The election of Daddy has finally been explained

48  2018-03-14 by Starship_Litterbox_B


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Suddenly, Russians meddling with the election sounds reasonable.

meddling metaling

This but unironically.

Makes sense. Democrats are trying to win forever by importing minorities, republicans - by contaminating water supply with lead, both at the same time. The end result will be hilarious.

Hmm really makes you think


This would absolutely not shock me at all. There are times when I have visited cities or even entire states (looking at you, Florida) and it is clear that there's "something" that defines all the people currently living there. Not just those who were raised there. Maybe the crazy people ten years ago who were complaining about fluoride in the water weren't so far off.

Almost sounds like the definition of a "culture" to me. Intradasting...

Very intradasting indeed.

Hey Evan, nice to meet you. My name's Jared. Yes, I did add you because you're a girl gamer. 'Tis an awesome thing to see.

Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.

I'm confused. Are you trying to imply I'm a neckbeard or something?

To be honest, I'm just trying to amuse myself while this batch of plans gets plotted out. Fucking Utah zoning regulations are killing me on these fucking access easements.

I love when people pretend to care about Flint when it was a horribly depressed and dangerous place long before the news about the water came out

I love when people love, its lifes greatest reward.

I love when people pretend to care about Flint when it was a horribly depressed and dangerous place long before the news about the water came out

I mean, it probably had lead in the water long before the news about the water came out.

And even then, drinking the water wasn't the easiest way to get filled with lead.

I mean, there's a lot of evidence showing that chronic lead poisoning massively increases chances of acute lead poisoning. Or lead leads to lead as they say.

I was talking about getting shot.



Increased levels of lead cause lower IQ, worse impulse control, and all in all increased criminality. Which oftentimes results in acute lead poisoning in that community.

The big problem with Flint is that it's economically 'better' to build another town in another location, rehome the residents and then demolish Flint than it is to significantly change the entire water system that's just catastrophically broken.

I'm still surprised Obama or Trump haven't done anything significant about them, it'd be a HUGE PR win even though it'd be a massive waste of money.

I'm still surprised Obama or Trump haven't done anything significant about them, it'd be a HUGE PR win

Shit like that, where you inevitably have to kick hundreds of thousands out of their houses, is more likely to piss locals off than make them grateful.

Plus more than 4 years til any real PR pay-off. Plus too much can go wrong during the process. Plus it's a gift to your enemies in terms of "DRumpf/Obongo is blowing [x] billion taxpayer dollars". Plus Michigan seemed like a painted-on blue state til 2016, so why would either side bother?

Smarter just to stay the fuck away. Or keep it up your sleeve in case you really need it.

Actually, I heard that the new mayor came up with an innovative new plan to filter out all the lead from the city's water supply, at no cost to the taxpayer!

Apparently every citizen of Flint is equipped with two state-of-the art filtration devices - they're called kidneys.

Isn't this the "the Jews are putting chemicals in the water" conspiracy theory?

yes and they're turnin the kids alt-right

(((white children)))

yes and they're turnin the kids alt-right

but it's also turning the frogs gay!

please.. think about the frogs!

Frogs have the same right to bussy as everyone else.

Other side of the horse shoe circle

They're all looking to the right, but who's the only fat fuck you've ever heard of coming from that place?

I thought lead filters meant gun bans on school. talk about misleading title smh.