Islamophobic judge dismisses Clockboy

18  2018-03-14 by geraldodelrivero










And the Oscar went to a fish fucking movie? Fuck this world.

[{(They]}) said it was "too similar to The Hurt locker."

Did this fucker drink the blood of 72 virgins? Why's he not aging?

It's an old photo from the day he was arrested.

your son receives scholarships, the ability to network with people in DC, and a job offer at Microsoft he receives all of this not in spite of but precisely because he is a dumbass ignore all of this life changing opportunity to pursue an Oil Barrel Counter job in Qatar media dies down, offers are effectively withdrawn, your son is as memorable as that Helium Huffing Hapa oil in OPEC countries dives, wages are halved and can’t support family have to return to US and look for a real job can’t get one because I am an even bigger dumbass than my 5th grade son launch indiegogo to try to recoup at least some of the offers that I turned down only get enough to pay off my three cars, still need at least four million if I never want to work again file a lawsuit to try and score some millions, really try and drum up Islamophobia hype again but my sons fame is already over and can’t guilt strangers as easily lawsuit gets thrown out beat the shit out if him and castrate him for not praying enough


Anyone that fell for this obvious scam is a retard.