/u/FrizzelM in /r/PublicFreakout calls anyone who disagrees with the hijab or downvotes him "alt-right incels"

12  2018-03-14 by PhysicsIsMyMistress


/u/FrizzelM the hijab is voluntary, as long as you assume that hevy peer pressure doesn't affect freedom of choice.

Isn’t it compulsory in Iran?

fuck spez in the ass of this ass cancer of piece of shit he calls "Reddit videos". Can't even stop them from autoloading in the background. Even if you exit the post. The only was is to hide it or turn off wifi/cellular data.

jfc what kinda of shit is that? Smh

It’s amazing how bad their video service is. On mobile web, in the app, in a desktop browser - uniformly shit. Which I guess is consistent, at least, so there’s a point in their favor.

For real though, that's a brave woman.