Alcoholic liberals upset that Pence is coming to ruin their drunken degeneracy

10  2018-03-15 by Accardi_Don


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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u/JohnsDoe u/almiron10

Imagine getting completely outplayed by a Trumpet. Imagine that for a second.

I used to play the trumpet. I can't imagine being outplayed.

Almiron can outplay you in his sleep. Just give up and offfer him your sweet sweet bussy


I suspect that u/almiron10 prefers only having sex with sleeping women, homosexual ally of feminists that he is.

Lmao. Imagine posting on the dipshit chud metareddit that is /r/drama.


When you cry, does soymilk come out? I think it does!

r-r/drama is bad!

No shit?

Love to passive aggressively stan for a failed pedophile governor of Indiana, who’s only accomplishment is hating gay people. Lmfao.

Alcoholic everybody is upset that Pence is coming because it just messed up the parade route and local business with a secure zone.

YSK calling Savannahians alcoholics and drunken degenerates is a term of endearment down here.

Imagine losing so often that you have to post stuff like this to feel better