We Wuz Autists: autism across the entire spectrum

30  2018-03-15 by ExterminateWhiteMen


Having large and powerful countries like Google, the BBC, Yahoo etc. openly admitting that they won't hire white men is threatening. I mean you could also look at South Africa and Zimbabwe's politics and acknowledge that yes, those are anti-white

Since when is Google a country and how long have you been afflicted with the stupid, /u/copperstar ?


Well, a typo means I'm stupid that means someone with your name must be retarded

I don't participate in that sub because i made it out of my twenties, but I got something you should post and cash out on. It sure made my bussy pucker:

“global anti-white agenda” are sensitive white people who are feeling threatened.

Having large and powerful companies like Google, the BBC, Yahoo etc. openly admitting that they won't hire white men is threatening. I mean you could also look at South Africa and Zimbabwe's politics and acknowledge that yes, those are anti-white.

Privileged people sometimes feel like they’re being targeted for blame

Probably because they are literally saying that its white people's fault. "Africa is suffering because of white imperialism." No, it's not. Africa is continuing to suffer because of their own corrupt politicians and resentment to pursue proper education and utilize their resources for the betterment of their own economies. And no, demanding white countries give you money as restitution isn't going to help them. How many BILLIONS of dollars does the West provide in foreign aid to these countries that still continue to lack and progression. Now you demand more?

The Civil Rights Act and all that was implemented over 50 years ago. In that same time, South Korea went from a destitute nation to the world's 3rd largest economy. China went from absolute destruction to the second largest and is still improving. Does that mean that there aren't racists? No. But that means that black people have had equal access to education and the ability to improve their lives. And since they demand we vote Democrat, I'd just like to remind you that those majority black areas have been Democrat run for decades and they have only gotten worse.

losing something when underprivileged people are gaining something

When you have companies openly stating that they won't hire you because you are white, that is discrimination against white people. If those signs that said Coloreds Need Not Apply, then saying white people need not apply is the exact same. And yes, you are literally taking away something from people. You're taking away their opportunity to succeed or to achieve something they worked for. Denying someone the opportunity is taking away something from them.

You're not an "equality" movement because nothing you stand for is actual equality. You promote discrimination and persecution of white people and call it equality because now you're just trying to "level the playing field" which is absolute horseshit. If it's racist to deny a non-white person a job, a seat in a school, or a position because of their skin color, then it is EQUALLY racist to do it to a white person.

between an equality movement and an anti-white movement

All of these equality movments have been demanding discrimination against white people. You just can't tell the difference because you care more about the equality of outcome and not the equality of opportunity. You care more about seeing black people and other non-whites in positions that they otherwise might not deserve or isn't warranted simply because of the color of their skin. For me, and for most of the people you're willing to chastise, we believe in actual equality; that the best person for the job and you deserve what you earned. No one complains about the lack of diversity in the NBA, and they shouldn't. Because those are the best players. But if something is dominated by white people, which god forbid a predominately white nation has a statistic that reflects this, then that's a problem.

Hell, the US's math team won the world championship and it was all East Asians and one Indian kid. I am super proud of those kids and it doesn't bother me that there are no white kids on the team. And it shouldn't because that's not what's important. I don't care about people's skin color, your equality movements do. They are literally advocating for the same Jim Crow laws and pro-discrimination policies people worked decades to eradicate. And you call yourselves progressive? Well, it's not progressive to try and instigate 19th-century policies

Low bait troll

No, this is amazing stuff, you have to read it.

systematically disadvantaged for being white

You brag about being out of your 20s and yet your reading comprehension is at a 4th grade level tsk tsk

You're not an "equality" movement because nothing you stand for is actual equality. You promote discrimination and persecution of white people and call it equality because now you're just trying to "level the playing field" which is absolute horseshit.

Forgive me, I must not be very good at reading between the lines of the author literarly writing white people are being persecuted by the government.

I'm sorry where is the word government mentioned here? I don't see it.

Okay, children let's go over this again. I know /u/froibo is slow, so we'll do an explain like I'm 5 with him.

You're not an "equality" movement because nothing you stand for is actual equality. You promote discrimination and persecution of white people and call it equality because now you're just trying to "level the playing field" which is absolute horseshit.

Notice how it's in the second person and doesn't specifically mention a government? So children, what did we notice about froibo's comment? That's right, that he is too autistic to differentiate between a second person reply to an individual and the context of which were talking about groups and institutions that supported discrimination as opposed to his insinuation that the comment was referencing the government.

But if we dig further in what those of us who managed to graduate from 4th grade English would know to be a thing called "context," we would actually understand that the comment is referencing movements that promote discriminating against white applicants while simultaneously discriminating in favor of non-white applicants.

Lol said persecuted

Genuine question here, not trying to troll: Haven't whites had enough? Can't it please be someone else's turn?

I've actually rather enjoyed the trolling here. I didn't know about this sub before.

I'm all for equality and I personally don't care if non-whites or women obtain power. But I do believe in meritocracy. If we don't hire the best people for the job then bad things happen. As yourself, do you want a qualified doctor when you call ill or would you be comfortable knowing that this person only got their job because there was a quota? Would you feel comfortable knowing that some people are in first responder jobs that aren't capable of fulfilling all the qualifications but only have their jobs because there's a diversity quota?



A female fighter pilot died and according to some, it was because she wasn't ready but Congress was overly eager to show off their female fighter pilot.


Sure, it can be someone else's turn, but are you sure about that? I mean, how are you certain that the people who replace Western society aren't going to be worse than whites (using your word here)? The Chinese don't abide by the liberal ideals that all people are equal. I mean, look how their government is run, do you really want to live under that? I mean seriously, the main point of one of my other posts is who outside of Western liberal democracies really offers something better? Do you think any other cultures would be as welcoming to people as the west has been the past few decades? Again, going back the Chinese, we can have Asians take over, but Asians are actually horrendously racist and aren't as bogged down about political correctness like the West is. Black people who visit Asia openly express just how much Asians openly show hatred for them.

I mean who else do you want to run it? Obama was a good President, but if you look at the status and governance of Africa and their political views are we really sure that's what we want to lead? At least white people have been accepting of treating non-whites as equal and have had non-white leaders in their countries. Can't really say the same for anyone else.

On a final note, don't assume all white people are the same. The Eastern Europeans and Irish didn't exactly live well off. Eastern Europeans are very resentful that their suffering often gets overlooked

Kara Hultgreen

Kara Spears Hultgreen (5 October 1965 – 25 October 1994) was a Lieutenant and Naval Aviator in the United States Navy and the first female carrier-based fighter pilot in the U.S. Navy. She died just months after she was certified for combat, when she crashed her F-14 Tomcat into the sea on final approach to USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72).

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So what you're saying is that you really are anti woman more than anything?

Everyone involved in this thread should be banned

Now you're getting it

As we should be. Gussy is disgusting.


There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to kill all white men.

lol. A bunch of fucktards who whine about over-sensitive SJWs, then go directly to whining about the races of fucking anime characters- and that's their go-to evidence of "white genocide" and the "systematic oppression of white people"- is like r/CA distilled into it's purest essence.

It's also the best possible proof of the fact that if the "white genocide" hasn't started yet, we should really get started on that shit.

Geez the mayocide hasn't even started yet. They are already whining like babies.


besides,why would people want to work for some shitty liberal company like google anyway

/u/jac983 how poor and untalented are you?

People throw a fit when death note gets re imagined in America. No one bats an eye when attack on Titan and fullmetal alchemist get made with Asians when the shows take place with German characters and in germany respectively

u/tuesti7c So how, exactly, are you different from the obese feminist claiming she's "oppressed" because not enough Victoria's Secret models are 19 stone? Actually, isn't her claim significantly more valid than yours, because at least the Tubblrina is whining about real life humans who live in the real world, as opposed to you, who is whining about the races of fictional cartoon characters, who live inside the imagination of a Japanese man with questionable hygiene?

Acktually Light Yagami has very good hygiene acltully

How many times has this image been posted there seriously that sub is full of retardation