Mike Pence

44  2018-03-15 by McFluffTheCrimeCat

So we all know there's obviously something wrong with Mike Pence. 1. Drink nonalcoholic beer. 2. Needs to be chaperoned by his wife. So what's wrong with this guy? Rapist? Kiddie diddler? Possessed by Satan? What's your theory?


I always suspected Pence had more than a few skeletons in his closet. Gay skeletons, specifically. As in he has murdered multiple gays and is hiding their bodies in his fucking closet.

Sounds kinky.

His policy of never being alone with a woman that's not his wife seems like a good one in the wake of MeToo

His policy of never being alone with a woman that's not his wife seems like a good one in the wake of MeToo.

He started that shit way before #MeToo. Also imagine being scared of MeToo. Lol.

Someone has never worked in management in a corporate environment.

I mean I’m not surprised or anything I’m just pointing out the obvious.

A great uncle of mine drinks non alcoholic beer due to medical reasons (medications or something). He does it to blend in with the family at family events though

He drinks na beer? Who the fuck does that and how does such a person become vice president? Fucking weird shit man, america is fucked.

I do. I'm an alcoholic, it's a crutch.

I imagine the same for Pence.

Thats like smoking cigars made out of cat shit because youre addicted to nicotine

It's more like vaping because I'm addicted to cigarettes. Which I also do.

Stop it. Youre killing me, lol.

I also only drink diet Pepsi when I want soda, I had some issues with weight gain a few years ago

Diet Pepsi is good if you want a little fizz in your life but don't want to be prediabetic by age 22

He's the product of shock the gay away therapy

Well now Mike Pence is a man of good character with a close relationship to our Lord Jesus Christ. In these trying times of sexual assault across the entertainment, sport, and political world's it's nice to see an honest man achieve so much in this great nation.

the man who claims to directly communicate with the Lord

Did this start before or after he sold his faith to became trumps lackey and potential traitor?

The Lord works in strange ways. Did Jesus not sit alongside the dregs of society in order to fulfill his destiny? Trump is the vessel the Lord sent to carry Pence to the White House so he too can fulfill his destiny of becoming president and reclaiming America in the name of Christendom.

As a former resident of Indiana I can assure you, he was a fuckin asshole prior to Trump.

I can feel your butthurt through the internet. Trumps gonna pound your bussy in 2020.


The fact you call him daddy just shows how badly you want him inside you.

This but ironically.

Non alcoholic beer

is he a muslim :thinking:

Well, he like his gay hung, so probably.

What's wrong with the guy? He's an evangelical from Indiana. What else needs to be wrong?

Those are the qualities those people have. Some, as you've listed, are also degenerates. Pence is just a square who's terrified of enjoying himself because it might make God angry.

I promise the guy is every bit as vanilla as he seems, which is honestly more terrifying than someone like Cruz who is definitely up to some seedy shit.

I promise

lol how's that? You have the combination to his secret safe?

He’s literally and ultra-conservative Christian from Indiana. That’s what’s wrong with him.

There's probably an alternate reality where Hillary campaigned in the Midwest and turned Indiana blue by simply reminding everyone what would happen if Trump vacated office.

Hyper autismo.

Most autists put their obsession into Chinese cartoons, Pence puts his into THE LORD.



Deus Volt

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