Vice writes about /r/drama

332  2018-03-15 by shallowm


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. This Post -,*,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Is Snappy on the twatter? This should be the official response.

btw it was cuckedmod /u/hodorthedoorholder that removed the post, so you can direct all blame for saving this subreddit toward him.

Suicides aren't drama. They aren't even dramatic. If you're going to do it, do it quietly and be respectful of those around you.

What's with the double reply you cuck.

What's with the double reply you cuck.

/u/HodorTheDoorHoIder isn't /u/HodorTheDoorHolder, it's a new account.

Maybe Vice could write about how my identity was stolen on /r/drama


A user on r/Drama right now, a subreddit with more than 50,000 subscribers that specializes in highlighting terrible things on the internet, is attempting to steal another user's identity. The user's comments have been up for 20 minutes, in violation of Reddit's own rules and 18 U.S.C. § 1028.

By now you're probably familiar with this morbid script. Something abhorrent and potentially harmful that shouldn't be on Reddit stays on the platform for days, weeks, or even months, and it's not removed until we (or another outlet) write about it. Earlier this month, Motherboard reported that Reddit's CEO Steve Huffman was "aware" of r/nomorals, a subreddit that posted images of corpses and people harming animals. It was created in 2012 and had been considerably active in the last two months. At the time of the Motherboard story, the subreddit had almost 20,000 subscribers. After it was published, Reddit banned the subreddit.

I looked at the comments of the user in an attempt to find out if it is an actual incident of identity theft, or an autist just playing around. I don't think it's fake, but I can't be certain that anything on the internet is real. Anything can be faked. I am 100 percent sure that this user is awful and has fucked up the rest of my day.

Reddit rules prohibit content that is illegal.

So far, r/Drama's moderators have not removed it, and neither has Reddit itself, which has been historically slow in enforcing its own policy.

I am expecting the comments of the user will come down shortly after the story you're reading is published. Either r/Drama's moderators or Reddit itself will remove the user or their comments. That does not change the fact that it was up on the site for at least 20 minutes, for anyone to see.

Reddit did not immediately respond to a request for comment on this story.

Sorry. I was wrong.

An apology? What is this Canadian chicanery?

Don't tempt them. They obviously have nothing serious to write about if we merit a full article.

Son of a bitch. Thank you for your service.

this is fake news.

I am simply a better version of /u/HodorTheDoorHolder from a parallel universe.

a Hodor who has made fewer wrong turns in life and went on to accomplish noteworthy things.

claiming that being a mod on /r/drama isn't the pinnacle of human achievement

If the admins aren't going to make us take it down then we don't have to take it down.

Fair point.

We'd have to ask them tho and they take a famously long time to respond.

I read something about that.

more like hodorthecockgobbler

Yes they are. Have you seen romeo and juliet you fucking cuck?

Yes. Now be quiet and respectful to those around you.

Respecting a dead pedo. Looks like we are muslim sub . إن شاء الله

  • deletes post because of a Vice article

  • it was a self-kill video

  • asks people to be quiet and respectful

How are you still an /r/drama mod?

I deleted it before I saw the vice article

  • Lies because he wants to keep his /r/drama mod position

I really hope you did, and I really hope this shit comes back to bite this journalist blogger the twitter user in his ass because it's the worst piece of sensationalist journalism I've ever seen. He literally just tweeted at Drake asking him if he'd played the new Vermentide. What a fucking joke.


kill yourself retard

I've an idea, why don't we vote on how dramatic one is. However we'll need a new example to test, I volunteer you to produce the new one for us.

Absolutely haram

I apologise sincerely for this mod abuse. Suicides are serious business.

As a side note, "kys" and any related variations are now permanently banned from this subreddit.

Your flair is so fitting you NAZIIIMOOOD

Which retard just gilded an 8-minute-old alt?

>gilding noodles in 2018

Can I say that I hope you die?

same tbh


This is not Islamic content.


Kill yourself.

Suicides are serious business.

this but ironically

Cys (cuck yourself)


That writer sounds very full of themself


hi mom

Hi son

Wait, I missed this entirely. The day is fucking wasted.

Why the fuck is Vice writing about a subreddit. This isn't news, this isn't even important. One bad video on one subreddit isn't even worth spending time on.

To signal the virtue. Have you not been paying attention to Vice for years and years now? If the answer is no, that is actually a good thing.

Some pussy soboy with an internet platform and too much time on his hands.

Looks like some hard hitting news.

well he's a fine source of drama then, because he definitely got me with that

I have big, dumb, sausage fingers Or, "I'm fat"

Maybe he's not fat, and he just has really bad arthritis.... That'll swell those sausage digits up real quick.

let me have my unfounded mental image

The news hit me like 1oz shotgun slug.

if this dude gets paid for writing garbage articles like this, wtf am i doing with my life?

That mofo is being paid in ramen and bedbugs. You can be a homeless car radio thief you're doing better than this guy.

He needs to hook up with Emmanual Goldstien over at 2600 magazine and do some joint stories.

That's describes every motherboard writer.

back when the Fattening was going on, I was the head mod of one of those annoying anti-Pao subreddits which hit the top of /r/all (except a bunch of us including myself were 100% seriousposting). me and a bunch of other mods were PMd by somebody who claimed to be a writer from Vice, and sure enough eventually they wrote an article about the Fattening complete with PM "interviews" with some of those involved.

Vice is shit and has been for the last 5 years.

Author got user-pinged, I guarantee it.

Cause it makes money.

He's trying to get the sub banned, because he takes internet drama seriously which means his life is very very sad.


Reddit rules prohibit “content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people; likewise, do not post content that glorifies or encourages the abuse of animals.”

Serious question: do suicide videos do any of that? And if so why is it still at the top of r/watchpeopledie?

We're still allowed to call for the death of the mayos though, right guys?

We're still allowed required to call for the death of the mayos though, right guys?


what kind of (((author))) would write about this dumb sub?

'Waaaah edgy sub contains one example of the edgy content that's been circulating the internet for decades'

Isn't this kind of stuff the norm on /r/watchpeopledie?

Yup, along with numerous other popular platforns, e.g. liveleak. But when we do it once suddenly it's news!

What are the chances that /r/drama caught the eye of the author after he was pinged here in some thread?

So... A Vice hack.

A Vice hack.

IOW: Someone whose writing style falls below the standards of Breitbart and Infowars.

Is there anything different there?

>Someone is getting paid to write articles about what happens in a tiny subreddit

>They do a terrible job at it

To be honest, the thread was a pretty compassionate affair. I don't think that “content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people" is a fair description.

Yeah honestly I clicked on that tread and the /r/watchpeopledie one, thought I'd misclicked or something with how well people in this sub were behaving compared to what I'm used to on the r/watchpeopledie. Vice needs to shitcan that asshole if for no other reason than being lazy, he didn't even mention the mayocide despite accusing us of encouraging violence?? SMFH what's wrong with journalism these days...

WPD is already a respectable subreddit. The worst we get are assholes who can't contain their misguided racism. I think that mods try to take care of a lot of that anyways.

Yeah that thread was not glorifying suicide in any way. Most of the comments were expressing condolences and genera sadness. Are people not even allowed to discuss death anymore?

Someone is getting paid to write articles about what happens in a tiny subreddit

Reddit raids tend to cluster around communities that are controversial and popular, including r/the_donald and r/Drama, found the peer-reviewed study, which will be presented at The Web Conference in Lyon, France in April.


Is this what /r/drama will get banned over?

The top post on r/Drama right now, a subreddit with more than 50,000 subscribers that specializes in highlighting terrible things on the internet, is a link to a video of a man who appears to be killing himself. It’s been up for nine hours, in violation of Reddit’s own rules.

The video was originally a livestream on YouTube, and the man in it at some point holds up a piece of paper calling out /r9k/, a 4chan forum dedicated to sharing personal stories.

The video was quickly taken down from YouTube, but was reuploaded to the video hosting service Sendvid.

Reddit rules prohibit “content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people; likewise, do not post content that glorifies or encourages the abuse of animals.”

So far, r/Drama's moderators have not removed it, and neither has Reddit itself, which has been historically slow in enforcing its own policy.

Does anyone know if this autist has a reddit account, so it can be explained to him that simply posting a video of violence or physical harm isn't encouraging, glorifying, inciting, or calling for violence by itself?



Inter-sectional activists have been conditioned to not question each other or their marching orders given by the irrational and toxic marching orders from their pastors professors.

They will be coming for r/drama until it's gone.

Finally some good works from them after so much virtue signalling and bikelocks of peace

It's still up on r/watchpeopledie so I don't see why r/drama is in (((trouble))) for it

Because the "writer" has an agenda and it's to rid the world of people who commit thought crimes.

Sounds niggardly

Whoa... I think you've gone too far now.

You know, I had to look up to see if that had a definition.

: grudgingly mean about spending or granting : begrudging

… management was being niggardly with raises. —Dana Canedy 

2 : provided in meanly limited supply

… niggardly funding of planetary science. —Richard Wolkomir 

Definition for us /r/drama users:

Main Entry: nig·gard·ly

Function: adjective

1 : STINGY 1, miserly

2 : characteristic of a niggard : SCANTY

  • niggardly adverb

If it gets rid of you then its worth it

Can't say that I disagree with you.

Maybe it's u/AngryDM

Can we fuck with the writer and re-add it now?

Oops 😥

I have a feeling they were fucked with and that's why they're having a temper tantrum. OR the drama is coming from inside the sub

There's a lot better material that they could have picked that isn't already making the rounds in a billion places tho.

r/explainlikeimfive, the bane of Reddit.


r/hearthstone, infamous neo-nazi gathering place

You are a better (investigative) journalist than whatever shit post the motherboard spewed out onto an HTML file.

I'm actually impressed he listed shit stirrers on both sides.

I just feel vindicated that the eternal boogeywoman brigade scapegoat /r/shitredditsays didn't make the list.

fucking hearthstone really going hard for a modship aren't you?

It's the perfect opportunity for the first /r/drama autism support group meeting.

/r/autism will ve fully represented too

Reddit raids tend to cluster around communities that are controversial and popular, including r/the_donald and r/Drama, found the peer-reviewed study, which will be presented at The Web Conference in Lyon, France in April.


I like how that shithead writes an outraged article about us leaving the post up but doesn't bother to message us or even report the post. I had no idea it even existed until I saw this post. Douche.

The goal is to be outraged and say I GOT A SUB BANNED. They don't actually care. OMG NINE HOURS GUYS.

The dude wants to be the next Jailbait killer.

See: The Daily Beast and their current hateboner for Spez

time to spam r/announcements with Quality Content© and bring this whole fucking shit show to a much deserved ending.

Hey that's pretty good. In anticipation of the unlikely event he has the beytsim to show his face here, I've changed /u/emanuelmaiberg's flair to "The Jailbait Killer".. I think he ought to be known as The Jailbait Killer from here forth. He wanted to be known as the next Jailbait Killer and I hope, for his sake, that he goes down in history The Jailbait Killer.

>someone got paid to complain about our subreddit

Good work if you can get it.

If you're okay with spending your life doing something of no consequence.

user reports:

1: He says on reddit

Show yourself newfriend, and stop misgendering our mother.

I'm offended that our mystery user implied that shitposting on reddit is my job.

> she does it for free

Enjoy your hot pockets, snally

I'll try, thanks!

It's such an expensive bowl of pasta and garlic bread

It's still an actual hobby and that's crime enough 😖💪🔪

wow rude!

It was mostly self-derogatory. So sorry not sorry

Most people are tbh

Damn I do it all the time fo free

I read every mail


but doesn't bother to message us

This used to be the big difference between legit news and tabloids. Real newspapers wouldn't print a salacious story until they reached out "for comment."

Isn't it still?

Are you implying that vice is a real newspaper?

I mean, that is still the big difference. There just isn't any legit news around anymore.


a great article by Emanuel Maiberg

Tbf that 35+ mins vid was just too much, his poor mother finding him like that.... fuck

his poor mother finding him like that.... fuck

fucking christ what all did the vid show?

Standard webcam angle, masked robot is livestreaming, different people talking about whatever but right from the start there's this girl who is sobbing and expressing concern for the robot. 3-4 mins in he does the deed and then there's 30 min of his mother/family finding him, obv bawling their eyes out, calling the cop shop and so on.

The first few minutes are bearable but when the mom enters the room..... it's rough.

There's this clip of a brick coming smashing through a windshield, it's kinda like that but 30 mins

Oh man, that brick video was what made me stopped watching stuff like that. I can take gore but just hearing them crying was too much. Watching this kid's mother find him like that would probably ruin my day.

The older I get the less tolerance I have for those vids. After I got my doggo I just stopped clicking those links.

Animal abuse triggers me unironically

There's this clip of a brick coming smashing through a windshield, it's kinda like that but 30 mins

wew that is all I need to know. somethings I can go without knowing

Yeah me too..... i was just too early in the post, there were no comments/warnings

Why the fuck would you watch that?

When I clicked that link, about 24/48 hours ago there was basically no context. It's not like I actively look for snuff

a great article by Emanuel Maiberg :)




We made it!!!

Hi mum! I'm famous now!

Reddit rules prohibit “content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people; likewise, do not post content that glorifies or encourages the abuse of animals.”

I hate it when someone claims there is a violation, posts the rule, but doesn't connect the two. Are they claiming that the content encourages or glorifies violence against an individual? Does the Vice post do the same?

Are they claiming that the content encourages or glorifies violence against an individual? Does the Vice post do the same?



Better with a laugh track

They used this same tactic to ban every gay and atheist from the defaults for hate-speech against religion.

Is this your first alt account or something?

Nah like my fourth I think? Probably overdue for a swap.

Vice is to the news like piss is to bleach

vice is news the way Alex Jones is a herpetologist

Did /r/drama mods really bow down to VICE? Pathetic.

in /u/hodorthedoorholder's defense he removed it because he's a moralfag, not because he's a cuck.. he wasn't aware of the article at the time. Him being a cuck is incidental.


but unironically

thanks for probably saving the sub from the permanently-petrified-of-poor-publicity admins though

Sometimes I have to save you all from yourselves.

You Kept Us Safe. o7

I'd be interested in why you think it was morally wrong to watch the video if he didn't want anyone to see it he wouldn't have posted it. You could argue it was his dieing wish for people to watch given how he like triple checked he was in shot before he took the shot.

Next time don't, dude. We all knew from the moment we started shitposting here what the risks were and that we deserve to be mayocided

knew i picked you for a reason. gj

I'm your alt.

oh shit forgot

The writer will probably have an aneurysm when xhe finds out about /r/watchpeopledie.

Using the term writer is a big insult to 6 year olds that enjoy writing about things they like.

Implying that Vice doesn't hire actual 6 year olds to write their articles.

Still, 3 year olds have better writing abilities. I'm sure I could smear shit on a piece of paper and have it considered for a Pulitzer more than they could ever do currently.

Age diversity

tfw still banned in germany cause the admins are stupid.

/u/spez probably joins up with other SV bigwigs every year to disappear a few unloved poors and play The Most Dangerous Game on one of Peter Thiel's private islands. WPD is just how he gets his fix the rest of the year.

Don't knock it till you try it

tfw still banned in germany cause the admins are stupid.

More like banned cause the German government can't handle anything remotely offensive because muh Nazi past.


Section 131 Dissemination of depictions of violence

(1) Whosoever

  1. disseminates written materials (section 11(3)), which describe cruel or otherwise inhuman acts of violence against humans or humanoid beings in a manner expressing glorification or which downplays such acts of violence or which represents the cruel or inhuman aspects of the event in a manner which violates human dignity;

  2. publicly displays, posts, presents, or otherwise makes them accessible;

  3. offers, supplies or makes them accessible to a person under eighteen years; or

  4. produces, obtains, supplies, stocks, offers, announces, commends, undertakes to import or export them, in order to use them or copies obtained from them within the meaning of numbers 1 to 3 above or facilitate such use by another,

shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding one year or a fine.

(2) Whosoever disseminates a presentation with a content indicated in subsection (1) above by radio, media services, or telecommunication services shall incur the same penalty.

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) above shall not apply in cases of reporting about current or historical events.

(4) Subsection (1) No 3 above shall not apply if the person authorised to care for another person acts; this shall not apply if that person grossly neglects his duty of education by offering, giving, or making them accessible.

or humanoid beings


I really want to make a racist joke here but instead I'm going to actually answer the question. If you say "No, they're not human, they're X-men, mutants, not humans, they just look identical, so beating out the Jewish one's brain with a nazi helmet is totally legit" they can still lock you up.

You're not allowed to depict violence against it lizard people overlords.

Germans are preparing in advance for the furry uprising.

At least someone is taking this degeneracy seriously

I'm guessing this is for if people pull the inevitable "the toddlers being mutilated in by erotic visual novel are actually elven cyborgs that are 10,000 years old, they aren't human so I'm not breaking the law technically!" excuse.

No it's really because reddit is retarded, some German government institution complained to reddit about that subreddit, and they response was to fucking ban it because whoever their lawyer was at the time was a fucking retard and told them that reddit would be banned completely in Germany.

Meanwhile Germany is probably one of the few countries left in Germany where the biggest ISPs haven't been forced to ban torrent sites and whatnot, because the German government DOESNT FUCKING HAVE ANY SORT OF WAY TO ACTUALLY BAN WEBSITES COUNTRYWIDE!

So reddit could have just told the BPJM to fuck off and all would have been fine.

At least they fixed the bug recently were any subreddit starting with watchpeopledie would be unaccessible here (such as /r/watchpeopledieinside)

Lmao, Germany is close to the worst in terms of internet freedom. Saying there are only a few better than Germany in terms of internet freedom isn't very correct, sorry. Pretty sure Estonia has the biggest internet freedom at the moment.

*Western European (those that count for comparison of first world countries). Better?

*Western European (those that count for comparison of first world countries). Better?


Well, one thing in German internet is absolute shit, and it's the fact that you cannot stream or torrent anything really. Friends of mine have gotten letters telling them to stop illegally streaming shows on the internet. Torrenting would get you a huge fine.

Yeah but that's private lawyers sending letters to private citizens or companies, you can still access anything you want.

Compared to UK, France, Netherlands and idk what other countries, where sites like thepiratebay are actually blocked by ISPs by government mandate the Internet is free as fuck here.

Just use a VPN when torrenting, you should use one anyway so the NSA can't look at the dickpics you send.

Yeah but that's private lawyers sending letters to private citizens or companies, you can still access anything you want.

Some countries don't put up with shit like that.

Internet is free as fuck here.

Don't delude yourself. Germany is just one point behind of US.

Just use a VPN when torrenting, you should use one anyway so the NSA can't look at the dickpics you send.

"Internet is free as fuck" lmao

Too bad /r/watchniggersdie got closed. Vice would have loved it.

Seriously, /r/drama's discussion of this was nowhere near the discussion on /r/watchpeopledie or /r/morbidreality.

Lol, i didn't even see the video here, i saw it there first. There was also another video of some girl crying while 2 dudes were talking? Idk. Sad though, dude put up a tarp and everything and still managed to get brain matter on the ceiling.

That place might get banned too. Mods just posted something about being under review.

So a kid gets shown committing suicide but the hundereds of other kids in other countries who are shown being brutally tortured and murdered do not get any media coverage at all? So from my understanding, all the people who are suddenly bleeding hearts care only for a certain groups or class of children, not when some dump like Mexico flays a teen alive next to his father /s. This is an obviously biased move on the part of the media and the jerkoffs who wrote articles about watchpeopledie. Let it be known that unless you’re a kid who lives in a 1st world country, the media and the authors of those asinine articles could care less about you.

This subreddit shines a light on the atrocities and human right violations that occur every day in this world. By censoring it, the videos will just be available elsewhere in much more depraved and sociopathic websites which will surely have a negative impact on minors who are curious about this stuff. At least here, most of the comments are empathizing with the victims and their families. Sure, this subreddit has some off color jokes, however, sometimes humor is a way of coping with tragedy and the mods do a great job of deleting comments that are completely out of line.

Moving forward, my only thought would to not allow such off color jokes since we have to live in such a ridiculous PC culture that has to cry over every little thing.

MARK MY WORDS banning this subreddit only routes traffic to sites that are even worse that will have an adverse effect on younger viewers who are secretly looking at death material online. You will send them to half pornographic/half death sites and if that’s what you want then so be it. Censoring this content will give the murderers the upper hand, being able to kill and torture anyone without the world knowing what is really going on.

thank you for pushing to have everyone’s fucking head in the sand

Didn't even bother to call us a crypto-hate sub smh

Seriously, how often do you have to call for a genocide to get some recognition in the media.

mayocide when

a subreddit with more than 50,000 subscribers that specializes in laughing at retards

I wish we knew that retard's username so we could ping him.

"inter-sectionalist dyke uses her position of privileged and institutional power to moderate reddit from her office at VICE news"

Jeez I wonder why VICE went from beloved war correspondence to hated alt-left tabloid?

And before war correspondence it was a place to make fun of people and learn how to eat pussy and do drugs better.

I wonder why VICE went from beloved war correspondence to hated alt-left tabloid?

(((HBO money)))

Couldn't even be bothered to put a screenshot of the comments smdh

Because they couldn't find anything there to justify their agenda. They also forgot to mention the post on /r/watchpeopledie. We're guilty of being perceived as a right leaning sub because we decide to not be overtly polite to the point of being disingenuous.

Well, it was nice knowing ya all. We got negative mainstream press, which means - we're probably fucked.

I just wanted to thank r/drama mod team, Toasty Ed, The_Rachel and fine users of r/drama chat for everything. 😘

me too thanks :(

I hope this dumbass article kills this sub. Would be the perfect ending to go out via outrage b8 article.

Not good enough. I want unironic irl protests in response to our mayocide advocacy.

Jesus the dude who wrote that sounds like such an insufferable dweeb.

Which one of you faggots is (((Emanuel Maiberg))) ?

Probably that ama from trollx

You should be ashamed of yourself u/xNotch.



Inb4 /r/drama gets b&

Also, hi mom!

doesn't vice know that there is LITERALLY a sub for watching people die

shhhhhhhhh we are getting outted hard over there. Go say positive things about watchpeopledie plz. :)

Wait they didn’t see /r/watchpeopledie? ThTs like a floating raft of reddit violations.

I watched the video in an attempt to find out if it is real, or a hoax.

No because Vice likes to watch white men die. We already knew that though.

The top post on r/Drama right now, a subreddit with more than 50,000 subscribers that specializes in highlighting terrible things on the internet

We make fun of stupid people on reddit, right?

I think they're saying we 'highlight terrible things' by actually saying them in our posts.

At least that's how i'm taking it. Fuck those fags.

We might be terrible, but at least we aren't those stupid fucking hipsters.

or furries.


I like to think we highlight extraordinary things

imagine taking time out of your day to write this article

I've got to know. Why the hell did he even come to this sub? Is he a user here? Does he occasionally look for something to write about from here? The fact he even used something he found from r/drama just kinda....says everything about his "journalism".

Why the hell did he even come to this sub? Is he a user here? Does he occasionally look for something to write about from here?

This sub isn't really that well known, so I'm guessing it caught someone's eye when they were pinged here and called retarded.

Some SRS cunt tipped em off I bet!


more like the admins. This is not good publicity for us lol

the man in it at some point holds up a piece of paper calling out /r9k/, a 4chan forum dedicated to sharing personal stories.

well thats one way to describe it i guess

Much like /pol/ can be described as a forum dedicated to political discussion.

2 articles singling out /r/drama now? Is this how drama was kill?


Was hoping he would at least quote some of our riveting commentary on the suicide.

Either r/Drama's moderators or Reddit itself will remove the post or its content. That does not change the fact that it was up on the site for at least nine hours, for anyone to see.


hope this shithole of a sub gets banned tbh

HI MOM!!! 🙋‍♀️


does somebody have a mirror or can we restore the original post

I found the mirror nvrmind

Ban hammer incoming

Emanuel Maiberg, can you not lurk our sub you rat faced cunt, go find your own news stories.

Can you imagine waking up every morning, looking in the mirror, and thinking to yourself “what am I going to write about in Vice this week.” Fuck me Is anything more depressing than that?

Well, if the video convinces Vice employees to kill themselves, then at least some good will have come of this.

If anyone at vice is reading this thread you can pay me half of what you paid the guy to write this and I'll deliver a better a 4 year English degree (no proof) and several mixed race children in an open marriage to take care of....respond quick very desperate to escape student loans...... :)

That feeling when you realize that literally every person that writes for mainstream journalism outlets uses Reddit religiously and is obsessed with the culture war on Reddit

Very Idiotic Cancerous Enterprise

These niggas never heard of r/watchpeopledie;


checks out

"a subreddit that posted images of corpses and people harming animals." I'm glad that the zombies and the humans are finally getting together to do something worthwhile.

are these the children of those perl clutching mothers i remember making fun of over 10 years ago? is the first thing you do when you leave linda and johnathan’s christian household is get a journalism “job” and write about how degenerative problematic shit people post on the internet is? it’s pretty sad c3bh.

remember to turn on adblock

Fuck you Vice! Why don't you stick to doing documentaries about cool shit and let the internet be. Who are you, the fucking morality police? Kindly go fuck yourself.

Ok it’s not like we were being disrespectful. Home boy obviously was ok with people watching him die.

Hey Vice, fuck you. Go back to making documentaries about drugs and what a shithole Liberia is.

Hopefully this is what gets this sub finally banned.

I never saw that

12000 civilians leaving a Syrian town

Nafta negotiations

Turkeys war on Syiran Kurds

Israel african migrants

Reddit drama


Figures that a women like him would fear the rise of male sexual independence.

SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT r/watchpeopledie YOU ARE GOING TO GET IT BANNED. >.< I don't want to pay money to go back to documentingreality thx!

I am 100 percent sure that the video is awful and has fucked up the rest of my day.


Can someone link me the video?

Check the 4th link in the stickied comment here.

a subreddit with more than 50,000 subscribers that specializes in highlighting terrible things on the internet


Imagine the conversations at Vice:

"Hey I'm the guy who reports on Syria. So what do you do?"

"I uh, report on reddit"


U dun goofd now boyos

got ur gay mom on a vice lol

a subreddit with more than 50,000 subscribers that specializes in highlighting terrible things on the internet

Wow. Why does Vice hate bussy so much?

oh shit we famuz

stickied comment


Why was this video interesting enough to get to the top of r/drama?