Kenyan MPs tell of woman who bullies them with her nude photos

48  2018-03-14 by MarlaMaplesIsMyWaifu


those poor kenyans, I don't know how I would deal if my mistresses stalkers kept sending me nudes

Members of Parliament have spoken of untold suffering in the hands of one woman who keeps sending them nude photos of herself which they say are putting a strain on their marriages.

“There is a lady who has numbers of all MPs and she keeps sending us nude photos”

“Just recently, the same lady sent me something and I tried to open it… the sounds that came out of it made it difficult to speak in my house. This matter is breaking families”

“Some of the pictures I have here are parts of a naked human being, if I show you, you cannot even look with your eyes”

“Male MPs think they are the ones being seduced alone, even us female MPs are being seduced left, right and center”

u/Ima-Kitty irl 😏😉

oof. that's hot af.

haram af

OMG Lol I was thinking the same thing but I didn't wanna say it

Stop harassing Obama's cousins Ms. Kitty and start "harassing" me bby! 😍😘😉

Stop being a pussy. Print out the nudes on big 4x4 posters and post them on her house, where she works, where she gets groceries. That will shut her down fast.




If they don't have printers, then how did Obama print his fake birth certificate there?


His fake certificate didn't come from Kenya, it came from some other foreign nation, most likely Hawaii.

wanting to shut this down

Kenyan MP's with the fucking strats god damn

Man, you KNOW at least one of those fuckers is thanking his lucky stars that for the next few years he has a free pass from his wife.

Side piece mistakenly calls the wrong phone? "No, no. It is this crazy woman sending pictures to all MPs"

Cmon bruh it's already an excuse - this woman doesn't exist

lol you think that guys in kenya need an excuse? i knew a kenyan chick once, the native man-things there rape anything that moves (she married a mayo and got the fuck out).

i don't know whatcha heard about me

but i don't know this bitch who's texting me

she finna tear apart my family

cuz I'm a muthafuckin Kenyan MP

What's with all the /r/thatHappened stories about sperm jacking hussies in Africa. I read an article about male rape and they cited a story from Africa about a bunch of women raping a dude by telling him if he didn't comply they'd make a snake eat him.