I am (totally) a girl in a loving, long-term relationship with my older sister. Ask me anything!

12  2018-03-13 by WeWuzKANG5


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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I’ll post my response to a similar question: in the summer of 2010, I got a paid internship with a nonprofit in the city where my sister was going to grad school. I moved in with her for the summer and slept on her couch. We’d always been close, despite our age gap, but being under the same roof for the first time in ages naturally brought us closer. We spent all our free time together and our bond developed more and more. We’d stay up late talking about our lives, our family, our shared academic interests. Or we’d watch nature shows or movies or garbage TV. Eventually I stopped sleeping on the couch and started sharing her bed. We would cuddle as we fell asleep and when we woke up, and one morning, while cuddling, we ended up kissing. That led to a series of long, intense conversations about what was happening between us, and it all went from there.



Literally just porn for some weirdos

We found Lena Dunham's younger sister!

Nothing wrong with some wholesome incestous grooming.

Probably fake, though.

I have never sharpened my wooden stakes that fast in my lives.

"""She""" has also posted in CasualAMA


If you're going to LARP incest, why would bother with a lezza relationship? Without the risk of deformed kiddies and weirdo "my daughter is also my aunt" scenarios, there are no real stakes.

Weak sauce.

Coz it's hawt duh.