Katy Perry rapes an unsuspecting male

136  2018-03-14 by UnexpectedLizard


oh how the turn tables


Can we take a poll to re-mod you? /u/snallygaster; /u/ComedicSans; /u/HodorTheDoorHolder; MODS! Get on it.

Start a poll.

Pretty sure my downvotes speak for themselves.

Well you have it

user reports:
1: ban this man for his idea, and ed for being awful, tho he's better since his break i guess

Who even is this?

A connoisseur of fine bussy and EBT fan.


user reports:
1: "who even is this" asks man when receiving anonymous report
1: gas the kiwis too

No u

Stop knowing who the mods are, its embarrassing.

I am the embodiment of pure autism. Be ashamed, be very ashamed.

I don't see an autism flair 🤔

The spectrum behavior is secondary to alcoholism.

Also, the mods are ginormous faggots who won't give me a flair.

It's in the sidebar you sperg

No shit, the drink supersedes the brain tumor. I'm doing the best I can, okay!

The office is literal garbage tv for retards.

The office is good for dumb people who were never included in on inside jokes who want to feel smart and not like an outcast. Don’t @ me


keep yourself safe friend

You’re getting ed_butteredroasted

I'm no longer surprised by anything.

This is rape! #YesAllWomen

Uh oh. u/KatyPerry better watch her back now 😧

Boy, the future looks bright when men are complaining about women kissing them.

In my first office job I kept having a heffer of a middle aged boomer actually sexually harassing me.

Things I can recall

  • team photo, she stood a bit behind me and ruffled my hair and grabbed my shoulder in a caress-like way

  • asking me to help her do mundane Windows or Office tasks, while low key flirting and "accidentally" trying to get mouse control of the mouse (ie she touched my hand already on the mouse)

fun times not

is this satire or are you actually this much of a pussy

mostly satire, IDGAF but I certainly didnt "enjoy" it

reverse the genders and its like OMG NOOO REEE LAWSUIT

You could be a CEO or something right now but instead you were too afraid to stick it in

John Rambo wouldn't be afraid.

Ask this question again when you get molested by an ugly chick.

Had the same problem at my old job. Middle aged broad with a decent body, a really nice set of tits, but a pretty rough face and an even shorter haircut than Katy Perry who wore 5 pounds of makeup kept getting all touchy feely and shit. If she was hot I'd be ok with it, but on top of her face being that of a nightmare clown and her personality being downright annoying, there was nothing fun about it.

On the other hand, imagine late stage Katie Perry being your first kiss, always and forever until death.

No one wants 2018 Katy Perry kissing them, let’s be honest.

Speak for yourself. She's a GILF


Meh, she's still an 8 or 9 even with the dyke haircut.

more like a 5-6

Meh I'll take it.

from behind

from behind

With a Soviet punch



light seven



An 11, really.

If you are a gay bro maybe.


I don’t have nothing against em. People sure didn’t like I though.

This guy doesn’t fuck

2014 Katy Perry was 10/10, sad to see her die her hair blonde and cut it short, I'm not a fan of either of those. That said fuck yeah I would make out with her.

i kinda have a weird thing for girls with dyke or little boy hair cuts, idk why.

Closet pedo, obvs.

Is that you Pence?

...I was raised in a conservative family and I was uncomfortable immediately.

How much longer until his Nazi sympathies are uncovered?

rape is okay as long as all people involved are pretty tbh

anyone who thinks this is sexual assault should jump off a bridge tbhwyf

They should jump off a bridge too

This but unironically. Why do you want sex? The usual answer is, of course, based on the known reproductive function of sex. We want sex because our continued existence as a species depends on it. Children come from sex, one learns. And the thing about the stork is just a story. But the facts on the ground undermine this assumption. First, people continue to engage in sex long after they have stopped having children. Often, their sex lives actually get better, because there are no more worries about unplanned pregnancy (or, a bit later, about Junior popping up bedside mid-action saying he needs to pee). Which leads us to the following fact: most sex happening right now around the world is not procreative. On the contrary, most of those getting busy at this moment would be shocked and upset to find that their joyful acrobatics have resulted in pregnancy. An intense interest in sex and eroticism is not necessarily linked to heightened interest in producing offspring. In fact, those interests are often inversely related. If the partner is deemed worthy there's literally no defense for not giving in.

Right. And that's why this is rape. I wouldn't want her breathing on me either. Can one smell cocaine on the breath, by the way.

Yeah it smells like gasoline and bagged sand.

man being """raped"""

hes conservative

so what's the reddit verdict?

hes conservative

If it's legitimate rape, his chromosomal deficiency has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.

He deserved worse.

If you go "Oh no an attractive woman kissed me" it doesn't mean you're a victim, it means you're a faggot. And that's ok, certainly better than being into those gross 3D women.

I'm a faggot yet I'd totally be down with getting it on with Katy.


She's a solid 5.

She's not fat. Nowadays that's already a lot to ask.

(pray to yellowstone. focus on the magma chamber. we can end this)

That would make a great religion.

And then Twitter had her fired.

What kinda soy has gotten into this boy

Southern Baptism

I wouldn't want to kiss dude either.

literally gets his first kiss from Katy Perry

"i was raized in a consurvativ familee i wantedd my furst kiss to be speshul waaah"


god i wish that were me

When a bih try to hold ya hand but y’all aren’t married. 😡☠️ Rodney King baby beat her like a cop 👊👊👊👊👊

Yeah, but when Katy Perry looks like that...

Pixiecuts are cock repellants

100% this.

Why do attractive celebrities keep hacking off their hair?

You gotta go to the source. Who runs the hair salons? It's a gay mafia conspiracy to turn more men to the bussy side obviously.

Katy Perry is doing god's work- making men gay.

to make themselves less attractive to those grubby producer types. You know the ones.


✡️✡️✡️It's OK when you are a Jewess✡️✡️✡️

What a pussy

Imagine going from incel to making out on network tv with Katy Perry and then having the gall to complain

You sound jealous

You're not wrong!

Katy Perry is not even good looking with that pixie cut. She is also a coke fiend

To me she's still would smash/10, worst case scenario I just close my eyes and picture the video for California Girls.

Each to their own I guess

lol, what a pussy

Looks like he kissed a girl and didn't like it.

In all seriousness, that’s a complete violation of someone’s personal space and she should be held accountable for this.

You're completely right. But for some reason I think /r/drama might not be the venue for your case.

Post bussy.

calm down.

There is a particular esthetic in this sub and being serious is not it.

Take this weak shit and go cry in mensrights or menslib.

Haha everyone look this guys so tough! He thinks men don’t have feelings!!

He gay doe

I thought gay dudes loved Katy Perry. Aren't she and Lady Gaga the new Judy Garlands?

Yeah, but not in the mouth.....ew

Talk about burying the lead, the bigger story is how much of a cuck this guy is.

Yeah, honestly, his first kiss should’ve been a 14 yo adult loli female instead and no I’m not a pedophile you guys

At least try to make people think you're the original promelee player.

Poor kid. Not only will his first kiss not be special, it's also with the same mouth that was a placeholder for Russell Brand's dick.

That actually put some things into perspective.

I don't know how I feel about the hair. I am leaning to hotter but I am not 100% sure. I feel it is tapping into the homosexuality i buried when i was a kid.

"I was raised in a conservative family and I was uncomfortable immediately,” Glaze said. “I wanted my first kiss to be special.”

Unironically gas the bible belt.

Til: kissing Katy Perry isn’t special. Fucking lol 😂

this is why i tell all women that i only like blowjobs and anal while in a relationship. they all immediately demand that i fuck their mouths and assholes right there on the spot.

silly females so easily tricked by reverse psychology.

Wanted it to be special

Now that's lethal.

Imagine having your first kiss being forced on you by the roastie queen of America.