SanctionedSuicide: banned

63  2018-03-15 by DowntownWrongdoer



When did this happen?

One day ago. It says on the ban page silly.

Woah look at Mr. SmartButt™ over here with all his intellectual sass


Gotcha thanks.


My frozen peaches are thawing.

If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, there are resources that can help. If you are in the US, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255), 24 hours a day, everyday. If you are outside the US, the International Association for Suicide Prevention maintains a country-by-country list of crisis centers that you can contact for help.

The admins are such queers.

Good thing they removed the place where they felt comfortable discussing their problems, I'm sure that will help lol

Umm no, it was a place that encouraged it. Fucking dumbass

It was a place for ppl who already decided to off themselves to at least be able to discuss what they feel you retard

implying encouraging suicide is bad

I think you're confusing /r/SanctionedSuicide with /r/drama.

Honestly, when I had suicidal episode, this was the place that helped me the most (not to do it) because I could relate to someone. This sub is one of the reasons Im still alive, no matter how ironic it may sound.

Right? Here, I'll remove the one place you can talk about your feelings and redirect you to some garbage hotline that does more harm than good. Gud jab.

I liked that place though



111!! = 3.853986162502647e+90

No WhoaItsAFactorial. Not now.

good bot 3!

Do it yourself, smart guy.

Can you be my wife's bull?


I don't think admins care that much /r/drama being pro-suicide. But we better not post a star wars spoilers since that is a concerning topic for admins.

They blow up the Death Star.

Whoops, spoil'd

No, reddit is ran like a corrupt 3rd world police department--bust a small time dealer, while the rest of them go on as normal

What was this sub all about? I missed it.

Going against the grain of "suicide is always 100% no matter what in every circumstance totally wrong despite anything you can possibly ever think of"

Encouraging its users to commit suicide.

No, no it was not. I was an active user and it wasn't like that at all.

It was a pro-suicide subreddit, where users posted their suicide notes before they committed suicide. You do understand how that would encourage suicide, right?

It was pro-suicide in the way that we didn't preach, "your life is totally worth living!", bullshit you hear from places like SuicideWatch and Depression subreddits.

You are a fuckwit



It is wrong, always!

Oh fucking hell! I liked that sub!

more upset about this than any of the other subreddit bans, im all the way up to mildly annoyed about this

That’s fucking retarded. I’m actually pissed off.