How white nationalists are trying to co-opt ‘Black Panther’

45  2018-03-14 by MarlaMaplesIsMyWaifu


It claimed the superhero opposed immigration, diversity and democracy while favoring “ethno-nationalism” — a profound mischaracterization of the movie’s main themes

The only supporting argument for this statement they make in this article is at the very end.

"Wakandans are isolationist because they don’t want to become refugees," said Kinjal Dave, one of the Data & Society researchers. "The far-right is isolationist because they don’t want to accept refugees."

It claimed the superhero opposed immigration, diversity and democracy while favoring “ethno-nationalism” — a profound mischaracterization of the movie’s main themes

I didn't see the movie, but from what i gathered via osmosis, i figured that's actually the main fucking theme of the movie. Can someone correct me on this?

It claimed the superhero opposed immigration, diversity and democracy while favoring “ethno-nationalism” — a profound mischaracterization of the movie’s main themes

I didn't see the movie, but from what i gathered via osmosis, i figured that's actually the main fucking theme of the movie. Can someone correct me on this?

I thought it was FUCK WYPIPO LOL

His family and advisers are all in favor of keeping their country and tech hidden. They don't help even other African countries, but BP wants to open up to the world. The next-to-last scene is him addressing the UN asking for people to treat each other as members of "one tribe".

Sounds gay

Well, to be fair, he does have sex with Captain America right on the podium there at the end. Hardcore butt pounding and everything

It’s about how that sucks. The villain gets utterly screwed to protect it and the hero rejects it.

Neither side was really isolationist. The villain wanted to use the technology of Wakanda in an imperialist fashion, conquer the world and subjugate the whites. BP himself just wanted to open things up, spread his technology to help out Africans and the world. There were side characters that just wanted everything to remain isolated but they didn't have the power.

T’Chaka and the status quo were isolationist, the movie was about ways to reject that

the superhero opposed immigration, diversity and democracy

so the movie obviously suggests that T'Challa is going to ease up on the first two, but democracy? Did this moviebob wannabe forget that the guy is a king? I didn't see any indication he's going to give up the throne.

These people are at about this level of retardation, but without the creative genius.

"Wakandans are isolationist because they don’t want to become refugees," said Kinjal Dave, one of the Data & Society researchers. "The far-right is isolationist because they don’t want to accept refugees."

....That's the dumbest shit I have ever heard, Kinjal Dave.

That's the dumbest name i have ever heard, "Kinjal" Dave.


ლ(•̀ _ •́ ლ)







Decolonised logic.

Will retards stop arguing over this fucking movie once Infinity War releases? Never thought I'd be looking forward to it.

If Tony Snark or Cap dies then BP is gonna be the face of the MCU and basically the main character of subsequent Avengers movies. In itself this is not a bad thing (I fucking hate Tony in the MCU so T'Challa would be an upgrade) but having BP as a headlining Avenger is going to cause some major wokeness.

The only superhero I actually like is Stark so they better not kill him off.

I'm still shocked people aren't sick of all these boring arse superhero movies.


You post like a mayo.

I have had it up to here will hearing about Pink Panther. If this movie wins any awards, I will pretend to be angry for attention.