*Bridge Collapses*, multiple people are dead. BLAME THE CHINSE STEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL ITS WAS THE CHINSE FAULT! -Mike Cernovich

54  2018-03-15 by wazzupnerds


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Desperate times call for desperate tweets.

I'm glad we're getting to the (((root))) of the problem.

Thucking Thinese Theel.


It's totally that and nothing to do with it being a uniquely installed modular bridge. Thilly Thernovith

Hey don't make fun of one of your tribe members.

He's not a Thew

Cernovich was born on November 17, 1977.[16] He grew up in a devout Christian family

this ones on u, buster


I'd rather not, he's an embarrassment.

That's like saying you're 1/32nd Native American

It's a weird thing to claim for someone in his position and he does have the look.

You tried 🙄

God this is why i hate non-traditionalists. There's literally nothing wrong with the current bridge-design scene.

Does he think most steel used in America is still made at the ol' mill up the river where grandpappy used to work?


And the other 30% is mostly Canada/EU/Brazil/SK/Taiwan, anyway

Hmm. Maybe I've just been working for companies with really low standards.

Who else would hire you

Harsh but fair

That was a deliberate setup, right?

Self-deprecation comes naturally to me


Taiwan exports steel? Well I'll be damned. I thought the island is already depleted of natural resources.

I'm not really familiar with Taiwan's resources etc, but you don't need to have large iron deposits to be an exporter of steel. They might instead take steel/iron from other countries and add some value to them, either by alloying them, or taking steel stock and machining it into something else. That's more likely I think.

Or take the case of countries that smelt certain ores into metals or alloys not having the ores, but rather cheap sources of electricity for the smelting process.

They might instead take steel/iron from other countries and add some value to them, either by alloying them, or taking steel stock and machining it into something else. That's more likely I think.

Likely. Taiwan has a lot of industries that do processing raw materials.


So China.

Most people probably did.

Lmao! Old grandpappy's mill hahaha. Thanks for the laugh 😄

Chchchcchynese did it!!

So what Harbor Freight builds bridges now?


Shoulda bought two bridges.

Everyone knows you always buy 2 of the thing you need at harbor freight because the first one is gonna break.

Then wait for the second one to break. Then take your cheap ass to Lowe’s and buy something that will last for years.

Gotta rev up those "blame it on foreigners" engines early on this one. It's a two-for-one also since you can blame it on both Chinese steel AND illegal construction workers!

Founded in 1983, MCM is a family-owned construction company headquartered in South Florida with offices in Texas and Panama. The firm specializes in general building and heavy civil construction, focusing on aviation, education, government facilities, transportation, roads and bridges, and commercial buildings.

MCM is an ISO 9001:2008 company and is certified as a minority-owned firm with the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council. For more information, visit www.mcm-us.com.

This is the future gringo, get used to it!

Lol I embrace this future. I'm no fucking gringo haha

Anyway no illegal would intentionally build a shoddy bridge on Calle Ocho next to FIU because the chances of it crushing a mayo instead of a Latino in that area are tiny lmao

oh nobody said anything about it being intentional amigo

blames construction materials and not engineers or managers

lol bridges confirmed as designing themselves

I see this as a consequence of lost integrity, practiced gleefully by unqualified individuals who consider protocols and best practices a joke. A symptom of an Obama era.

all obama wanted to do was bomb the shit out of the middle east why you gotta blame the poor guy for everything

Some retarded fag in those replies actually said Q predicted this.

And whose fault is it for using “cheap Chinese steel”?