who are willing to apply free, open and honest thought and discussion.


The TL;DR of his career is actually the two books he wrote that have made him a millionaire lol

I just paraphrased some stuff from Jordan Peterson - it’s generic JBP advice. Sort yourself out.

no u

ok well then kys

It's a bunch of vague cliches.

Spoken like a useless person who has a dirty room.

I’ve been a naughty boy and didn’t clean room

/> plz spank

The advice is decent, but it does get annoying when he pretends that life matters.

Look at you with the words like some jagoff

Prove him wrong?

ni🅱️🅱️a wut

I always suspected as much.

Can you post more pics of yourself in drag?

That was actually my sister. Lmao

Idk to feel bad for her looking like me or feel bad for me making a convincing tranny.

OK, can you post more pics of your sister in drag?

I'll raid her FB for you later and show her this via mesage and update it.

look my dick is hard as a rock and i have work in the morning. somebody better put on a fucking dress before this gets ugly

I always suspected as much. I always had a raging boner when I saw naked men




on further analysis i must reply "no u"


I may be a fag, but I'm sure as fuck not gay.

Pics or it didn't happen

I'm a very jolly fellow indeed.

I might be gay, but at least i'm not a faggot.

Prove it.


Can you promote my sub /r/blacktraps?

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Homer Simpson vind u-are-gay (Uruguay) +2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4paLVu0gNcQ
(1) Jordan B Peterson on Why People Become Ideologues (2) How to Avoid Being Sucked into an Ideology Jordan B Peterson (3) Jordan Peterson - Ideologies are Parasitical Memes +1 - Tbh hes making 80k a month from patreon and just shilling his lectures online. To call him todays knight... eh. Hes just a good talker and expresses the points that many of us feel in the face of over the top, ridiculous political correctness and h...

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