tfw no moonchild to bring about the endtimes

101  2018-03-13 by snallygaster




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FULLY agree with that last line in particular...and have been saying that in this board over and over.

The book of Revelation got its name from the line in the beginning of it. It says "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" Or in modern terms, THE REVEALING OF JESUS CHRIST!

The EYE OPENING, the UNCOVERING, the EXPOSURE of the holy spirit.

The apocalypse, aka, the apocalypse of John - was an eye opening event, he SAW what was going on, and what was to come.

The resurrection mentioned throughout the Bible? The one that "Flesh and Bone" cannot take part in? Is a SPIRITUAL Resurrection. Not a PHYSICAL as churches teach, based on RCC lies. In the end there is a SPIRITUAL ressurection, a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING. THE GREAT AWAKENING. The STORM? LOOK NO FURTHER THAN THE 7 THUNDERS IN REVELATION!

Is this shit for really reals, do you think, or are they larping up a storm over there and we're not in on the joke?

I'm guessing it started out as a LARP and got out of hand once the true believers showed up

So basically r/The_Donald 2.0?

But with more crazy boomers

Just one more reason to ban old people from the internet.

I agree, they should be kicked out like you from the mod team.

top 10 anime betrayals

Glad to have you back man

Thanks! Haven't seen you around these parts often (from looking at your username)

Pretty new here in terms of commenting, but I've been lurking for a while!



Pretty new here in terms of commenting, but I've been lurking for a while!

Looks like your mental health is deteriorating.

yes, thank you


It's the_Donald on bad acid.

Most of them are 100% larping at this point.

The ones who came from places other than the chans are legit. This isn't new territory.

Christian Patriot movement

The Christian Patriot movement is a radical and extremist movement of American political commentators and activists. They promote various interpretations of history based on their belief that the federal government has turned against the ideas of liberty and natural rights expressed in the American Revolution, and against what they believe to be America's Christian heritage.

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They're really not larping, they are just old people with internet access

Unaware larping is usually just called delusional behavior.

If we are in the end times why havn't these people ascended yet? As if hell on Earth isn't bad enough, please have mercy.

/u/akilyoung do you honestly think Q is a team of angels working to save the world through 8chan?


shit’s gone on way too long to be an inside joke

u/akilyoung is there SOMETHING about being a BABY boomer that REQUIRES all of this CAPITALIZATION.

Fucking Christ can we PLEASE ban OLD people FROM the INTERNET

LMAO Im probably younger than you XD LOLOLOLOL

Then WHY do you CHOOSE to type like a RETARD?

Also, do you think Trump and Bill Clinton enjoyed their flights on the pedo plane with their pedo plane with their good friend Epstein?

I've always found random capitalization of words a poster feels the need emphasize are a clear indication of mental illness.

there is an endless amount of crazy people out there, these people really believe this shit.

Pasta al dente 😚👌


Aka lucifer of the night

Someone call Dayman, we need someone to fight the Nightman.

Well first, you need to pay the troll toll to get into the boys hole

/u/richtaco91 do we actually know for sure that Barbara Bush is a moonchild born from the semen of Alistair Crowley?

We don’t. I’m sure she does. She also looks like him a lot. That rumor is pretty old too. It’s lasted

nah dude you're missing the mark. The real culprit behind all of this is so obvious

Enlighten me

do you not know how to click a link? God you boomers are such luddites

Boomers ?

do you think Q is an agent of God come to save us through the forums 4chan and 8chan?


wow aren't you a fucking deepstate shill then

Do you have any seasoning tips for spirit cooking?

I thought you guys just used the fresh blood of gentile infants to season food?

Yeah but I wanna pay a visit to flavortown

/u/Time_to_Drink, You need to use the bris offcuts to really get to flavourtown.

No thanks, I'm vegan

We are all kale males on this blessed day.

I could never give up the cheese, milk and eggs personally. But red meat isn't necessary.

White """""people"""" don't use seasoning.

Do you honestly believe in spirit cooking and moon children? Like do you believe they have special powers? (They don't)

What’s ur power

I'm not sure what you're asking. pls answer my question

Actually, I kinda wanna know what your power is too now

He’s a power bottom.

Lucifer/Light bearer is Venus (morning star) not the moon.

In what religion? I’m no expert in Crowley but he made up his own thing.

Click on occultism. But as you can see it's pretty well agreed upon for the major religions.


Lucifer ( LOO-sif-ər) is a name that, according to dictionaries of the English language, refers to the Devil or to the planet Venus when appearing as the morning star.

As a name for the Devil, the more common meaning in English, "Lucifer" is the rendering of the Hebrew word הֵילֵל in Isaiah (Isaiah 14:12) given in the King James Version. This Bible version took the word from the Latin Vulgate, which translated הֵילֵל by the Latin word lucifer (uncapitalized), meaning "the morning star, the planet Venus", or, as an adjective, "light-bringing".

As a name for the morning star, "Lucifer" is a proper name and is capitalized in English.

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What we want

Dramatic news articles.
Dramatic rumours (with context).
Dramatic everything from anywhere

/r/CBTS_Stream is one giant trainwreck.

Lol tone policing fucking snally

maintain ur safety

Leave the moon children alone, last one was born in 2004 and has a power level of 11, he's incredibly frail and I will protect him.

Will the end of the world just come already!!? I'm ready!😒

Imagine thinking that there are people competent enough to conjour the literal biblical Lucifer from his prison in hell, yet incompetent enough to us that kinda power to conquer the world already.

Inexplicably, the omnipotent global cabal uses its extensive powers to downvote their posts rather than just nuking the sub and jailing its users.

Damn, this lore for the new Magic the Gathering set sounds lit

I was so hyped I at 12 pb&j sandwiches in a row, no milk.


I'm not sure what's worse, YOUR typing STYLE or your attempts at interpreting scripture.

Not chopping off Luther's head was a mistake.

WTF did I just read?

Incipient dementia.

I believe in MKUltra mind manipulation now. Mostly because having your mind fucked with is the only explanation for writing that thing I just read.

god-botherer fanfic

Peak boomerposting

Feels like that boomer grew up during lax lead and mercury regulation times, and then as a teenagers did sports at a time where they didn't care about concussions. And also was mentally ill to begin with.

isn’t “Moon Children” the name of that weird BEN DROWNED thing



why are schizos always so hung up on etymology


what's that?

It's a creepypasta

a series of creepypastas turned ARG, about a kid whose dad drowns him coincidentally after starting Majora’s Mask, and his spirit glitches the cart or some crap after it’s sold off years later

i don’t do ARGs bc they’re for fucks, but there was a kinda spooky authenticity to their aesthetic

huh, never heard of that one. the 'moon child' thing here probably arose from some weird intersection of New Age and Christian conspiracy, though.

That place is like some the niche Usenet communities you dug for drama in suddenly popped up on reddit, isn't it Snally?

It is. Really gives you the feeling that you're peeking into a place where you shouldn't be- it's great.

Imagine if the cultists in call of Cthulhu were these guys

They'd get nothing done.

I’d bet my bottom dollar jay z and Beyoncé’s daughter blue ivy is a moon child

/u/richtaco91 you are unironically correct

Wait, how does The Neverending Story feature into this?

She has the body of a moonchild but shes actually a 1000 year old moondragon

One of the greatest indicators of stupidity is obsession with numerical and word coincidences.

Basically if anyone uses third grade math to tease out the grandiose movements of modern politics or thinks the phrase "real eyes realize real lies" is clever, they should be gassed.

I think it's related to the schizophrenia spectrum; people on the spectrum draw much loser connections between concepts than average. This can lead to higher levels of creativity, but further down the spectrum you get stuff like you mentioned, and when somebody's having a full schizophrenic episode, things like clanging and other consequences of breakdown of thought can occur.


In psychology and psychiatry, clanging refers to a mode of speech characterized by association of words based upon sound rather than concepts. For example, this may include compulsive rhyming or alliteration without apparent logical connection between words. This is associated with the irregular thinking apparent in psychotic mental illnesses (e.g. mania and schizophrenia).

Thought disorder

Thought disorder (TD) or formal thought disorder (FTD) refers to disorganized thinking as evidenced by disorganized speech. Specific thought disorders include derailment, poverty of speech, tangentiality, illogicality, perseveration, and thought blocking.

Psychiatrists consider formal thought disorder as being one of two types of disordered thinking, with the other type being delusions. The latter involves "content" while the former involves "form".

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this may include compulsive rhyming or alliteration without apparent logical connection between words.

I have no clue why you'd say something racist like this about the African American community and their choice of music. It's 2018, let's be better than that, hon, kthx.

I wish I could sincerely believe I was living in a medium budget anime plotline. Life in general would be way more exciting.

Wouldn't it? When I was a teen I always teetered on the edge of going New Age because the world is so more exciting when it's full of mystery and you feel like you can alter the course of reality just by doing a ritual.

I stay sane by telling myself that at any moment, a bleeding man might stumble to my door with a briefcase and tell me I'm the only hope of it reaching Bob Mueller. Why go for supernatural fantasy when you can go for just extremely improbable fantasy?

Is this what waterheads do if they grow up?

This Q shit has really gotten out of hand. You know it's batshit when it gets you laughed out of /r/conspiracy.

Christians Bordering on Total Schizophrenia

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