Can weeaboos stop being pedos? • r/TrueOffMyChest

42  2018-03-14 by IAintThatGuy


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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OP validates every single time I told someone to "go back to Reddit".

I think we can both agree that Nanachi is the best bun.

u/No_Cherry, just wait until you get to the scene where the loli’s arm gets infected so the robot kid breaks the bones with a fucking rock and tries to amputate with a pocketknife, completely without anesthetic and to a soundtrack of her screaming.

It’s a pretty good show.


I'm sure it was only for entertainment value and critical to the plot.

Don't worry. She is a 100010001000! years old mecha-dragon.

Why are you all assuming this is some kind of loli vore?

Fucking absolute degenerates smdh.

A FUCKING WEEABOO calling other people degenerate. Keep yourself safe, pal.


Good answer.

anyone's got that jap comic where a brit tells manga artists to cut it while some muslims rape kids behind him?

I mean, how you can loooooove a child? How you can wish to rub yourself against her skin, smell her hair and suck her....fingers.

Is that even a question?

But what if I don't want to fug the loli but BE the loli getting fugged?

Checkmate atheists